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JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20021 Long-term All IP Conference and IP 2 Ad-Hoc group ARIB/TTC IP 2 Ad-hoc Group Joint Experts Meeting for.

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Presentation on theme: "JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20021 Long-term All IP Conference and IP 2 Ad-Hoc group ARIB/TTC IP 2 Ad-hoc Group Joint Experts Meeting for."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20021 Long-term All IP Conference and IP 2 Ad-Hoc group ARIB/TTC IP 2 Ad-hoc Group Joint Experts Meeting for 3GPP2 Vision July 12 - 13, 2002 Activity of Masayoshi Ohashi

2 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20022 Background Rapid growth of IT market in Japan The expolsion of IP based data traffic in Mobile Communication. Improvement in the cost/performance of IP equipments (i.e., Router, Server) Strong drive towards merging mobile systems with the Internet Best solution for handling IP multimedia needed!

3 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20023 Objective To clarify Long-term All-IP for “beyond IMT- 2000 ” Exchange views among ARIB-TTC members Research status/trend of standardization/specification in relevant global organizations/forums Clarify standardization items from Japanese market viewpoint Proposal for the global organizations/forums (according to their processes)

4 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20024 Scope and Subjects Study Requirements for IP-based IMT Platform (IP 2 ): (1) Analysis of Draft All-IP Related Standards (2) Service/Platform Capabilities (3) Architecture (4) Information Flows

5 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20025 Study Group Structure IP 2 AdHoc (1-2 times/month) ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) Long-term All IP Conference (2-3 times/year) IT/NW Experts Radio Experts Reports of study status Presentation of WD Discussion on the way forward ITU-R WP8F ITU-T IMT SSG 3GPPs, IETFs, etc.? Working Document

6 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20026 IP 2 Ad-hoc Group Members Chair: Dr. Masami YABUSAKI (NTT DoCoMo) Vice-chair: Mr. Kazuyoshi SATO (Mitsubishi) Vice-chair: Dr. Masayoshi OHASHI (KDDI) NTT DoCoMo, Inc., KDDI CORPORATION, J-Phone Co., Ltd., Nippon Ericsson K.K. FUJITSU LIMITED, Lucent Technologies Japan Ltd., NEC Corporation, Nippon Motorola Ltd., NOKIA-JAPAN CO,. LTD., NTT, OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd., SHARP CORPORATION, Toshiba Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Sony Corporation, KYOCERA CORPORATION, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, CRL, NTC (NIPPON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING CO.,LTD. ), NTT SOFT, QUALCOMM JAPAN, Hitachi Ltd., NTT Communication Corporation. Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., LTD Member Companies; (as of 2002/06)

7 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20027 Activity Progress (1)Review of All-IP relevant study and standardization e.g. - All IP-NW study in 3G.IP and MWIF - All IP-NW standardization in 3GPPs - European Research Project “Brain” - IP Mobility, Session Control, VoIP, Security - OSA, Open API(Parlay) (2) Activity to global standardization - Report of ITU-T IMT SSG, ITU-R WP8F, IETF Plenaries - Contribution to ITU-T IMT SSG (Rec. on NW vision) - Contribution to 3GPP/3GPP2 Harmonization and WWRF (3) Technical Discussion - Requirements mainly on Mobility Management, Transport, QoS, Service Management, etc. - Drafting and updating document for requirements - Discussion on Architecture started from March, 2002 - Initial document for architecture was drafted.

8 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20028 Requirements Document Contents (1/2) 1.Introduction 2.Service Requirements (KDDI) 3.Platform Capability Requirements (NTT DoCoMo) 3.1General Network Requirements (NTC) 3.2General Radio Requirements (Mitsubishi) 3.3General Terminal Requirements (Panasonic) 3.4Mobility (NEC) 3.5Transport (Motorola) (Version 3 Apr. 2002)

9 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 20029 Requirements Document Contents (2/2) 3.6Service Management (Fujitsu) 3.7Addressing/Routing (NTT) 3.8QoS (NOKIA) 3.9Session Management (Hitachi) 3.10Security 3.11Accounting/Billing/Charging (Sharp) 4.Platform Architecture Scenarios (NTTCom) (Version 3 Apr. 2002)

10 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 200210 Working document for architecture 1.Introduction 2.References 3.Definitions and Abbreviations 4.Framework of Architecture 4.1Architecture Objectives 4.2Guiding Principles 5.Reference Model 5.1Layered Model 5.2Functional Components 5.3Interactions 6.Functional Distribution and Entities 6.1Overview of Functional Distribution 6.2Description of Functional Entities in IP-Based Transport Layer 6.3Description of Functional Entities in Control Layer 7.Interfaces and Reference Points

11 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 200211 Contribution to WWRF  WWRF5 WG3 (02/03/07-08) -Introduction of the IP 2 ad hoc -Agreed to produce two white papers on the requirements and architecture principles for long-term all IP network.  WWRF WG3 CoNet Interim Meeting (02/05/27-28) -Introduction of the framework of the IP2 requirement working document and IP2 architecture working document. -Started with drafting the white paper 1, 2, 3 and discussion on the e-mail list.  E-mail discussion -Proposal of the requirements in White paper 2. -Discussion on White paper 1 and 3  WWRF6 WG3 CoNet Interim Meeting (02/06/24) -Discussion to agree on the scope and content framework of White papers 1 to 3. Note:CoNet White paper 1 “CoNet Vision and Roadmap” CoNet White paper 2 “CoNet Research Challenges and Priorities CoNet White paper 3 “CoNet Architecture Principles”

12 JEM for 3GPP2 Vision, San Diego, July 12-13, 200212 Conclusion IP 2 continues to study long-term all IP requirements and its architecture. As an uptream activity, IP 2 is contributing to global organizations / forums (i.e., WWRF) with its study results and findings. Open issue is how to achieve harmonization on all-IP network beyond IMT-2000. IP 2 wishes to cooperate toward this goal.

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