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Internet Information Server Name : Yao Gu Date : 10-June-2000 COSC : 573.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Information Server Name : Yao Gu Date : 10-June-2000 COSC : 573."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Information Server Name : Yao Gu Date : 10-June-2000 COSC : 573

2 Introduction What is Internet Information Server? IIS is server software that is used to public information on an internal intranet or on the word-wide Internet.

3 The key feature of IIS are: Performance. File Publication. Security. Network Management. Support for common Internet Standard.

4 Part I Install IIS The IIS Integrated Services IIS is make up of three main Service protocols Hypertext Transfer Protocols(HTTP) File Transfer Protocol(FTP) Gopher service

5 Installing IIS In order to install IIS, you should first meet the following requirements: IIS requires NT Server 4.0 using TCP/IP. If you want Internet connectivity, you need some form of connection to the Internet

6 You need to be logged on with Administrator rights. (for example, a leased line from an Internet service provide (ISP). Your ISP will need provide you with an IP address, subnet mask, and a default gateway IP address)

7 Second hardware requirements: Minimum Recommended ______________________________________ CPU 486/50MHZ(min) Pentium 90MHZ RAM 16MB 32-64MB Free disk 50M 200MB space

8 Next you will begin installing IIS. After that your server can be configured to serve HTTP, FTP, and Gopher requests.

9 Part II Configuration of IIS Configure IIS through the Internet Service Manager, The Internet Service Manager can be used to start, stop, and pause the three services(WWW, FTP, Gopher) that make up IIS. You can also configure the properties of the:

10 WWW service FTP service Gopher service

11 WWW Service Service Properties : 1. TCP Port (default www uses port 80); 2. Connection Timeout (default value is 900 seconds). 3. Maximum Connection (default value

12 is 100,000 numbers). 4. Anonymous logon (by default the account will be IUSR_computer name). 5. Password Authentication.

13 Directories Properties 1. The directories that the WWW service will use 2. The alias or path for virtual directories 3. The IP address for virtual directories 4. Any errors associated with the published directories

14 Logging Properties 1. Log to File 2. Log to SQL(Structure Query Language) /ODBC(Open Data Base Connectivity) database

15 Advanced Properties 1. Granted Access 2. Denied Access

16 FTP service Service Messages Directories Logging Advanced

17 Service Properties 1. TCP port (default FTP server uses port 21) 2. Timeout (default is 900 seconds) 3. Maximum Connection ( default is 1000) 4. Allow Anonymous Connections 5.Comment

18 6. Current Sessions (currently connected FTP users.

19 Message properties 1. A welcome message that users see when they access your FTP site 2. An exit message that users see when the exit your FTP site.

20 3. A maximum connections message users see if the maximum connection have been exceeded.

21 Directories properties 1. The FTP directories that will be published. These can be located on the FTP server or they can be virtual directories. 2. The directory listing style you will use: UNIX or MS-DOS

22 Logging Properties and Advanced Properties as same as WWW service.

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