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貿三乙 吳亦薇 IVY 494752104. Beverage- 波蜜果菜汁 “ 青菜底呷啦 ”( 台語 ) In modern society, every one have to eat out but the health balance is not reach to the standard.

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Presentation on theme: "貿三乙 吳亦薇 IVY 494752104. Beverage- 波蜜果菜汁 “ 青菜底呷啦 ”( 台語 ) In modern society, every one have to eat out but the health balance is not reach to the standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 貿三乙 吳亦薇 IVY 494752104

2 Beverage- 波蜜果菜汁 “ 青菜底呷啦 ”( 台語 ) In modern society, every one have to eat out but the health balance is not reach to the standard. So the slogan wakes everybody up that we need some vegetable everyday. The slogan is easy to remember and the health-orientation is everyone cares.

3 Internet-YAHOO Auction “ 什麼都有、什麼都賣、什麼都不奇怪! ” I think they want to create a image that when you go into yahoo auction you can sell and buy everything you need or want. The slogan definitely point out that in Yahoo auction have everything you can find.

4 Cell phone-NOKIA “ 科技始終來自於人性 ” Many thing, even convenience or not, around our life due to technology improving. And these idea is invented and innovated by human.

5 Diamond “ 鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳。 ” When talking about “diamond” most of people have a impression, that is a luxury thing and expensive. But I think when propose you can have a diamond that means you will love your wife whole life like diamond. It’s means that if you have your own diamond it will forever in your life.

6 Convenience store-Family “ 全家就是你家 ” They not only sell goods you want but treat you as family. It a convenience store so you can buy everything you need and want in you life but also can buy something when you have emergency situation. The slogan let you fell warm about that they take care about your life when you need them.

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