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The Female Reproductive Tract

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1 The Female Reproductive Tract
Information taken from the IMS 8405 Animal Science Curriculum and website from OK State.

2 Objectives Students will discover parts of all male livestock animals.
Students will learn vocabulary relating to male reproduction Students will learn the functions of all the parts of male livestock.

3 Introduction Animal repro is a complex but interesting topic
It requires a basic knowledge of reproductive anatomy and physiology Reproduction is the process of producing offspring for the purpose of continuing a species.

4 Purpose To produce eggs or ova to be fertilized to from the embryo.
Serves as a receptacle for the penis during copulation and houses and nourishes the fetus until parturition. Produce female hormones

5 The Tract The tract is made up of several organs and muscles, each having a specific function. The next couple of slides.

6 The Tract

7 The Tract

8 Tract Types

9 Bovine Repro Tract

10 The Ovaries

11 The Ovaries They are supported in place, along with the rest of the tract, in the abdominal cavity by the broad ligaments The arteries, veins, and nerves of the ovaries are located in these ligaments as well.

12 Inside the Ovary

13 Ovary Functions There are two ovaries which function to produce eggs or ova. The ovaries also produce estrogen and progesterone.

14 Ovary Hormones Progesterone = hormone produced by the corpus luteum on an ovary during pregnancy which keeps estrus from occurring and causes the mammary system to develop. Estrogen = the female hormone produced by the developing follicle on an ovary to regulate heat period and cause male receptiveness by the female at the time of ovulation

15 Video Review

16 Ovulation Video Clip

17 Infudibulums Just below the ovaries, are two funnel-like openings called the infundibulums, which pick up the eggs at ovulation.

18 Oviducts Once the ova is in the infundibulum, the travel through the fallopian tubes (oviducts). 1. Oviduct is the site of fertilization 2. Oviduct transports the egg on into the uterine horn.

19 Oviducts

20 Uterus In the uterine horn, the embryo usually attaches, received nourishment, and develops until parturition.

21 Uterine Horn

22 Uterine body Place where the horns join. Layers: Outer = perimetrium
Middle = myometrium Inner = endometrium


24 Swine Tract

25 Uterus Functions Transports sperm
Muscle contractions and expelling of young Absorption and phagocytosis Support development of fetus Makes the Corpus Luteum regress

26 Cervix The “Main Gate” controlled by hormones.
Thick-walled mass of concentric muscles with a small tube-like opening which joins the uterus and the vagina

27 Cervix Functions Barrier to sperm to stop polyspermy
Reservoir for sperm Block bacterial infection during pregnancy Gate of birth canal Glands that secrete waxy-like substance that which seals off the uterus during pregnancy

28 Bovine Cervix

29 Equine Cervix

30 Porcine Cervix

31 Porcine Cervix

32 Vagina Receptacle for the penis during copulation
Passage way for the body to expel liquid waste. The urethra joins the bladder to the vagina.


34 Vulva The external portion of the female repro tract
Serves to protect the internal system from infection.

35 Clitoris Just inside the vulva Sensory erectile organ “wink”

36 Review

37 Egg Factory! The following slides will talk about egg production!

38 O O O Oogenesis - Process of egg creation
Oogonia – cells in a fetus that turn into ovaries Oocytes – matured oogonia There are thousand oocytes at the time of birth, but only a small proportion of these develop into ova or reach ovulation.

39 Steps in the process

40 Terms of Process When the follicle ruptures, a blood clotted area is formed This is called a corpus hemorrhagicum and last two or three days.

41 Terms of Process The C.H. area begins to fill with a mass of yellow cells called the corpus luteum. Its cells have the primary purpose of producing the second female sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone prepares the female repro anatomy for pregnancy and last approx. twelve days, unless the egg is fertilized, and then the C.L. stays until parturition.

42 Terms of Process A degenerating C.L. becomes covered by connective tissue called corpus albicans. Its function is to remove the yellow cells of the C.L. and return the ovary to its normal shape.

43 Estrous Cycle Is the process of oogenesis – the period of time from the beginning of one heat period(estrus) to the beginning of the next. A cow or mare normally produces one ovum per cycle. An ewe produces two and a sow eight to fifteen.

44 Time Differs from one species of livestock to another: cattle is from 18 to 25 days = avg 21 days. The End! All pictures taken from:

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