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Published byJewel Carpenter Modified over 8 years ago
AdvancED District Accreditation Standards Assessment Report TUSCALOOSA COUNTY SCHOOLS Where Students Learn, Grow, and Achieve
Tuscaloosa County Schools 18 Elementary Schools 8 Middle Schools 6 High Schools 1 Regional Education Center 11 Title I Schools 18,000 Students 45% Free/Reduced Lunch 68% White 32 % Non-White 2,053 Employees Ninth Largest in State
Major Trends Impacting System The Lighthouse Project Adopt-A-School Program Alabama Reading Initiative Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative Aspiring Administrators’ Academy Holt Community Partnership Career Technical Education Growth Patterns/New Schools Technology Improvements
Strengths Leadership Teacher Quality Stakeholder Collaboration Challenging Curriculum Recruitment Community Partnerships Continuous Improvement Process
Needs Financial Stability Continued Improvement in Special Education Continued Progress in Reading and Math Increase Graduation Rate
Benefits of TCSS District Accreditation Common language of school improvement Continuity and collaboration Validation and recognition for improvement efforts System-wide approach to achieving results Alignment and coordination of all schools in the district Internationally recognized mark of quality
A School System not a System of Schools District Vision, Mission, Beliefs District Improvement Plan School Vision, Mission, Beliefs School Improvement Plan
Process Submitted Letter of Interest Hosted Readiness Visit Submitted letter of commitment Approved for Candidacy Standards Training Established District Leadership Team Established Standards’ Teams New Vision, Mission, Beliefs Collected Evidence and Evaluated Standards Completed SAR Host QAR team
TCSS Standards’ Team Leaders 1. Vision and Purpose/District Facilitator: Dr. Kathy Hilliker 2. Governance and Leadership: Dr. Steve Benson 3. Teaching and Learning/District Facilitator: Mrs. Amanda Cassity 4. Documenting and Using Results: Mrs. Andrea Hamner and Mrs. Gwen Harper 5. Resources and Support Systems: Mr. Pat Conner and Mrs. Ruth Graves 6. Stakeholder Communications and Relationships: Mr. John Merrill 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement: Dr. Barbara Spencer and Mrs. Pat Johnson Hospitality: Ms. Connie Clements
Standard 1: Vision & Purpose The district establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the district.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 1.1Establishes a vision and purpose for the system in collaboration with its stakeholders X 1.2Communicates the system’s vision and purpose to build stakeholder understanding and support X 1.3Identifies system-wide goals and measures to advance the vision X 1.4Develops and continuously maintains a profile of the system, its students, and the community X 1.5Ensures that the system’s vision and purpose guide the teaching and learning process and the strategic direction of schools, departments, and services X 1.6Reviews its vision and purpose systematically and revises them when appropriate X
Overall Assessment: Operational Surveyed stakeholders regarding instructional beliefs Reviewed previous Vision, Mission, Beliefs Created new Vision, Mission, Beliefs Continuous Improvement Plans The Lighthouse Project Parent/Student Information Guide State of the Schools Address TCSS Website
Standard 2: Governance & Leadership The system provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and system effectiveness.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system operates under the jurisdiction of a governing authority that: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 2.1Establishes and communicates policies and procedures that provide for the effective operation of the system X 2.2Recognizes and preserves the executive, administrative, and leadership authority of the administrative head of the system X 2.3Ensures compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, standards, and regulations X 2.4Implements policies and procedures that provide for the orientation and training of the governing board X 2.5Builds public support, secures sufficient resources, and acts as a steward of the system’s resources X 2.6Maintains access to legal counsel to advise or obtain information about legal requirements and obligations X 2.7Maintains adequate insurance or equivalent resources to protect its financial stability and administrative operations X 2.8Provides for systematic analysis and review of student performance and school and system effectiveness X 2.9Creates and supports collaborative networks of stakeholders to support system programs X 2.10Provides direction, assistance, and resources to align, support, and enhance all parts of the system in meeting organizational and student performance goals X 2.11Provides internal and external stakeholders meaningful roles in the decision- making process that promote a culture of participation, responsibility, and ownership X 2.12Assesses and addresses community expectations and stakeholder satisfaction X 2.13Implements an evaluation system that provides for the professional growth of all personnel X
Overall Assessment: Operational Establishment of Policies and Procedures Communication of Policies Implementation of Policies Data Collection: State Tools Data Collection: System Tools Data Analysis District Decision-Making Equity
