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School-Based Action Research. Action Research Type of practitioner research. Type of practitioner research. Used to improve the one's practice. Used to.

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Presentation on theme: "School-Based Action Research. Action Research Type of practitioner research. Type of practitioner research. Used to improve the one's practice. Used to."— Presentation transcript:

1 School-Based Action Research

2 Action Research Type of practitioner research. Type of practitioner research. Used to improve the one's practice. Used to improve the one's practice. Main reason teachers engage in action research is to understand and improve their own teaching activities. Main reason teachers engage in action research is to understand and improve their own teaching activities. Teacher is at the center of action research. Teacher is at the center of action research.

3 Action Research Also known as: Also known as: teacher research.teacher research. practitioner inquiry.practitioner inquiry. teacher’s professional development.teacher’s professional development. teacher as researcher.teacher as researcher. teacher self evaluation.teacher self evaluation.

4 Good Action Research is systematic systematic problem based problem based data based data based characterized by a valid approach. characterized by a valid approach. It shares these characteristics with other forms of research. It shares these characteristics with other forms of research.

5 Action research differs form other research because: It aims to find and correct problems of practice. It aims to find and correct problems of practice. It is designed, conducted, and interpreted by the teacher researcher. It is designed, conducted, and interpreted by the teacher researcher. It is value-based rather than value neutral in approaching a study. It is value-based rather than value neutral in approaching a study.

6 Reflection Most useful reflections are those grown with tangible data. Most useful reflections are those grown with tangible data. Reflections in and after classroom activities have limited usefulness other than for forming problems to investigate. Reflections in and after classroom activities have limited usefulness other than for forming problems to investigate.

7 Four steps of action research Problem or topic identification. Problem or topic identification. Data gathering. Data gathering. Analyze and interpret data. Analyze and interpret data. Develop action plan. Develop action plan.

8 Topics Practice driven. Practice driven. Typical topic prompts include:Typical topic prompts include: How can I improve… How can I improve… Can I make this better if I… Can I make this better if I…

9 Topics Narrow topics are more manageable than broad. Narrow topics are more manageable than broad.

10 Generalization beyond a particular classroom or school is not a major concern of most action research. Generalization beyond a particular classroom or school is not a major concern of most action research.

11 Data Tangible data help foster an objective perspective. Tangible data help foster an objective perspective.

12 Ways to improve data validity Allow students to respond anonymously to questionnaires. Allow students to respond anonymously to questionnaires. Build a comparison into data collection. Build a comparison into data collection. Develop criteria to identify and narrow the specific aspects of practice that will be examined. Develop criteria to identify and narrow the specific aspects of practice that will be examined.

13 Results of action research are used to plan steps needed to be taken to alter and improve practice. Results of action research are used to plan steps needed to be taken to alter and improve practice.

14 Quantitative aspects of validity Use clear criteria to focus data collection. Use clear criteria to focus data collection. Build a comparison into the study. Build a comparison into the study.

15 Qualitative aspects of validity Form validation groups. Form validation groups. Extent to which teachers and researchers in a group concur with the research results and changes in practice. Extent to which teachers and researchers in a group concur with the research results and changes in practice.

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