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1 RFG Overview ASAS-TN Malmö 26-28 September 2005 Jörg Steinleitner CASCADE Infrastructure WP Leader, EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RFG Overview ASAS-TN Malmö 26-28 September 2005 Jörg Steinleitner CASCADE Infrastructure WP Leader, EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 RFG Overview ASAS-TN Malmö 26-28 September 2005 Jörg Steinleitner CASCADE Infrastructure WP Leader, EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

2 2 RFG in a Nutshell The RFG is a pragmatic international working arrangement EUROCAE, RTCA, Eurocontrol, FAA, Australia, Japan Defining the requirements for a first package of “ADS-B out” and “ADS-B in” applications Developing SPR & INTEROP documents for publication by EUROCAE WG51/RTCA SC-186: Means of compliance for airworthiness & operational approval As input for (updates of) MASPS and MOPS Providing material to and liaising with ICAO “Now” implementation oriented, flexible and adaptive

3 3 RFG Approach Use of two key references: CARE/ASAS: “Description of a first package of GS/AS applications” EUROCAE ED78A/RTCA DO-264: “Guidance Material for Approval of Air Traffic Services supported by Data Communication” Organised as plenary group and three sub-groups: Application Definition SG (further sub-divided in three task forces)  Operational Service and Environment Definition (OSED) document Safety and Performance Requirements SG  SPR document Interoperability Requirements SG  INTEROP document Involvement of all relevant stakeholder categories: Industry, ANSP, Airspace Users, Safety, Standardisation, Certification

4 4 (Revised) Working Arrangements SYS OPS SPR 2 nd phase ASOR Tech Performance + Performance Allocation SPR SG OSED INTEROP 1 st phase INTEROP 2 nd phase OHA Ops Performance SPR 1 st phase Key feedback towards validated OSED feedback towards validated OSED AD SG INTEROP SG

5 5 Application Batches ADS-B-NRA - Enhanced ATS in non-radar areas ASPA-S&M - Enhanced sequencing and merging operations ADS-B-RAD - Enhanced ATS in radar areas ATSA-VSA - Enhanced visual separation on approach ATSA-ITP - In-trail procedure in oceanic airspace ATSA-SURF - Enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface ADS-B-APT - Airport surface surveillance ADS-B-ADD - Aircraft derived data for ground tools ATSA-AIRB - Enhanced traffic situational awareness during flight operations Note: ASPA-C&P effectively dropped from current work programme

6 6 Overall Status First of all: RFG is very well recognised now ! Stabilised working arrangements & methods Good participation from all relevant stakeholder categories Additional effort is always welcome – interested parties join ! Links well established to: Implementation activities (Europe, US, Australia) Validation activities (eg. CASCADE CRISTAL) ICAO (SASP, OPLINK, SCRSP) (Initial) rule-making processes (JAA/EASA) EUROCAE/RTCA SPR & INTEROP publication process soon to be initiated for first application (ADS-B-NRA)

7 7 Status: ADS-B-NRA & ADS-B-RAD ADS-B-NRA – “fast-track” GSA application: In support of near-term implementations SPR challenge: harmonisation of EUR & US OPA/OSA approaches INTEROP development – truly fast-tracked ADS-B-NRA SPR and INTEROP documents due for submittal to RTCA/EUROCAE FRAC (approval target date: Feb ’05) RFG approval at RFG/7 meeting (10-13 October) Strong link established to related ICAO activities ADS-B-RAD will benefit at very large from NRA work: SPR and INTEROP to be swiftly produced on back of NRA work

8 8 Status: ASPA-S&M “Fast-track” ASA application: Effectively the only (remaining) RFG Spacing application Most demanding application, both procedural & system related SPR challenge: harmonisation of EUR & US safety methodologies OPA work needs to address surveillance as well as operational performance aspects Freezing of current OSED and SPR material Final updates pending further on-going validation activities INTEROP document to be developed when final OSED/SPR available ASA common matter: identification of target aircraft Issue: relationship with UPS Merging & Spacing activities

9 9 Status: ATSAW Applications (1/2) ATSA-VSA: First ATSAW application to be subject to SPR process Mature OSED subject to 1 st ATSAW OHA workshop (RFG/6) Fully fletched SPR process to start after 2 nd OHA workshop (RFG/7) SPR work largely benefiting from S&M pioneering ATSA-ITP: Moved up on RFG priority lists due to interest of key stakeholders Swift, efficient and high-quality OSED development process 1 st OHA workshop to take place at RFG/7 Old habits (or sometimes names) die hard RFG material considered by ICAO NAT ATMG as starting point for an ICAO developed procedure

10 10 Status: ATSAW Applications (2/2) ATSA-SURF: Mature draft available since February 2005 New co-editors picked-up work again recently OSED update and issues subject to RFG/7 ops workshop ATSA-AIRB: OSED describes 3 sub-applications with differing degrees of maturity Enhanced flight operations related to other traffic Enhanced visual acquisition for see-and-avoid Enhanced TIBA (Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft) OSED subject to operational workshop at RFG/7 Towards a more precise definition of procedures

11 11 Status: Remaining GSA Applications ADS-B-APT: Mature draft OSED available since February ’05 Coverage of A-SMGCS level 1 and “ADS-B only” environments SPR background work (A-SMCGS level 1) available to RFG Next steps: reinforce OSED and initiate SPR work ADS-B-ADD: The “funny bird” of the RFG application set OSED effectively to be a list of candidate ADD’s SPR document to point to existing (non-RFG) material & evidence INTEROP document to list the “implementable” ADD set

12 12 Conclusions RFG well recognised and “steaming” ahead Well established within overall standardisation context Providing key deliverables for initial ADS-B implementations “Fast-track” application work laying the foundation: Forming the team and its working processes Next batch applications largely benefit from initial work ADS-B-NRA SPR and INTEROP due to be FRAC’ed Other applications (GSA & ATSAW) to follow swiftly ASPA-S&M requiring further validation & subject to considered harmonisation with UPS M&S implementation activities RFG is there for ADS-B implementers – join the team !

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