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Cal-(IT) 2 : A Public-Private Partnership in Southern California UCSD CONNECT Leadership Council Invited Talk September 17, 2003 ResMed Facilities, Poway,

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Presentation on theme: "Cal-(IT) 2 : A Public-Private Partnership in Southern California UCSD CONNECT Leadership Council Invited Talk September 17, 2003 ResMed Facilities, Poway,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cal-(IT) 2 : A Public-Private Partnership in Southern California UCSD CONNECT Leadership Council Invited Talk September 17, 2003 ResMed Facilities, Poway, CA Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD

2 Where is Telecommunications Research Performed? A Historic Shift Source: Bob Lucky, Telcordia/SAIC U.S. Industry Non-U.S. Universities U.S. Universities Percent Of The Papers Published IEEE Transactions On Communications 70% 85%

3 Cal-(IT) 2 --An Integrated Approach the Future of the Internet 220 UC San Diego & UC Irvine Faculty Working in Multidisciplinary Teams With Students, Industry, and the Community The State’s $100 M Creates Unique Buildings, Equipment, and Laboratories

4 Two New Cal-(IT) 2 Buildings Are Under Construction Will Create New Laboratory Facilities –Interdisciplinary Teams –Wireless and Optical Networking –Computer Arts Virtual Reality –Clean Rooms for Nanotech and BioMEMS Bioengineering UC San Diego UC Irvine See for Live

5 The UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 Building Will Be Occupied in January 2005 Digital Cinema Auditorium Virtual Reality Cube Nanotech Clean Rooms RF and Optical Circuit Labs 200 Single Offices Hundreds of Collaborative Seats Watch us Grow! []

6 Cal-(IT) 2 Buildings Will Have Ubiquitous Tele-Presence Falko Kuester, UCI, Laboratory with Smart Boards and Optically Connected Large Screens

7 UC Irvine Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility and Cal-(IT) 2 Collaborate with Industry INRF Has History Of Collaboration With Industry Partners Joint Research With Faculty Shared Facility Available For Industry Use –Variable Rates Depending On Use And Collaboration By 2005, Clean Rooms Will Be Available in the UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 Building Industry And Venture Community Interest In Affiliation With Cal-(IT) 2 $1M $2M $3M $4M $5M Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Federal agencies Industry partners State funding Private foundations

8 Federal Grants Are Double Our Predicted Amount $ Total Federal Grants So Far $160M Industrial Funds $85M So Far 80% of Initial Funds Held In!

9 Cal-(IT) 2 and UCSD Helped Prototype New Broadband Cellular Internet Technology First US Taste of 3G Cellular Internet –UCSD Jacobs School Antenna –Three Years Before Commercial Rollout Linking to 802.11 Mobile “Bubble” –Tested on Campus CyberShuttle Verizon is Now in Final Tests Rooftop Qualcomm 1xEV Access Point Verizon Rollout Fall 2003 CyberShuttle March 2002 Installed Dec 2000

10 High Resolution, Low Jitter Video Diagnosis Tool Cal-(IT) 2, Qualcomm, Path 1, & UCSD Stroke Center End-to-End QoS Management Video Delivered Over CDMA 2000 1x EV-DO To Specialists Viewing Station –Standard Laptop With 1xEV-DO Modems Current Coverage 10 Mi. Around Campus Prototype Led to a $5-million, 5-Year Grant from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke

11 Using Students to Invent the Future of Widespread Use of Wireless Devices Broadband Internet Connection via Wireless Wi-Fi –Over 600 Access Points on the Campus Year- Long “Living Laboratory” Experiment 2001-02 –500 Computer Science & Engineering Undergraduates 300 Entering UCSD Sixth College Students—Fall 2002 Experiments with Geo-Location and Interactive Maps Cal-(IT) 2 Team: Bill Griswold, Gabriele Wienhausen, UCSD; Rajesh Gupta, UCI UC San Diego UC Irvine

12 SDSU Santa Margarita Field Station is a SensorNet Living Laboratory Sensor Networks = Real-Time Science and Education Sedra Shapiro, Field Stations Director Larry Smarr, Cal-(IT) 2 Director Pablo Bryant, FS Technical Lead Claudia Luke, SMER Manager Eric Frost, SDSU Prof. Dan Cayan, SIO Installing Water Sensors

13 Cal-(IT) 2 Homeland Security Experiments During Super Bowl 2003 Led to $12M NSF Award to UC Irvine and UC San Diego Announced This Week—”Responding to the Unexpected”

14 Cal-(IT) 2 is Prototyping the Future of Data-Intensive Science Cyberinfrastructure National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure Part of the UCSD CRBS Center for Research on Biological Structure NIH Plans to Expand BIRN to Other Organs and Many Laboratories UCSD is IT and Telecomm Integration Center

15 ½ Mile SIO SDSC CRCA Phys. Sci - Keck SOM JSOE Preuss 6 th College SDSC Annex Node M Earth Sciences SDSC Medicine Engineering High School To CENIC Collocation Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC; Greg Hidley, Cal-(IT) 2 Funded by NSF OptIPuter Grant and UCSD Chiaro Estara Juniper T320 The UCSD OptIPuter Deployment The Dedicated Optical Grid: OptIPuter Campus-Scale Experimental Network Forged a New Level Of Campus Collaboration In Networking Infrastructure

16 OptIPuter Metro-Scale Experimental Network Linked UCSD and SDSU –Dedication March 4, 2002 Linking Control Rooms Cox, Panoram, SAIC, SGI, IBM, TeraBurst Networks SD Telecom Council UCSD SDSU 44 Miles of Cox Fiber

17 Proposed OptIPuter Dedicated Optical Fiber National-Scale Experimental Network Source: John Silvester, Dave Reese, Tom West-CENIC “National Lambda Rail” Chicago OptIPuter Starlight NU, UIC SoCal OptIPuter USC, UCI UCSD, SDSU

18 OptIPuter Uses TransLight Lambdas to Connect Current and Potential International-Scale Partners Source: Tom DeFanti, UIC The OptIPuter Was Born Global! Starlight NU, UIC Univ. of Amsterdam NetherLight Current OptIPuter

19 Geography Underground Earth Sciences Neurosciences Anatomy Interactive 3D APPLICATIONS: How Can We Make Scientific Discovery as Engaging as Video Games? Source: Mike Bailey, SDSC

20 Cal-(IT) 2 Day@UCSD September 24, 2003 First-Ever Full-Day Cal-(IT) 2 Event Focused On UCSD Division Activities Technology Demonstrations & Discussions 450 People Pre-registered (Number Is Growing!) 24 Technical Talks 25 Demos 30 Posters 5 Tours Everyone Is Invited No Fee To Attend

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