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EDINBURGH CASTLE By: Rameen Chowdhury. Background In about AD 600, three hundred men gathered around their King Mynyddog, in his stronghold of Din Eidyn.

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Presentation on theme: "EDINBURGH CASTLE By: Rameen Chowdhury. Background In about AD 600, three hundred men gathered around their King Mynyddog, in his stronghold of Din Eidyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDINBURGH CASTLE By: Rameen Chowdhury

2 Background In about AD 600, three hundred men gathered around their King Mynyddog, in his stronghold of Din Eidyn. This is the first mention of the name of the place, which we call Edinburgh. Edinburgh History and Edinburgh Castle begins on the rock on which Edinburgh Castle stands. The rock was formed 70 million years ago. Two thousand years ago, during the iron Age, the rock had a hill–fort settlement on its summit. There is also evidence that Bronze Age man was living on the rock as long ago as 850 BC.

3 Where is it located? Edinburgh Castle is located in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is probably the most famous of all Scottish castles.

4 When is the structure built? The periods of Edinburgh Castle construction lasted many centuries, beginning at least from the eleventh century.

5 Who built the structure? It was King Malcolm III who built the first known castle on the hill. He was also known as ‘Canmore’ (which means ‘big head’ or ‘great leader’). King Malcolm Canmore and Queen Margaret first made their home here in the 11 th century, In 1093.

6 Why the structure was built? The castle was built to serve as military stronghold, army base and royal residence.

7 Is it still standing/used? Yes, today it is one of the Scotland’s most popular and most expensive tourist attractions

8 Materials and method used to build the structure First, King Malcolm III built a wooden fortress upon the huge rock mass that towers some 270 ft above the valley. The top of the rock is girt with a wall erected in several stages, and inside that is the citadel which contains several buildings.

9 Why was the structure built? What was its purpose and has it changed? The castle has been a palace, a treasury, the home of Scotland's records, a refuge for several Scottish kings during their minority years, and a prison.

10 The specific height, length, shape of structure: Edinburg Castle is standing on a rock rising 270 feet above the city

11 Has it ever been rebuild or remodeled and for what reasons. Edinburg Castle has been fought over more than 2,000 years. Edinburgh have been repeatedly battered, razed and restores. Most of the present castle dates from the sixteenth century and after. The castle that can be seen today, however, bears small resemblance to the medieval castle Few buildings that date from earlier than the seventeenth century remain. Notable among these is the small chapel of St Margaret on the highest part of the castle. It has been considerably altered and repaired over the centuries, but still retains some original features. Another early structure of which there are remnants is a tower that was L shaped and which rose to about 18.3 meters (60 ft). It had a drawbridge. This is known as David's Tower, named after David II who built it probably between 1368 and 1371.

12 Edinburgh Castle:

13 Any Questions?

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