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Warm up! Explain this saying: “Actions speak louder than words” Give an example of it.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up! Explain this saying: “Actions speak louder than words” Give an example of it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up! Explain this saying: “Actions speak louder than words” Give an example of it

2 Non-verbal ► Goals for this lesson: ► Define nonverbal communication ► Understand what causes it and its use ► Distinguish between positive and negative body language

3 ► What are the main sources of nonverbal communication?

4 Non-verbal ► NONVERBAL MESSAGES ► Messages that do not use words ► Emotions & attitudes are their main sources ► Can reinforce or replace verbal messages ► Why they must be understood: ► Main source of feedback ► Signals of understanding ► Major part of speaking ► They are good signs of confidence and authority, or lack of it

5 Non-verbal ► Examples of non-verbal messages ► Body language (gestures, facial expressions, etc.) ► Most nonverbal messages are body language ► What is the other type of nonverbal message? ► Symbols (clothing, signs, etc.)

6 Non-verbal ► BODY LANGUAGE ► Using your body to send messages ► People often remember what they see better than what they hear ► Let’s think of some examples…

7 This may help on the Millionaire show… ► The body is very good at communicating: ► Humans can produce over 700,000 different physical signs ► The face alone can produce 250,000 ► The hands can produce 5,000 ► You can produce 1,000 different postures

8 Non-verbal ► UNDERSTANDING BODY LANGUAGE ► To be understood, it must be: ► CLEAR – easy to see, fits the context ► CONSISTENT – matches the verbal messages being sent AND REINFORCES THEM ► Easy way to tell if someone is lying

9 Emotions  You must watch out for emotions!  Emotions and attitudes are the main sources of non-verbal messages  What you’re feeling will ‘leak’ into your communication whether you want it to or not

10 Two Types of Body Language ► TWO TYPES OF BODY LANGUAGE ► Positive body language ► Shows good attitudes and feelings, comfort, and confidence ► Examples ► Relaxed posture ► Arms relaxed ► Good eye contact ► Nod agreement ► Smile at humor ► Lean closer ► Use gestures

11 Negative Body Language ► Shows poor attitudes and feelings ► Examples ► Body tension ► Arms folded ► Speaking with your hand near your mouth ► Fidgeting ► Yawning

12 Non-verbal ► Knowing what you’re really saying ► Remember, people usually notice what you’re doing over what you’re saying ► When you show negative nonverbal language, that’s what you’re saying and what is being perceived, EVEN IF YOU DON’T MEAN IT THAT WAY! ► It’s the job of the entity that’s sending a message to send it in the way it’s intended ► The nonverbal language you use MUST reinforce your verbal!

13 Non-verbal ► Can non-verbal messages work in reverse? ► Can you send a non-verbal message to cause yourself to feel the emotion/attitude that usually causes it? ► Example: Clothing ► When you dress well (suit, prom dress, etc.) does your attitude change? ► Example: Needing to go to sleep ► Does sending the signs of being tired (yawning, dressing for bed, closing eyes, lying down) cause you to get sleepy?

14 Non-verbal ► Huddle up!  Come up with 5 examples of positive body language and 5 examples of negative body language.

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