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Sandvine Traffic Optimization Greg Parks, Housing & Residences.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandvine Traffic Optimization Greg Parks, Housing & Residences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandvine Traffic Optimization Greg Parks, Housing & Residences

2 Last Year Bill Baer gave a talk on the proposed implementation Solution was fully implemented in February 2009 WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

3 Old Solution WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization Credit:

4 Sandvine Solution WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization Credit: KevanLiz @

5 The Hardware Solution consists of two devices Subscriber Policy Broker (reporting server) Policy Traffic Switch PTS 8210 1 GB/Sec PTS 14000 4 or 10 GB/sec PTS 24000 40 or 60 GB/sec WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

6 Our Policy WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization 6 All Non-Time- Sensitive/Non-Bulk Non-Heavy/Over Cap Bulk Heavy/Over Cap Bulk All Time-Sensitive 400/800Mbps – Time Sensitive 80% 20% If no packets queued for Normal priority Normal Low Straight out, no queuing/dropping Credit: FreewayDan @

7 Bandwidth Optimization High Priority Protocols sip mgcp skype justvoip naver uniquefone jajah h323_h225 h323_h245 WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

8 Bandwidth Optimization “Bulk” Protocols thunder pando baidux foxy manolito vshare kugoo imesh poco bearshare blubster fileguri ftp nntp megaupload rapidshare pdbox windowsupdate symantec ares bittorrent gnutella gnutella2 edonkey fasttrack directconnect WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization asdudu winny redswoosh fasttrack ppmule soribada share tuotu baibao perfectdarkp2p sid

9 Before WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

10 After WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

11 Metrics WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

12 What is Next? Combine quote management for wireless and wired networks More advanced quota management Threat Mitigation WatITis | Strengthening Collaboration | December 8, 2009 | Sandvine Traffic Optimization

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