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Welcome to Mrs. Happer’s First Grade Class 2012-13

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Happer’s First Grade Class 2012-13"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Happer’s First Grade Class 2012-13

2 JEFFERSON WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Jefferson West Elementary School is: –"Educating all students to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s opportunities.” Vision Statement We believe our most treasured resources are the children of our community. We envision a school that: –Creates a positive learning atmosphere –Develops opportunities for student success in the twenty-first century –Nurtures social interactions –Encourages choices based on reason, respect, and responsibility –Fosters communication and involvement among students, parents, staff, and community –Exposes children to the worlds of yesterday, today, and tomorrow –Recognizes personal growth in all areas –Adapts to meet the needs of all students in our community –Develop skills of independent and interdependent learners STUDENT EXPECTATIONS - Emphasize, model, and encourage our students to meet our stated expectations: –Students are expected to respect themselves as well as others and other's property. –Students are responsible for their words and actions. –Students are expected to give their best effort every day. –Students should feel good about their accomplishments. –Students should ask for help any time that they need it. WE BELIEVE EACH STUDENT : Can learn given sufficient time and appropriate support Will contribute to a positive school environment Will benefit from success and positive self esteem Has skills and talents that should be identified and nurtured Can acquire skills and understanding at a higher cognitive level Is a partner with peers, parents, and staff Shall respect the rights and property of others Will engage in opportunities for new educational experiences "Involve Me & I Understand"- Every student’s active involvement, in the day to day learning environment, is necessary if all students are to learn at high levels.

3 2012-13 Class Roster Brandon Bomhoff Brodie Boyer Cooper Brading Joseph Bremer Lakin Brown Logan Camargo Maddi Davis Delaney Diehl Caleb Ditch Gage Galle Grace Gilbert Braden Herren Bryson Keitel Chloe Kimble Hunter Moser Mariah Penry Kinley Stones Caleb Taylor Ali Tibbits

4 Mrs. Happer’s Daily Schedule 2012-2013 7:55Students enter classroom 8:00 School begins: Announcements, Calendar, Lunch count, Pledge of Allegiance, Show-n-tell 8:20-9:00 MTSS for Reading 9:00-11:00 Language Arts/Reading 11:05-11:30 Lunch 11:30-11:50 Library Check out / Teacher Read-a-loud 11:50-12:50 Specials: Day 1: PE / ART Day 2: COMPUTER/MUSIC 1:00-2:00 Math 2:00-2:30 Science/Social Studies 2:30-3:00 Recess 3:00-3:10 Clean up, get ready to go home 3:15Dismiss

5 Kindergarten Outcomes Reading Outcomes Math Outcomes

6 Dear Parents..... ✦ First Grade…a fresh box of crayons, a newly sharpened pencil, new friends and a thirst for learning. It’s a marvelous time in a child’s life. ✦ Our First Grade program emphasizes those skills and attitudes –necessary for success in school. As you read through these pages, –you’ll see that First Grade is much more than just “fun and games” –although that is important also. ✦ Children are....AMAZING, acknowledge them; BELIEVABLE, trust them; CHILDLIKE, allow them; DIVINE, honor them; ENERGETIC, nourish them; FALLIBLE, embrace them; GIFTS, treasure them; HERE NOW, be with them; INNOCENT, delight with them; JOYFUL, appreciate them; KINDHEARTED, learn from them; LOVABLE, cherish them; MAGICAL, fly with them; NOBLE, esteem them; OPEN MINDED, respect them; PRECIOUS, value them; QUESTIONERS, encourage them; RESOURCEFUL, support them; SPONTANEOUS, enjoy them; TALENTED, believe in them; UNIQUE, affirm them; VULNERABLE, protect them; WHOLE, recognize them; XTRASPECIAL, celebrate them; YEARNING, notice them; ZANY, laugh with them!

7 Books! Books! Books! Reading: We will be learning about reading strategies and reading many new words this year. Our Language Arts/Reading curriculum emphasizes phonemic awareness, blending, and memorization of many words in our phonic readers, decodable readers and library books. While reading to or with your child, please have him/her follow along and pick out familiar words. Also take time to discuss and retell the stories with your child. Library: A new book can be checked out when your child returns items (book, video) currently checked out. We go to the library each day from 11:30 to 11:50 in order for new books to be checkout. Book Orders: Once a month or so, I will send home a book order in your child’s folder, which allows you to order children’s books if you choose to. Any checks should be made payable to the book club company, NOT Jeff West or USD 340. Book-It: Our school will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It program beginning in October. If your child reads or listens to 10 books each month, they will receive a free personal pan pizza coupon.

8 8 Book-It: Our school will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It program beginning in October. Look for more details about the program in October. Remember that if your child completes the requirements each month they can earn a free personal pan pizza coupon. THE MORE THAT YOU READ, THE MORE THINGS YOU WILL KNOW. THE MORE THAT YOU LEARN, THE MORE PLACES YOU’LL GO. DR. SEUSS

9 Student Behaviors In First Grade we will: Take turns, Cooperate with others, Follow safety rules, Be good listeners, Keep our hands and feet to ourselves. ‘GIVE ME FIVE’ A positive behavior method will be used in my classroom. 1. Eyes on speaker; 2. Lips closed; 3. Ears listening; 4. Sit up straight; 5. Hands and feet quiet Discipline: Your child will be rewarded and praised for good behavior. Your child will be given Verbal praise, Hugs, and High Fives, Stickers, Tokens, and/or Notes Home. –Your child may receive consequences for breaking rules such as verbal warnings, a time out, time off of recess, a note home, and/or a visit with the principal.

