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Judaism Belief System The Importance of Judaism Rituals.

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism Belief System The Importance of Judaism Rituals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism Belief System The Importance of Judaism Rituals

2 Belief System Monotheistic: Jehovah Jehovah’s job

3 The Importance of Judaism Judaism: a way of life. God’s special compact. Different from Middle East or Egypt. Ethical conduct The goal of the Jews

4 Rituals Daily Rituals – Prayer – Benedictions – Synagogue service Weekly – Sabbath. Yearly – Yom Kippur – Chanukah Life – Bar Mitzvah

5 Bar Mitzvah Yom Kippur

6 Role of Women “Separate but equal” Man created with two genders & later separated into two Controls spirituality of family as wife and mother Right to own property & marry of own accord

7 Religious Texts Torah – Guidelines for moral behavior – Story of Moses and Jehovah Talmud – Jewish ethical conduct & history

8 Contact with major religions Polytheism: attempt to wipe out Judaism by Syrian king Chrstianity: constant conflict between Roman Empire & Judaism; oppression of Jewish practices Islam: Emergence of Islam causes conflict between religions in Arabian peninsula

9 Quote "Cast your burden on the Lord, and h e will sustain you." – shows overall reliance and reverence towards Jehovah & how Jews are willing to let him lead their destiny

10 Timeline 1000 B.C.E: The Ark of Covenant is first brought to the Jews. 6 th century B.C.E: the Jewish civilization is unstable from conquests (Jerusalem destroyed), but is able to settle back in Persia, with Torah as its main law. 2 nd century B.C.E: Judaism is banned again, but the Maccabean revolt and win back Jewish rights. – Judaism splits into two, between the Sadducees (written law) and the Pharisees (oral law). 64 C.E: The Jewish civilization is conquered by Romans. 30-70 C.E: Unstable Judaism Jesus tries to reform Judaism Revolt against repressed Judaism under Roman laws The second temple is destroyed 1 st century C.E: Jerusalem turns into a military colony, limiting their religious practice. Many settled in Rome. 15 th century C.E: From geographical diversions, Judaism divides into separate roots.

11 Image Credits Bar Mitzvah: es/pho/0005b/0005BC73.jpg Yom Kippur: xvZzg1MDk3QGZzMi50aXN0b3J5LmNvbTovYXR0YWNoLzIvMj AyLmpwZw==

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