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Term 4 2005 Creating and Supporting a Performance and Development Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Term 4 2005 Creating and Supporting a Performance and Development Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Term 4 2005 Creating and Supporting a Performance and Development Culture

2 Blueprint for Government Schools 1. Student Learning 2. A New Resource Allocation Model 3. Building Leadership Capacity 4. Creating and Supporting a Performance and Development Culture 5. Teacher Professional Development 6. School Improvement 7. Leading Schools Fund

3 Performance and Development Culture Strategy – Teacher effectiveness Integral to school improvement strategies Core business for organisational effectiveness Internal accountability Quality assurance - Accreditation

4 Why Performance and Development Culture in Schools? Variation in learning outcomes within schools Behaviour and attitude of teachers founded in practice Communities of practice  Norms of professional practice – expectations  Transparency of practice Internal accountability  Taking Responsibility  Reciprocity  Expectations about quality teaching and student performance  Processes by which we account for what we do

5 Performance and Development Culture in Schools ”The ethic of atomized teaching – teachers practicing as individuals with individual styles – is very strong in schools. We subscribe to an extremely peculiar view of professionalism: that professionalism equals autonomy in practice. So when I come to your classroom and say, “Why are you teaching in this way?” it is viewed as a violation of your autonomy and professionalism.” Richard Elmore Feb 2002

6 Performance and Development Culture in Schools “ A central part of the practice of improvement should be to make the connection between teaching practice and student learning more direct and clear.” Richard Elmore 2002 “Schools with strong internal accountability assign causality for their success or failure to themselves: to the knowledge and skill they bring to their work, to the power of shared values and to the capacities of their organisations.” Abelmann and Elmore 1999

7 Teacher Effectiveness Direct observation of teaching and learning Coaching focussed on the next level of work appropriate to that teacher Group work organised around observation of teaching and analysis of student work Focussed problem solving on teaching and learning issues emerging from student outcome data Problems of teaching and learning and teacher performance are deeply embedded in culture and cultural transformation must happen side by side and face to face

8 Key objectives – P&D Culture 1. Support key area of ‘Continuously Improving Schools’ 2. Improve student outcomes by identifying areas for improvement of individual teacher’s professional practice 3. Create a more enriching, supportive and motivating environment for staff

9 Steps in the Accreditation Process Self Assessment materials Online teacher survey Written application School decides not to proceed at this stage Verification Step One Verification Step Two Establishing Readiness ACCREDITATION

10 Establishing Readiness Self Assessment Framework Self Assessment Pack 1.Accreditation Readiness Questionnaire 2.Teacher Questionnaire 3.Documentation and Evidence Questionnaire Performance and Development Culture Statement

11 External Verification: Step One On-line staff survey (PDCQ) Completed by all teaching staff Data Report forwarded to Principal Data analysis to inform decision to proceed with accreditation

12 External Verification: Step Two Application supported by documentation & evidence: 5 elements: Describe current practice Evaluate that practice Provide sample documentation

13 Activity Choose one of the first four elements What is your school’s current practice? Evaluate the practice. What documentation could be provided? Record, discuss, note next steps

14 Resources Website Case Studies Application Guidelines PDCQ Sample Applications (Elements 1 – 5) Reference Schools Support schools seeking to achieve accreditation Assist in the development of materials and resources

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