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Primary Headteacher Report. January 2010. Methodology 8 Primary Schools both rural and urban Ranged from Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ to one just out of ‘special.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Headteacher Report. January 2010. Methodology 8 Primary Schools both rural and urban Ranged from Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ to one just out of ‘special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Headteacher Report. January 2010

2 Methodology 8 Primary Schools both rural and urban Ranged from Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ to one just out of ‘special measures’ Small and large schools One school has large numbers of EAL pupils Another has a large ‘traveller’ community Range of schools with SEN and FSM Interview with Headteacher and subject leader

3 Ethos and leadership Role of Headteacher critical Openness and honesty amongst staff One school uses ‘coaching’ extensively with all staff. VLE has chat rooms for staff. Subject leaders ‘passionate ‘ about the subject Varying amount of leadership time Local Authority support valued

4 Developing subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding Heart of school improvement Collaborative approach - working alongside, joint planning, team teaching Need to meet children's needs in flexible ways Plan from NNS, use commercial resources appropriately and lots of problem solving One term gathering information about curriculum area, next term responding to identified needs. Need to develop clarity about calculation policies

5 Working with local schools – lesson observation NCETM grant Extended CPD beneficial Use of NCETM self evaluation tool

6 Embedding the use and application of Mathematics Great need to embed this and cross curricula work Maths week Industry week – Dragons Den! Schools sharing data from traffic surveys Mathematics contexts/themes How to develop investigational approaches to core number work?

7 Engaging children in their own learning and personalised learning All Headteachers recognise the need to develop children's intrinsic motivation 5 ‘R’s resourceful, resilient, reflective, responsible and using reasoning Use of outside environment to motivate children Children choose homework POTTI -personal organisation time to improve

8 Intervention work should be short term and effective and so the programmes are carefully and regularly monitored Assessment at the START of unit as well as at end Role of APP Timetabled slots for teachers and TA’s to discuss

9 Class Organisation Approaches to setting Set for four days, 1 day mixed ability for problem solving activities Higher sets focus on more problem solving, lower sets basics

10 Using ICT to support learning Children using VLE’s from home ‘Overuse’ of IWB – need for more interactive approaches ITP use varies Use of ICT in cross curricula work- Google Earth to develop mathematical skills in geography

11 Working with parents All Headteachers recognise the importance of developing good parental links, especially with regard to mathematics Sessions to explain ‘modern methods’, leaflets home Sessions at the start of the day ‘Play and Stay’ Recording newsletters on to iPods KS1 set of activities and games sent out at the start of term VLE’s – the future?

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