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South Kitsap FFA Meeting October 13, 2011. To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities and develop those qualities.

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Presentation on theme: "South Kitsap FFA Meeting October 13, 2011. To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities and develop those qualities."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Kitsap FFA Meeting October 13, 2011

2 To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.

3 Old Business Cispus Blue and Gold Sweatshirts

4 New Business Dues and Stars –Dues $20 pay to SKHS ASB –Bring receipt to advisor and fill out a membership form FFA Field Trip Seattle October 20 th –Must be a member and permission slips are due October 18 th. FFA Website –

5 New Business Dist 2 skating: Cancelled for now! Food Challenge- Fruit Roll-ups must have 8 in a box need 300 boxes Fire Wood Fundraising for FFA Blood Drive SKHS November 16 th

6 New Business Pumpkin Carving –10/31 @ 2pm SKHS in room 268 –Bring a pumpkin District 2 Meeting: Van leaves @ 3 –November 9 th @ 5pm at Auburn Mt. View –Permission Slips Due November 7 th Next meeting –November 17 th 6pm @ CLC

7 Animals for Spring Fair Nitty Gritty Boarding Contracts Contracts of Understanding Breeder Questions Money due for pigs November 4 th Pig Lottery-End of November Lambs: Not at farm


9 The purpose of prepared public speaking is to help develop agricultural leadership. You give your speech in front of a small audience. The speech should be 6 to 8 minutes long. The speech should be about a current agricultural-related topic. After your speech is done, you will be asked questions relating to your speech.

10 Scoring You are scored on your manuscript Your appearance and your voice The content of the speech And your answers to the questions you are asked. You will lose points if you go over time or under time

11 South Kitsap Forestry CDE

12 The team practices every Wed In Room 269 And has about 5 competitions Every year The team practices every Wed In Room 269 And has about 5 competitions Every year

13 Parliamentary Procedures The purpose of the Parliamentary Procedure CDE is to encourage students to learn to effectively participate in a business meeting and to assist in the development of their leadership, research and problem solving skills.

14 THE FFA CREED BY: E.M TIFFANY “I Believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds.”

15 The Creed This is a single member event The purpose of the Creed speaking CDE is to develop the public speaking abilities of 7th, 8th and 9th grade FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in the FFA degree program

16 Extemporaneous Public Speaking

17 General Information In the Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE event, participants are given 30 minutes to give a speech on a previously assigned agricultural topic.

18 Livestock Judging CDE Event

19 General Information In the Livestock Judging CDE event, multiple teams of judges, decide how they would rate individual animals against others in the class based on quality, size, and market or breeding readiness

20 Meats

21 The Meat Contest is a learning experience designed to train youth in the following: Identification and selection of quality meat cuts. Selection of the proper cooking method. Carcass evaluation with emphasis on utilization of information in a herd improvement program.

22 Dairy

23 Judge Dairy Cattle Evaluate strengths and weaknesses Communicate their assessment

24 Rituals Team of six members Opening and closing ceremonies Problem solving

25 First Year Greenhand CDE Group of 3-5 Group Test (with materials) Group problem solving activity

26 Horse Judging FFA CTE

27 Trips! In this CTE we travel to various county fairs. We go anywhere from Chelan to Moses Lake, and everything in-between.

28 Judging The actual judging part of this CTE is very basic. You will have 6 classes. In each class you will be shown 4 horses and must place them in the order you see fit!

29 Oral reasons For oral reasons, you are told the class that it will be about and after you must speak to judges about your order and why you chose it. It only takes about 60 seconds!

30 State! This year at our state competition we traveled to Othello. We placed 4 th in WA state. As a team we put our heads together to reach this goal.

31 DQ!!! This is a very important part of every adventure we as a team take. It is a complete must, and is attended after every judging!

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