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Human Populations. 1. Human Population Population Size Immigration Births Emigration Deaths.

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1 Human Populations


3 1. Human Population Population Size Immigration Births Emigration Deaths

4 2. How much longer? Malthus: Our food supply will finally give out ( we will hit our carrying capacity). Others: Because we are so smart we are increasing our carrying capacity.

5 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Crude death rate (CDR) Growth Rate Doubling time Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Replacement-level fertility Life expectancy Infant Mortality Child Mortality Age structure diagram Net Migration Rate

6 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year

7 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year

8 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10

9 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) = 70/GR

10 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear.

11 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths

12 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females

13 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals

14 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Esttimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals

15 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectanceHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals Age structure diagram How members are distributed across age ranges 3 kinds

16 MeasurementWhat it means.How its calculated. Crude birth rate (CBR) Number of births in a year # of births/1000 individuals/year Crude death rate (CDR) Number of deaths in a year # of deaths/1000 individuals/year Growth RatePercent change of population CBR-CDR}/ 10 Doubling time How long it takes to double a population (Rule of 70) DT (in years) – 70/GR Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Estimate average # of kids each woman in the population will bear. Replacement-level fertility The TFR required to offset the average # of deaths Life expectancyHow long infants liveOverall, males and females Infant MortalityUnder 1 year old# of infants/1000 individuals Child MortalityUnder 5 years old # of childern/1000 individuals Age structure diagram How members are distributed across age ranges 3 kinds Net Migration RateThe difference between immigration and emigration. (I-E)/ year/1000 people

17 Now lets Review FAoA FAoA

18 Demographic Transition States: as a country moves from a subsistence economy to industrialization and increase affluence, it undergoes a predictable shift in population.

19 obal_population_growth obal_population_growth

20 Environmental Impact IPAT Equation Impact = population x affluence x technology More affluent = more impact Can also use the term destructive technology Ecologicial Footprint : how many hectacres is needed to sustain one’s lifestyle

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