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Collision Avoidance Aviation Safety-Education Seminar Presented By Wesley Treco Flight Training Manager Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

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Presentation on theme: "Collision Avoidance Aviation Safety-Education Seminar Presented By Wesley Treco Flight Training Manager Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collision Avoidance Aviation Safety-Education Seminar Presented By Wesley Treco Flight Training Manager Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

2 Introduction Collision avoidance is one of the most basic responsibilities of a pilot. Learn strategies and tactics to visually identify potential collision threats. Does anyone have a story to tell?

3 Agenda History of Mid-Air Collisions See and Avoid Physiology When and Where The Scan Phases of Flight Strategies

4 Overview General Aviation Safety is Improving –Mid-air collisions have not decreased Avoid mid-air collisions by effectively learning how to use our vision. Understanding how we see, where to look, and when to have heightened awareness are keys to survival.

5 History Airport and Airway Safety Expansion Act Air Carriers must have TCAS Air Carrier Mid-Air collisions? What about us? (General Aviation)

6 See and Avoid It does not matter if you are IFR or VFR Must become an attitude and a habit

7 Physiology Foveal Field –10 degree cone –80% of visual acuity –Aircraft in peripheral field need to be ten times closer than those in the foveal field Test your vision


9 Physiology Focus –Empty Field Myopia –Eyes relax 60 to 80 ft in front –Periodically force your eyes to focus on an object far away

10 Physiology Atmospheric Conditions –Haze, Open Water, Featureless Terrain Obscures distant objects making it difficult to focus –Sun Low on the horizon and dirty windscreens can reduce forward visibility to zero.

11 Physiology Optical Illusions –Converging Perspective Can cause incorrect altitude change Environmental Factors –Optimal physical performance Fatigue, Age, Blood Alcohol, Hypoxia What are your individual limitations?

12 When and Where Daylight, VFR, >5 miles visibility 10 a.m to 5 p.m. on weekends Summer Months Within 5 miles of an airport 77% below 3,000 ft. a.g.l. 49 % below 500 ft. a.g.l. Majority in traffic pattern on final

13 When and Where Less than 5% head on 82% overtaking convergence angles by faster aircraft 35% from straight behind

14 5% head-on 23.5% overtaking convergence angle 35% 0 to 10 degrees 23.5% overtaking convergence angle

15 When and Where Pilot Experience –Greatest percentage during first 100 hrs. –Majority during first 1000 hrs. –Complacency? Flight Training –Only 10% of pilots but 30% of MAC’s –TEACHING AND LEARNING IS AN ENORMOUS DISTRACTION!

16 The Scan Two techniques that allow the eye to have a few seconds of focus accommodation using segments of the horizon Side to Side Front to Side 80% outside 20% inside

17 Side To Side

18 Front To Side

19 Phases of Flight Approach and Landing –Funnel Effect –Greatest chance of survivability –Non-towered airports are the greatest risk Cruise –Inattention, Complacency, Low vigil, high closure rate

20 Phases of Flight Maneuvering –Formation Flying –Special Training and preparation –Use a safety pilot

21 Strategies Altitude –Use hemispherical rule during cruise above 3,000 ft AGL. –Below 3,000 ft AGL stagger by 100 ft increments. Train above 3,000 AGL.

22 Strategies Congested Airspace –Do not over fly VOR’s, Intersections, etc. –Contact FSS on status of special use airspace –Cross Military Training Routes at right angles –Four digits are below 1,500 ft. AGL –Three digits are above 1,500 ft. AGL

23 Strategies Lighting –Recognition lights can increase your visibility by a factor of 10! –Landing light for departure and arrival Sterile Cockpit –Direct your attention when you are within 20 miles of the airport. –First and last ten minutes of every flight.

24 Strategies Flight Following –Use ATC as an aid –SEE AND AVOID Use your radio wisely

25 Summary Skills to SEE and Avoid Teach at all levels of instruction Questions?

26 Sources AOPA Safety Advisor #4. FAA 8740-51 AFS 800-0687

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