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Ch. 8: Modifying Group Games and Sport. disabled performers highlight Olympic cultural festival.

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1 Ch. 8: Modifying Group Games and Sport





6 disabled performers highlight Olympic cultural festival

7 Because...  Games are not sacred—kids are!  Games promote cooperation, leadership, problem-solving.  Games are for everyone!


9 We can modify any game, to suit anyone.  blind baseball, played with a beep ball   Beijing Paralympics women’s sitting volleyball

10 (Is the modification appropriate?)  All challenged, with potential for success  All safe  No negative effects on anyone  No undue burden on teacher

11 Gallaudet Dance Company (Gallaudet is only American university for people who can’t hear)


13 1. Understand game’s basic structure—6 aspects  1. Purpose or goal  Distance? Accuracy? Speed? Number of goals?  2. Players  How many? Group by gender? Size? Skill? Heterogeneous?  3. Movement  Quality (speed, force, flow)  Quantity (e.g., # reps, # goals, # times ball must be passed)  Sequence (if any)

14  4. Objects  How move in relation to object  Catch it? Throw it? Move under it? Over it?  How object moves student  E.g., scooterboard  How object propels other objects (e.g., bat)  How objects can gather other objects (glove, basket)

15  5. Organization  Of players (Circle? Line up? Teams?)  * Of objects (e.g., how many balls out at a time? Where to place targets, WO equipment?  Location (Gym? Outside? Classroom?)

16  6.Limits  Rules (e.g., only hit volleyball once)  Physical aspects of environment (e.g., height of baskets)  Activity conditions (e.g., distance to run on track)

17 2. Modify game’s basic structure  1. Analyze any game according to the 6 components  Start manipulating the components * 2. modify traditional game to focus on skill a player can do  Focus on passing in VB or BB  Double points for score if each person on a team touches ball

18 3. Manage degree of difficulty  Identify factors affecting performance  Remember GTA / STA: size of object, target; weight of implement, etc.  Diagram complexity spectrum  E.g.: Striking ComplexityBall speed EasyStationary HarderSlow-moving HardFast-moving



21 Oscar Pistorius (“Blade Runner”), Olympic runner with two prostheses



24 EXAMPLES OF COOPERATIVE GAMES  People of the Mountain (not King of the Mountain)  See how many people you can get ON the mountain  Musical Hoops (not Musical Chairs)  Remove one hoop each time music stops—must share hoops  Alaskan Rules Baseball (or Kickball)  Each player must touch the ball before the runner is called out  All line up behind person who catches ball, pass back

25  Amoeba Tag  Everyone tagged hangs on; “It” gets bigger and bigger  People to People  Pairs of students circle up, facing leader, who names two body parts, which partners must touch together (head / knee)  Leader continues to call parts—when “people to people” is called, everyone changes partners.  One with no partner is new leader  Play to a Tie  Sure, you play hard... But the game must end in a tie!

26 You want...  Any of the Cooperative Games books, by Terry Orlick  Any of the New Games books, by Dale LeFevre  Everyone Wins, by Josette Luvmore  Inclusive Games, by Susan Kasser

27   Murderball—wheelchair rugby (you should see the full movie of this)


29 IT’S MAGIC  Motivational  Age-Appropriate  Growth Oriented  Individualized  Comparable

30 Modifying games--STERF  Space  Time  Equipment  Rules / responsibilities  Force

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