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2012-2013 Jeanette LCCE Classroom Expectations for Behavior.

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2 2012-2013 Jeanette LCCE Classroom Expectations for Behavior

3 Personal Behavior If you are having a bad day, talk to a teacher. We are here to help you, but don’t interrupt the class with bad behavior. Your hands, feet and body belong on you - not someone else! Keep them to yourself. Be nice! Treat people the way you want them to treat you. Having a bad day?

4 Personal Behavior (continued) Listen and follow instructions. If you don’t, you will miss important information about assignments or class activities. Respect your classmates, teachers and school property. You do not have to like everyone or want to be in school everyday, but you must treat people and school property in a nice way. Bus behavior rules are the same as in the classroom. Just because we are moving, does not mean you should act any differently. It is important to be safe on the bus. All of the above rules apply! Bus behavior counts!

5 Classroom Procedures When the bell rings, you are to be in your seat, ready for class to begin. You are allowed 6 minutes between classes. This is when you use the bathroom, go to your locker, get a drink of water or talk to friends in the hall. You may not come into class and THEN go to your locker or the bathroom. If you need to see another teacher, counselor or go to the office, come to class first and GET A PASS! Lockers: You have them to keep your backpacks, coats, extra shoes and books in. Please use them. If you forget your key or combination, ask one of the teachers for help!

6 Classroom Procedures (continued) Bring your agenda to every class. You are responsible to have it for writing daily class information in. This is to practice time management and record keeping. Be sure your parents see your agenda and sign it. When you get a job, you may have to fill out a time sheet or a work record, so it is good practice to start now. Have a pencil and any work you need for class. You come to class to work; you can’t do that without a pencil or the materials you need. Raise your hand. If everyone talks at once, no one is heard. Raise your hand please!

7 Classroom Procedures (continued) Do not interrupt when someone else is talking. This is rude. Clean up after yourself. When you use materials in the classroom, such as paper, scissors, glue, books or other activities, put them away BEFORE you go anywhere or do anything else. Check your mailbox every day. Important information will be put in your box to go home. At the end of the day, take anything in your box home for parents to see. This is your responsibility.

8 Jeanette school rules apply to our classroom! That means no music devices, cell phones or hats during school unless you are given permission by a teacher. Follow the UCS Junior High Parent and Student Handbook and the Jeanette Respect Code posted in the classroom. Students are not to touch the following without permission: Teachers desks, computers or telephones. Students should not be in the classroom storage room unless a teacher asks you to enter.

9 Have an “I can do it attitude!” If you come to school and do your best every day, you will be a success in school and in life!

10 When a student does not meet the Expectations… Acting appropriately while in school is one of the most important things you do as a member of the Jeanette Jr. High School Community. When you do not follow expectations of behavior, there are consequences; The first time, a teacher will talk to you as a warning. If it happens a second time, you will receive a lunch detention. This means you will eat your lunch in the classroom instead of with your friends in the cafeteria. If a teacher must talk to you for a third time, you will eat lunch in the room for a week. If the behavior continues, you will be sent to the office to speak to the principal. Please remember, all students at Jeanette must follow Utica Community School procedures as outlined in the handbook. If your behavior is harmful or harassing to other students, you may be suspended! We come to school to learn and prepare for high school and adult life, and to enjoy being with our friends. You are responsible for your own actions, so follow the rules and everyone will have a good year!

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