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SCLS DELIVERY 2014 Report to the SCLS Board of Trustees Prepared by: Corey Baumann – Delivery Coordinator 12/19/14.

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Presentation on theme: "SCLS DELIVERY 2014 Report to the SCLS Board of Trustees Prepared by: Corey Baumann – Delivery Coordinator 12/19/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCLS DELIVERY 2014 Report to the SCLS Board of Trustees Prepared by: Corey Baumann – Delivery Coordinator 12/19/14

2 2014 in Review Safety What’s New? SCLS Delivery in Numbers CONTENTS:

3 2014 IN REVIEW

4 First full year of service reductions to both system and statewide customers Safety Committee re-started Continued efficiencies Staff stability Delivery Committee Volume 2014 IN REVIEW:

5 Through the end of November, we are on pace to spend less in 2014 than we did in 2015! (As budget had planned) Fleet Maintenance (-10%) #3 expense Salary (-2.5%)#1 expense Delivery Facility (-6.5%) #2 expense Contracted Services Supplies Bonding New Fleet Replacement

6 First full year of service reductions to both system and statewide customers: 3 Statewide routes went from 4 to 5 day service Reduced transportation costs Minor logistical snags Routes outside of Dane County were reduced from 6 day service down to 5 in September 2013. How is it affecting us?: Stability No changes for 2015 to service levels

7 Safety Committee re-started : Facilitated by Jesse Stewart and Jeff Grandt- Turke 4 drivers representing: Full and Part time staff Range of seniority levels Accomplished: Some key lifting reductions (more to come!) Dialogue on safe equipment use and lifting in establishing procedures Establishing emergency procedures Discussion on promoting hydration and personal wellness

8 Continued efficiencies: Brad Guenther Participated in 2014 Lean Government Conference Will facilitate a small team of staff to examine our processes 3 Lean projects over the course of 2015 Eliminate waste, obstacles

9 Staff stability: All 20 FTE’s from 2013 remain through 2014 Consistency and quality have been long- established Some modest turnover in Part-time staff While turnover is expected, our newest staff members are trained well and have been valuable additions

10 Delivery Committee: Helped establish a safety and security policy for drivers at libraries Discussed special request services that we will publicize more via our Delivery Website Offered valuable feedback for surveying our member libraries in 2015

11 Volume: Approximately a 2% decrease observed this year. Some statewide customers are experiencing even more Tim Drexler will be taking a lead role in tracking daily volume trends to help us plan for changes as patron needs evolve


13 Accidents New initiatives Reduced lifting goal Targeted behaviors SAFETY:

14 Accidents: Lost time and/or medical treatment: 2013: 3 2014: 5 Actions: % out in the field 100% % near the truck 87.5% 22 Calendar days: Current stretch 154 Calendar days without a lost time accident (best stretch in the last 18 months)

15 New initiatives: Procedural clarifications at All Staff Meeting: Cart movement Hand Truck unloading Lift Gate use

16 Reduced lifting goal: Reduce the occurrence of full-tote, dead-lifts by 10% Lean project High volume libraries being sorted right to carts instead of shelves and then carts

17 Targeted behaviors: Solve the injuries where and when they occur the most Look for tools to help eliminate risky behaviors Some investment needed Train to our best practices and reinforce them Model those behaviors


19 3 Year UW System Delivery Contract Multi-hub statewide Delivery model Member library survey WHAT’S NEW?:

20 3 Year UW System Delivery Contract: Completed a year-long process Provides service structure and stability to other statewide customers and SCLS member libraries Good through 2017

21 Multi-hub statewide Delivery model: Statewide efficiency initiatives Reduce our routes to 8-hour blocks Strengthen our presence in the southern half of the state Pilot project to study effectiveness Implementation over a few years

22 Member library survey: Comprehensively evaluate our service to members Provide a baseline of data with which to gauge our progress Celebrate our success Acknowledge and address our opportunities


24 40,000 Dedicated Library Exchanges

25 350,000 Baskets picked up and returned

26 6,125 Tons of library materials

27 14.2 MILLION Items transported

28 13 Damage claims One in a Million!

29 20 Fleet vehicles

30 160 & 235 Oil changes & Gallons of oil

31 236 Red Carts

32 2,000+ Red Baskets

33 2,609 Fuel Stops

34 41,733 Gallons pumped

35 675,000 Miles driven

36 43,600 Hours worked

37 14 Full time Drivers

38 13 Part Time Drivers

39 THANK YOU Happy Holidays!

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