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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Bible BasicsBible TimelineStories Ten Commandments.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Bible BasicsBible TimelineStories Ten Commandments Miscellaneous

2 The Bible is really a library consisting of ___ books. a.4646 b.22 c.2727 d.7373

3 The Bible is really a library consisting of ___ books. a.4646 b.22 c.2727 d.7373

4 The Pentateuch refers to the first 5 books of the Bible. Name at least two of these books.

5 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

6 The Old Testament has ___ books: a.2727 b.4646 c.7373 d.1919

7 The Old Testament has ___ books: a.27 b.46 c.73 d.19

8 The correct abbreviation for Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verses ten through thirteen is: a.7Dt-10:137Dt-10:13 b.Dt: 7, 10-13Dt: 7, 10-13 c.Dt 7:10-13Dt 7:10-13 d.Dt 7-10:13Dt 7-10:13

9 The correct abbreviation for Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verses ten through thirteen is: a.7Dt-10:13 b.Dt: 7, 10-13 c.Dt 7:10-13 d.Dt 7-10:13

10 Ex 2:5-7 stands for: a.2 nd Book of Exodus, chapter 5, verse 72 nd Book of Exodus, chapter 5, verse 7 b.Exit, 2 nd floor, doors 5 or 7Exit, 2 nd floor, doors 5 or 7 c.Exodus, chapter 2, verses 5 to 7Exodus, chapter 2, verses 5 to 7 d.Exodus, verse 2, chapters 5 to 7Exodus, verse 2, chapters 5 to 7

11 Ex 2:5-7 stands for: a.2 nd Book of Exodus, chapter 5, verse 7 b.Exit, 2 nd floor, doors 5 or 7 c.Exodus, chapter 2, verses 5 to 7 d.Exodus, verse 2, chapters 5 to 7

12 The events of the Bible represent the story of our SALVATION history over a period of several ____________ years. a.ThousandThousand b.MillionMillion c.HundredHundred d.LightLight

13 The events of the Bible represent the story of our SALVATION history over a period of several ____________ years. a.Thousand b.Million c.Hundred d.Light

14 Which of the following stories is NOT considered “pre-history?” a.CreationCreation b.MosesMoses c.Noah’s ArkNoah’s Ark d.Adam and EveAdam and Eve e.The Tower of BabelThe Tower of Babel

15 Which of the following stories is NOT considered “pre-history?” a.Creation b.Moses c.Noah’s Ark d.Adam and Eve e.The Tower of Babel

16 The Old Testament timeline begins with the story of our Father in faith, _________, around the year 1850 BC. a.AdamAdam b.AlladinAlladin c.AbrahamAbraham d.MosesMoses

17 The Old Testament timeline begins with the story of our Father in faith, _________, around the year 1850 BC. a.Adam b.Alladin c.Abraham d.Moses

18 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are known as the ___________. a.4 Tops4 Tops b.TemptationsTemptations c.PlatitudesPlatitudes d.PatriarchsPatriarchs

19 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are known as the ___________. a.4 Tops b.Temptations c.Platitudes d.Patriarchs

20 True or False: The Genesis stories of creation are meant to be understood literally.

21 False – they teach the truth about God’s relationship with us and his creation but not the science or exact history involved.

22 This son of Adam and Eve killed his brother because he was envious of him.

23 Cain killed Abel

24 God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to: a.speak to Pharaohspeak to Pharaoh b.sacrifice his son Isaacsacrifice his son Isaac c.not eat the fruit of the treenot eat the fruit of the tree d.part the waters of the Red Seapart the waters of the Red Sea

25 God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to: a.speak to Pharaoh b.sacrifice his son Isaac c.not eat the fruit of the tree d.part the waters of the Red Sea

26 This man led the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt to freedom.

27 Moses

28 The Jewish people were saved from the final plague (the killing of the firstborn) by: a.the lion and the lambthe lion and the lamb b.a burning busha burning bush c.the parting of the Red Seathe parting of the Red Sea d.the blood of the lamb on their doorpoststhe blood of the lamb on their doorposts

29 The Jewish people were saved from the final plague (the killing of the firstborn) by: a.the lion and the lambthe lion and the lamb b.a burning busha burning bush c.the parting of the Red Seathe parting of the Red Sea d.the blood of the lamb on their doorpoststhe blood of the lamb on their doorposts

30 The Jewish people celebrated this feast to recall how God saved them from slavery in Egypt and led them to freedom.

31 The Passover (Seder meal is acceptable)

32 The first 3 Commandments teach us about love of ____ while the last seven teach us about love of ______.

33 The first 3 Commandments teach us about love of God while the last seven teach us about love of neighbor.

34 These are the first 3 Commandments

35 1.“I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me” 2.“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” 3.“Keep Holy the Sabbath day”?

36 This is the 4 th Commandment which begins at home.

37 Honor your father and mother

38 The 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th Commandments each complete this sentence: You shall not __________.

39 5 th : kill 6 th : commit adultery 7 th : steal 8 th : bear false witness against your neighbor

40 The 9 th and 10 th Commandments teach us not to do this with regards to our neighbor’s goods or spouse

41 Covet

42 Catholics celebrate the month of October as the Month of the…

43 Holy Rosary

44 This is how you say “Hail Mary” in Latin.

45 Ave Maria

46 During Advent, we sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” The name Emmanuel means…

47 God with us

48 In this devotion, Catholics pray in silence before the Blessed Sacrament in Church a.absolutionabsolution b.anticipationanticipation c.adorationadoration d.almsgivingalmsgiving

49 In this devotion, Catholics pray in silence before the Blessed Sacrament in Church a.absolutionabsolution b.anticipationanticipation c.adorationadoration d.almsgivingalmsgiving

50 During Adoration, the Eucharist is exposed in an ornately decorated vessel called a ___________. a.chalicechalice b.monstrancemonstrance c.crucifixcrucifix d.patenpaten

51 During Adoration, the Eucharist is exposed in an ornately decorated vessel called a ___________. a.chalicechalice b.monstrancemonstrance c.crucifixcrucifix d.patenpaten

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