10 Special Days ★ Field Trips: We will take a couple of field trips this year. They will be scheduled at a later date and we will ask for volunteers at that time. No younger siblings may accompany us on our trips unless you drive yourself and meet us there. (Seatbelt rule) ★ Holiday Parties: We will have holiday parties for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. ★ Birthdays: For your child’s birthday, please feel free to send a snack or special treat. Treats may be sent with your child or brought to the school to enjoy at the end of the school day. PLEASE DO NOT pass out birthday invitations at school unless all children in our class are to receive one. ★ Show and Tell: Watch for more information regarding Show and Tell. I will send a separate book bag and note to notify you when it is your child’s turn for Show and Tell. When it is your child’s turn for Show and Tell please limit what they are bringing to just ONE item. Please remind your child to leave all toys at home except on Show and Tell days!!

11 How Can You Help? ★ Folders: Please check your child’s take home folder and planner each day/night for daily papers, notes, bulletins, class newsletters, extra practice work, and return the folder in your child’s book bag the next day. I check folders first thing in the morning for notes, lunch money, etc. ★ School Supplies: We will send home individual notes with the children when needed supplies should be replaced. Please make sure you have labeled all supplies including your child’s jacket, coats, shoes, and boots. ★ Volunteers: If your schedule is one that allows you time to volunteer, please send me a note and I will let you know what time would work best with our schedule. If you would like to do things at home, Please let me know. (i.e.: cutting, tearing out and/or stapling, etc.) ★ Change in Plans: If your child has different plan for after school (to a friend’s house, scouts, sports practice, etc.) please send a note or call the office.

12 12 ★ Math Game: Each unit has a game on the back of the first section. Please play the game and return the attached sheet with your signature so your child can get something from the doll or the treasure chest. Keep the dice in a safe place, you will need them during the school year for different activities. ★ Homework: Please look for the ‘Family Times’ in your child’s book bag at the beginning of each week/new unit story. There is a little something for your child to do to reinforce his/her learning that took place during that day. Day 1 would be for Monday, Day 2 Tuesday, etc. If the directions say to have your child write something with their practice, please have them return their written work also.

13 PARENT VOLUNTEER LIST I would like you to be part of our classroom and help make our school year a big success. We will need help with many different kinds of activities such as: listening to children read, flashcard work, reading to children, cutting things for projects, etc. If you have time and would like to volunteer to help, in the classroom or at home this year, please sign below. Weekly volunteer: Please name the day and time that would work best for you and I will contact you. 1. Volunteer on an as-needed basis: Please sign what would work best for you and I will contact you. 2. Volunteer by helping in the evening at home by cutting items out for school projects. Please sign what would work best for you and I will contact you. 3. THANKS for volunteering! Mrs. Happer

14 Wish List Below are a few items that my class could use for the classroom. If you have these items at home or are willing to buy them, we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! ITunes Gift Cards (For buying learning apps for the IPad’s) Food Coloring (for projects) Boxes of Jello (with sugar), Large Containers of Kool-Aid Mix, Tang Mix (cheap brand-used for spelling practice) Bottles of Shaving Cream (cheap brand-used for spelling practice) Cotton Balls (for science projects) Paper Plates (cheap brand-for spelling practice and science projects)




18 How do we teach the children to print each letter? Please look at the example attached. Following the given arrows for each letter will be the way we will make the letters here in class. You are welcome to practice at home with your child using this correct format.

19 Some Ways to Help Students Learn To Read Give your child a word and have them repeat the word in sounds. Example: cat c/ a/ t Nest n/ e/ s/ t Work on rhyming words by giving your child a word and listening to see how many words he/she can come up with that rhyme. Example: cat, bat, hat, dat, mat Now use each of the rhyming words in a sentence. If he/she can’t use the word in a sentence then your child should tell you it is a make- believe word. When making up sentences remember to put as many details in each sentence as possible. (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)




23 Internet Address Please sign below if you don’t mind me contacting you by internet. Thanks! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

24 Party Sign Up Sheet If you would like to help with one of the classroom parties this year please sign up below. I will contact you to remind you as to what you have signed up for when it gets closer to the party date. Thanks for helping! Halloween: Treats: _________________________ Napkins: _______________________ Drinks: _________________________ Games: _________________________ Thanksgiving: Treats: _________________________ Napkins: _______________________ Drinks: _________________________ Games: _________________________ Christmas: Treats: _________________________ Napkins: _______________________ Drinks: _________________________ Games: _________________________ Valentine’s Day: Treats: _________________________ Napkins: _______________________ Drinks: _________________________ Games: _________________________ Easter: Treats: _________________________ Napkins: _______________________ Drinks: _________________________ Games: _________________________ Plastic Filled Eggs: _______________, ___________________


26 School Web Site

27 Thanks for caring for our most valuable resource your child!

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