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Development of Showmanship Clinics Texas 4-H and Youth Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Showmanship Clinics Texas 4-H and Youth Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Showmanship Clinics Texas 4-H and Youth Development

2 Objectives Overview Needs Assessment/Identifying your “Team” Developing the Clinic The Clinic Itself On a Side Note Texas 4-H and Youth Development

3 Overview Need for project and/or showmanship clinics across the state Serve as a way to build confidence in younger exhibitors and hone the skills of more experienced showmen A strong county livestock project clinic also builds a relationship between the agent and the families in the county Allows the agent to see multiple projects at one given time. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

4 Needs Assessment/Identifying your “Team” First step in developing a project/showmanship clinic is to determine what specie needs the clinic the most. The specie that has the most new feeders would be a good project clinic to start with. Ask co-workers, volunteer leaders, fair boards, livestock committees, review past entry trends, etc to determine trends in new youth participating in shows Doing this can help identify task forces for developing these clinics Creating a team, greatly reduces the leg work and creates buy-in from key people who can help you recruit speakers, participants, and sponsors. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

5 Developing the Clinic Once target specie and audience is determined, type of clinic that will be conducted must be decided Project clinics can take the form of a short clinic during major show entry nights, a clinic at a fair project meeting, or an in-depth clinic that lasts for several hours. Can also be a short lecture or hands on with activities and live animals Texas 4-H and Youth Development

6 Developing the Clinic Important to decide what topics will be presented, who will be speaking, if live animals will be there, what resources will be used, cost, and sponsors. Most project clinics (for any specie) cover the following basic topics: –Selection –Facilities –Feeding/Nutrition –Disease Recognition/Medication –Daily Care and Management –Grooming –Preparation for Show –Showmanship –Quality Counts (see references) Texas 4-H and Youth Development

7 Developing the Clinic Multiple resources are available when developing a clinic Common speakers include other County Extension Agents/Ag Science teachers from surrounding counties that have specie specific expertise, Extension specialists, or the agent personally. Special attention should be paid to the date so it does not interfere with anything else. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

8 The Clinic Itself An agenda should be available, a sign-in sheet, and any additional resources ready for pick up. Good idea to provide any power points, handouts from the speaker, and the Texas 4-H Project guides to clinic participants. Always prepare for the unexpected Good idea to have an extra computer, projector, screen, extension cords, power strips, and extra handouts If animals are being brought, make sure that stalls and pens are available. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

9 On a Side Note Participation at project clinics can vary greatly. Some ways of encouraging attendance can include: –Clinic tee shirts –Door prizes –Free items (donated feed from local feed stores, halters, show bats, collars, chains, etc) –Well known/highly visible speakers Most important thing is to have a high quality, educationally useful clinic. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

10 Overview Needs Assessment/Identifying your “Team” Developing the Clinic The Clinic Itself On a Side Note Texas 4-H and Youth Development

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