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Women’s Rights and Recession Real Global Pay Gap is higher - 22% Recession hits women in developing countries worst Contract labour and agency work hit.

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Rights and Recession Real Global Pay Gap is higher - 22% Recession hits women in developing countries worst Contract labour and agency work hit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s Rights and Recession Real Global Pay Gap is higher - 22% Recession hits women in developing countries worst Contract labour and agency work hit women hardest

2 Global Campaign for Decent Work, Decent Life for Women

3 Global Campaign for Decent Work, Decent Life for Women Objectives: Decent work for women Gender equality in trade union structures, policies and activities

4 Decent Work: Access to productive work in conditions of freedom, equality, security, and dignity. The four pillars of Decent Work: 1. Standards and rights at work, 2. Employment creation 3. Social protection 4. Social dialogue.

5 The Real Position of Women 1.2 billion women are working today (40%) – yet women: earn 12 to 70% less and do not have the same level of social protection as their male counterparts; account for an increasing proportion (60% - 70%) of the world’s poor and working poor;

6 The Real Position of Women Face a higher level of unemployment than ever before (81.8 million women in 2006); Are concentrated in low-paid, unprotected, temporary or casual work; lack maternity protection rights and face violence and sexual harassment at or near the workplace;

7 The Real Position of Women 1 in 3 beaten, coerced into sex, other wise abused Women aged 15-45 are more at risk of death and disability through domestic violence than through cancer, motor accidents, war and malaria

8 The Real Position of Women Key victims of armed conflict Majority of all in forced labour or trafficked Issue comes far down the media reporting list Particularly life threatened circumstances in Export Processing Zones

9 ITUC Gender Wage Gap Report Worldwide media coverage - released on 7 March 2008 in > 20 countries Analysis of pay gap in 63 countries; 30 European, 33 across the rest of the world

10 Visualizing the global pay gap

11 Visualizing the European pay gap

12 ITUC Global Gender Wage Gap Report 2009 Worldwide pay gap of 22% not 16.5%; Trade union membership and particularly inclusion of women in collective agreements has a positive influence on the gender pay gap.

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