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Teachers Helping Teachers Align Units with the Common Core/ Depth of Knowledge / Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy September 24, 2012 Presented by Elin Reuben Karma.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers Helping Teachers Align Units with the Common Core/ Depth of Knowledge / Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy September 24, 2012 Presented by Elin Reuben Karma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers Helping Teachers Align Units with the Common Core/ Depth of Knowledge / Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy September 24, 2012 Presented by Elin Reuben Karma Maples

2 Intended Outcomes: Align a current unit with Common Core Complete a rigor chart on a current unit Develop more unit activities to fill in rigor chart Revise unit based on completed rigor chart and observations and reflections Submit revised unit (don’t forget common core labels ) and completed rigor chart Complete and turn in exit activity

3 How do our current units fit with CC?

4 What do you need? Patience (humor!) Materials –Unit –Common Core Standards flip charts

5 Box of Chocolates You have been hired as a designer to market packages of chocolate candy for Valentine’s Day. The manufacturer would like rectangu1ar boxes that do not have a top. The candy will be covered with colorful plastic wrap so the consumer can see the actual product. Use your math skills to master this task. Directions: 1. Use 1 inch graph paper (that was printed on card stock) to create a template for your box. 2. Flip the paper over and decorate the package. (The printed squares should be inside the box.) 3. Assemble the box with clear tape. Now it is time to do the math. Answer the foil owing questions. 1. What are the dimensions of the box? (length, width, and height) 2. What is the total surface area of the box? 3. If the material used to construct the box costs 4 cents per square inch, how much did it cost the manufacturer to make the box? 4. How many 1 inch cubes of chocolate fudge will the box hold? (volume) 5. If it cost 20 cents to make each piece of candy, how much would it cost to fill the box with chocolates? 6. What is the manufacture’s total cost of goods (box materials and candy)? 7. If the consumer’s price is the manufacture’s total cost plus 20%, what will the actual price of the candy? 8. How much profit will the manufacturer make on each box that is sold? 5.MD.5.C 5.NBT.7 5.MD.3 & 4 & 5 5.NBT.7

6 Now it is your turn. Start labeling your unit with common core If you get stuck, talk with your neighbor and see what they think (don’t ask us – ask Sarah ) We are giving you time to start this process but will not expect you to finish this within the 15 minutes. You WILL have more time at the end of the session to continue this work. Your time starts now!

7 The Timer

8 What is rigor? Write your personal definition of “cognitive rigor” as it relates to instruction, learning, and assessments. Let’s watch a video

9 AIG’s Definition of Cognitive Rigor We the, AIG staff, believe that rigor is….

10 Developing a Cognitive Rigor Matrix Currently, we use two different tools to describe cognitive rigor. Each addresses something different. RBT (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy) – What type of thinking (verbs) is needed to complete a task? DOK (Webb’s Depth of Knowledge) – How deeply do you have to understand the content to successfully interact with it? How complex or abstract is the content?

11 Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) & Bloom’s Cognitive Process Dimensions (2005) Knowledge– Define, duplicate, label, list, name, order, recognize, relate, recall Comprehension—Classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, review, select, translate Application– Analyze, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, practice, write Analysis– Analyze, appraise, explain, calculate, categorize, compare, criticize, discriminate, examine Synthesis– Rearrange, assemble, collect, compose, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, write Evaluation– Appraise, argue, assess, choose, compare, defend, estimate, explain, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value Remember– Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify Understand – Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase, represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, summarize, generalize, predict Apply – Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation; carry out or use/apply to an unfamiliar task Analyze – Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate Evaluate – Make judgments based on criteria, check, detect inconsistencies/fallacies, critique Create – Put elements together to form a coherent whole, reorganize elements into new patterns/structures.

12 What is DOK? Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Levels  DOK-1 – Recall & Reproduction – Recall of a fact, term, principle, concept; perform a routine procedure; locate details  DOK-2 – Basic Application of Skills/Concepts – Use of information; conceptual knowledge; select appropriate procedures for a given task; two or more steps with decision points along the way; routine problems; organize/ display data; interpret/use simple graphs; summarize; identify main idea; explain relationships; make predictions  DOK-3 – Strategic Thinking – Requires reasoning, or developing a plan or sequence of steps to approach problem; requires decision making or justification; abstract, complex or non-routine; often more than one possible answer; support solutions or judgments with text evidence  DOK-4 – Extended Thinking – An investigation or application to real world; requires time to research, problem solve, and process multiple conditions of the problem or task; non-routine manipulations; synthesize information across disciplines/content areas/multiple sources. Let’s watch a video


14 DOK is about depth & complexity – not difficulty!  The intended student learning outcome determines the DOK level. What mental process must occur?  While verbs may appear to point to a DOK level, it is what comes after the verb that is the best indicator of the rigor/DOK level. Describe the process of photosynthesis Describe how the two political parties are alike and different Describe the most significant effect of WWII on the nations of Europe


16 Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix: Applies Webb’s DOK to RBT Cognitive Process Dimensions Depth + Thinking Level 1 Recall & Reproduction Level 2 Basic Skills & Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking & Reasoning Level 4 Extended Thinking Remember Recall, locate basic facts, details, events Understand Select appropriate words to use when intended meaning is clearly evident Specify, explain relationships, summarize, identify main ideas Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence Explain how concepts or ideas specifically relate to other content domains or concepts Apply Use language structure or word relationships to determine meaning Use contest to identify meaning of word, obtain and interpret information using text features Use concepts to solve non-routine problems Devise an approach among many alternatives to research a novel problem Analyze Identify whether information is contained in a graph, table, etc. Compare literacy elements, terms, facts, events, analyze format, organization, & text structures Analyze or interpret author’s craft to critique a text Analyze multiple sources or texts Analyze complex/ abstract themes Evaluate Cite evidence and develop a logical argument for conjectures Evaluate relevancy, accuracy, & completeness of information Create Brainstorm ideas about a topic Generate conjectures based on observations or prior knowledge Synthesis information within one source of text Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts

17 Now, let’s apply your rigor Story: Little Red Riding Hood Questions go here

18 Hess CR Matrix Write the number for each set of questions in the correct cell in the CR Matrix Depth + ThinkingLevel 1 Recall & Reproduction Level 2 Basic Skills & Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking & Reasoning Level 4 Extended Thinking Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

19 Cognitive Rigor and Implications Reflect on the matrix. Are all the cells filled? Are there areas that need to be addressed?

20 Resources DOK Livebinder

21 Your Assignment: Assign Common Core standards to your unit Complete a CR matrix on your unit Reflect on the CR matrix and create activities where needed Revise your unit Submit/turn in unit and CR matrix Exit survey

22 Questions

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