Standard 3: Teaching & Learning The system provides researched-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 3.1Develops, articulates, and coordinates curriculum based on clearly- defined expectations for student learning, including essential knowledge and skills X 3.2Establishes expectations and supports student engagement in the learning process, including opportunities for students to explore application of higher order thinking skills and investigate new approaches to applying their learning X 3.3Ensures that system-wide curricular and instructional decisions are based on data and research at all levels X 3.4Supports instruction that is research-based and reflective of best practice X 3.5Supports a curriculum that challenges and meets the needs of each student, reflects a commitment to equity, and demonstrates an appreciation of diversity X 3.6 Allocates and protects instructional time to support student learning X 3.7 Maintains articulation among and between all levels of schooling to monitor student performance and ensure readiness for future schooling or employment X 3.8 Supports the implementation of interventions to help students meet expectations for student learning X 3.9 Maintains a system-wide climate that supports student learning X 3.10 Ensures that curriculum is reviewed and revised at regular intervals X 3.11 Coordinates and ensures ready access to instructional technology, information and media services, and materials needed for effective instruction X
Overall Assessment: Operational Alignment and Articulation of Curriculum, Instructional Strategies, and Assessments Alabama Course of Study System pacing guides and curriculum maps Variety of assessments Summative and formative Local, state, national levels Data Meetings
Research-based Instructional Strategies, Innovative Activities The Lighthouse Project Response to Instruction/Problem-solving Teams Strategic Teaching/Alabama Reading Initiative Continuous Improvement Plans UA/UWA Inservice Center PD for Administrators
Support and Implementation of Expectations for Student Learning PD Systemwide, State, and School Teacher Mentors Horizontal and vertical teaming TCSS Literary Framework AMSTI, ASIM, ARI Collaboration with UA Aspiring Administrators Academy
Access to Comprehensive Information, Instructional Technology, and Media Services Guidance services Career Technical programs Programs for At-Risk students Technology STI Home; School Messenger; ACCESS, New Century, extensive network Alabama Course of Study Tech standards ESL Program
Standard 4: Documenting & Using Results The system effects a comprehensive assessment program that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 4.1Establishes and implements a comprehensive assessment system, aligned with the system’s expectations for student learning, that yields information which is reliable, valid, and bias free X 4.2Ensures that student assessment data are used to make decisions for continuous improvement of teaching and learning X 4.3Conducts a systematic analysis of instructional and organizational effectiveness, including support systems, and uses the results to improve student and system performance X 4.4Provides a system of communication which uses a variety of methods to report student performance and system effectiveness to all stakeholders X 4.5Uses comparison and trend data from comparable school systems to evaluate student performance and system effectiveness X 4.6Demonstrates verifiable growth in student performance that is supported by multiple sources of evidence X 4.7Maintains a secure, accurate, and complete student record system in accordance with state and federal regulations X
Overall Assessment: Highly Functional Assessment system is used to guide analysis of changes in student performance State summative assessments Formative assessments Instructional tools Evaluative tools
Test results are analyzed and communicated in a timely, relevant manner in order to aid the performance of individual students Results are shared with the system, schools, and stakeholders
Data is used to understand and improve overall effectiveness of the school system and its schools System performance School performance Class performance Individual student performance Continuous Improvement Plans Response to Instruction
The system and schools are trained to understand and use data to impact teaching and learning in the classroom Alabama Reading Initiative Alabama Math Science Technology Initiative Strategic teaching training Monthly principals’ meeting Grade level meeting State department webinars
Standard 5: Resource & Support Systems The system has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Human Resources 5.1Establishes and implements processes to recruit, employ, retain, and mentor qualified professional and support staff to fulfill assigned roles and responsibilities X 5.2Establishes and implements a process to assign professional and support staff based on system needs and staff qualifications as may be required by federal and state law and regulations (i.e., professional preparation, ability, knowledge, and experience) X 5.3Establishes and implements a process to design, evaluate, and improve professional development and ensures participation by all faculty and staff X 5.4Ensures that staff are sufficient in number to meet the vision and purpose of the school system and to meet federal and state law and regulations, if applicable X Financial Resources 5.5Engages in long-range budgetary planning and annually budgets sufficient resources to support its educational programs and to implement its plans for improvement X 5.6Ensures that all financial transactions are safeguarded through proper budgetary procedures and audited accounting measures X Physical Resources 5.7 Maintains sites, facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, orderly, and healthy environment X 5.8 Establishes and implements written security and crisis management plans with appropriate training for stakeholders X 5.9 Implements processes and plans for maintaining and improving sites, facilities, and equipment X 5.10Provides technology infrastructure and equipment that is up-to-date and sufficient to accomplish the system’s goals X Support Systems 5.11Provides and coordinates support services that meet the health, counseling, nutrition, safety, co-curricular, transportation, and special learning needs of all students X 5.12Provides student support services coordinated with the school, home, and community X
