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Today we will be learning: to use all four number operations to solve money problems to find a small difference by counting on.

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2 Today we will be learning: to use all four number operations to solve money problems to find a small difference by counting on.

3 Mental Activity Practise subtraction facts to 20.

4 Work out the answer before the question disappears.

5 18 – 6 15 minus 7 17 – 9 8 less than 19 13 subtract 5

6 What is the difference between 26 and 29? Count on to find the answer. 2629 3 29 - 26 = 3

7 More subtractions using number lines. Top Tip Don’t forget to count on to the nearest multiple of 10.

8 1725 Where shall we jump to first? 20 Try this: 25 – 17 = Now we can jump to 25. 3 + 5 = 53 How many have we counted on altogether? 8 8

9 1730 Where shall we jump to first? 20 Now try this: 38 – 17 = Now where shall we jump? 103 38 8 How many from 30 to 38? 3 + 10 + 8 = 21 How many have we counted altogether? 21

10 2840 Where shall we jump to first? 30 Work this out: 46 – 28 = Now where shall we jump? 102 46 6 How many from 40 to 46? 2 + 10 + 6 =18 How many have we counted altogether? 18

11 Main Activity Today we are going to solve number problems involving money.

12 Joanna buys: a bag of crisps a chocolate bar an apple 18p 7p 15p

13 addition 18p + 15p + 7p = What number operation do we use to work this out? 18p 7p 15p 40p How much money does she spend?

14 Joanna paid with a fifty pence piece. How much change did she get? 50p – 40p =10p What number operation do we use to work this out? subtraction

15 Patrick buys five bars of chocolate. 5 x 15 =75p What is the total cost? multiplication 15p each What number operation do we need to use?

16 Errol buys three packets of crisps from another shop.

17 He pays 60 pence altogether. How much was one packet of crisps? 60 3 =20p What number operation do we need to use? division

18 Group Work Adding up prices, two items at a time. Work on shopping.

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