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AIM: To introduce ‘drugs awareness’ and discuss the effects drugs can have on the human body OBJECTIVES Name 5 drugs List and categorize each drug into.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: To introduce ‘drugs awareness’ and discuss the effects drugs can have on the human body OBJECTIVES Name 5 drugs List and categorize each drug into."— Presentation transcript:


2 AIM: To introduce ‘drugs awareness’ and discuss the effects drugs can have on the human body OBJECTIVES Name 5 drugs List and categorize each drug into their relevant drug class (A, B, C, Other) Identify the key effects of heroin, ecstasy and cannabis Create a drugs awareness poster, implementing what has been learnt


4 What class drug is it? What are some of the effects?

5 It makes you feel on top of the world (confident, alert, ego, arrogant) Aggressive Careless (taking huge risks) Raises body temperature and makes your heart beat faster Reduces hunger HUGE ‘comedown’ – depressed and run down. Can last for periods of days.



8 MAGICMUSHROOMS What class drug is it? What are some of the effects?

9 Pick the wrong mushroom or eat too much – you could die instantly! Highly poisonous – differ in strengths and toxins Your sense of time and movement can speed up or down Colours, sounds and objects appear distorted MAJOR hallucinations! Very bad Jelly and creepy crawlies story



12 Ketamine What class drug is it? What are some of the effects?

13 A powerful anesthetic used stop the feeling of pain in major operations – used mainly on horses! Paralysed effect – muscle spasms and incapable of moving. Out of body experience. Mind an body separate. Near death experiences “entering the K-Hole” Major hallucinations – from 30mins to several hours! Panic attacks Depression Major bladder problems and pain when going to the toilet. Bladders removed in surgery.


15 Type of DrugNumber of Deaths Heroin (A)765 Cocaine (A)169 Methadone (A)429 Ecstasy (A)43 Cannabis (B)13 Barbiturates (B)32 Steroids (C)10 Alcohol (Other)4525 Number of drug-related deaths in England/Wales 2014


17 AIM: To introduce ‘drugs awareness’ and discuss the effects drugs can have on the human body OBJECTIVES Name 5 drugs List and categorize each drug into their relevant drug class (A, B, C, Other) Identify the key effects of heroin, ecstasy and cannabis Create a drugs awareness poster, implementing what has been learnt

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