Overall Assessment: Operational Human Resources Maintains, employs, and mentors qualified professional and support staff adhering to all federal and state regulations Placement of professional and support staff based on system needs and qualifications Provides professional development to all faculty and staff Staff is sufficient to meet the vision and purpose of the school system
Financial Resources Provides long range budgetary planning and annually budgets sufficient resources to support programs and plans for improvement Provides financial safeguards and auditing
Physical Resources Provides a safe, orderly, healthy environment at all facilities Implements written security and crisis management plans Provides appropriate maintenance of facilities Provides an up to date technology infrastructure and equipment to meet system needs Meets the health, counseling, nutrition, safety, co- curricular, and transportation needs of students through support services Coordinates student support services with school, home, and community
Standard 6: Stakeholder Communications & Relationships The system fosters communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 6.1Fosters collaboration with community stakeholders to support student learning X 6.2Uses system-wide strategies to listen to and communicate with stakeholders X 6.3Solicits the knowledge and skills of stakeholders to enhance the work of the system X 6.4Communicates the expectations for student learning and goals for improvement to all stakeholders X 6.5Provides information that is meaningful and useful to stakeholders X
Overall Assessment: Operational Collaboration with Stakeholders: Media, Adopt-A-School, Chamber of Commerce, The University of Alabama, Stillman College, Shelton State College, ACER, Parent Leadership Academy, Tuscaloosa’s One Place, SAC Communication: School Messenger, TCSS Website, School Websites, State of the Schools Address, System Newsletter, Media
Standard 7: Commitment to Continuous Improvement The system establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student achievement.
Indicators INDICATORS In fulfillment of this standard, the system: Not Evident Emerging Operational Highly Functional 7.1Engages in a continuous process of improvement that articulates the vision and purpose the system is pursuing (Vision); maintains a rich and current description of students, their performance, system effectiveness, and the community (Profile); employs goals and interventions to improve student performance (Plan); and documents and uses the results to inform future improvement efforts (Results) X 7.2Engages stakeholders in the processes of continuous improvement X 7.3Ensures that each school’s plan for continuous improvement is aligned with the system’s vision and expectations for student learning X 7.4Ensures that each school’s plan for continuous improvement includes a focus on increasing learning for all students and closing gaps between current and expected student performance levels X 7.5Provides research-based professional development for system and school personnel to help them achieve improvement goals X 7.6Monitors and communicates the results of improvement efforts to stakeholders X 7.7Evaluates and documents the effectiveness and impact of its continuous process of improvement X 7.8Allocates and protects time for planning and engaging in continuous improvement efforts system-wide X 7.9Provides direction and assistance to its schools and operational units to support their continuous improvement efforts X
Overall Assessment: Operational Process for Continuous Improvement Collaborative, ongoing self-analysis Utilization of all data sources System wide teams for advancing common curricula, common assessments and leadership training Goals aligned with vision and purpose Engagement of stakeholders Focus on student learning Data analysis
Professional Development and Technical Assistance Research-based learning opportunities CIP reflections Administrative surveys New Teacher Training UA/UWA In-service Center Professional Learning Communities
Implementation, Monitoring, and Communication of Improvement Plan Cluster meetings Website postings Advisory councils Community communication, participation, and engagement
Quality Assurance Methods The Lighthouse Project Continuous Improvement Plans/Reviews District Improvement Plan System Title I Plan ARI/AMSTI Partnerships Professional Development Technology District Leadership Team Stakeholder Communication
Themes Improved instruction is our most important goal. Communication is found across the system and in the community. Community support emerged across the standards. Lack of financial resources must not lower expectations for instruction and student achievement.
Insights Curriculum and instruction must be the system’s focus regardless of financial status Continue to reflect and evaluate system’s strengths and challenges Identify global goals for the system and update the strategic plan based on the District Accreditation self-assessment and The Lighthouse Project
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