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The Monetization & Securitization of Credit Scores Schyller Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "The Monetization & Securitization of Credit Scores Schyller Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Monetization & Securitization of Credit Scores Schyller Hall

2 BORROWERSMALL BUSINESS OWNER Poor credit Wants lower rate Good credit Needs liquidity Wants some cash for startup (monthly income or lump sum) My Company provides both

3 650 FICO SCORE Qualifies for $100,000 Loan @ 10% 780 FICO SCORE Qualifies for $100,000 Loan @ 5% (If she so desired) Borrower Entrepreneur With Entrepreneur As Cosignatory: Borrower qualifies for: $100,000 Loan @ 7%

4 Borrower & Entrepreneur Together Borrower Qualifies for $100,000 Loan @ 7% Bank Loans My Company $100,000 @ 7% My Company Borrower My Company Lends Borrower $100,000 @ 8.5%

5 Savings And Payouts Borrower Entrepreneur @ 10%, 30-Year Loan, PMT= $877.57 @ 8.5%, 30-Year Loan, PMT= $768.91 What Borrower Would Have Paid What Borrower Actually Pays Over Life Of Loan: $39,117.60 My Company Lending @ 8.5%, receiving $768.91 Per Month Borrowing @ 7.0%, paying $665.30 Per Month PV of PMTs ( discounted 5% for 30 years ) : $8,630.29 My Company My Company gets a percentage of the spread Entrepreneur gets a percentage

6 Alternatively… Entrepreneur My Company Lending @ 8.5%, receiving $768.91 Per Month NPV of PMTs My Company My Company gets a percentage of the spread Sell the PV of This Stream of Cash Flows as some kind of ABS: Entrepreneur gets a percentage of the spread Borrowing @ 7.0%, paying $665.30 Per Month From here, I can transfer the obligation: Transferring the monthly payments of $665.30 to another in exchange for a lump sum, say, $45,000 to $50,000.

7 From Previous Page… My Company NPV of PMTs Entrepreneur My Company’s monthly incoming cash flows of $768.91 are sold as an ABS for $64,047.04. My Company’s monthly obligations of $665.30 are transferred another borrower who receives a sum of $50,000.

8 Other Options There are many other varieties in which the payments and cash flows could be structured, listed in the preceding slides are only a few of the possibilities.

9 Entrepreneur My Company Receives $10,000 – My Company’s fee (TBD) Ideally, cosignatory will successfully petition to remove him/herself from Loan after 2-3 years of consistent payments from Borrower. Rather than taking out a business loan on their own, this solution is advantageous because its essentially free money. Cosignatory receives financing without the requisite monthly payments. In Conclusion Borrower Homeowner receives a lower interest rate on his home mortgage. This is an easy sale, even if fees are assessed on a % loan value or a straight, fee, say $1,000. Paying $1000 now to save nearly $40,000 over the life of the loan Even for those who plan on moving within a few years, it the structure will pay for itself within a year. (in this example)

10 Additional Considerations  Contingencies for re-financing situations either for existing borrowers or first- time borrowers.  The potential for “entrepreneur” customers to use the process to accrue multiple lump sums of cash acting as cosignatory for multiple deals  Borrowers who require/request more than one cosignatory (possible?)  Many others that will doubtless merit further examination Again, this is a brief overview of the overall business process.

11 OR… Entrepreneur Lending @ 8.5%, receiving $768.91 Per Month NPV of PMTs My Company Sell the PV of This Stream of Cash Flows as some kind of ABS: Entrepreneur gets a percentage of the spread

12 650 FICO SCORE Qualifies for $100,000 Loan @ 10% Lends From Its Own Pocket $100,000 @ 8.5%, brokering a mortgage for 7% and pocketing the difference. Borrower Borrower receives better interest on his loan, I still make a profit, no need to sell any product to Entrepreneur…but returns are smaller, potentially less lucrative for investors. My Company OR…

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