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Vocabulary Level F Unit # 6
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anomalous (adj) abnormal, irregular
Synonyms: exceptional, unusual, atypical After getting anomalous test results, the doctor decided to run the tests again because nothing was normal.
aspersion (N) A damaging or derogatory statement Synonym: innuendo
Antonyms: endorsement, praise She posted many aspersions about her ex-boyfriend on Facebook because she was furious with him for breaking her heart.
bizarre (adj) extremely strange, unusual, atypical
Synonyms: grotesque, fantastic, outlandish Her outfit was so bizarre we thought she must be wearing a Halloween costume.
brusque (adj) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities
Synonyms: curt, tactless, ungracious My boss is always so brusque when he gives me instructions; he sounds angry, but I realize he is just being direct.
cajole (verb) to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice
Synonyms: Wheedle, inveigle, sweet-talk He didn’t want to go with her, so she had to cajole him.
castigate (verb) to punish severely, to criticize severely
Synonyms: chastise, rebuke, censure The mom was so angry at her son’s disobedience that she castigated him in front of everyone.
contrive (verb) to plan with ingenuity, invent, to bring about as the result of a plan Synonyms: think-up, devise, concoct, fabricate The sneaky students contrived an elaborate plan to cheat on the test.
demagogue (noun) a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power Synonyms: rabble-rouser, firebrand We should always examine our leader’s word to determine if he is a demagogue.
disabuse (verb) To free from deception or error, to set right
Synonyms: enlighten, set straight, undeceive You should disabuse yourself of the belief that you can succeed without working hard.
ennui (noun) weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest - boredom Synonyms: languor, listlessness Antonyms: enthusiasm, excitement I am surprised that so many high school students appear to suffer from ennui during English class.
fetter Synonyms: (N) Bond, restraint (V) to bind
(noun) a chain or shackle place on the feet; anything that confines or restrains (Verb) to chain or shackle Synonyms: (N) Bond, restraint (V) to bind My creative writers hate to be fettered to strict essay format.
heinous (adj) Very wicked, offensive, hateful
Synonyms: evil, odious, abominable, outrageous Only a heinous person would try to melt Frosty the Snowman. Melting Frosty is a heinous crime.
immutable (adj) not subject to change, constant
Synonyms: Unchangeable, unaltered, fixed Mrs. Zellmer’s rule about no phones in class is immutable; she will never allow them.
insurgent (Noun) one who rebels against authority
(Adj) refusing to accept authority Synonyms: (Adj) revolutionary, rebellious The hairdresser tried to straighten her insurgent hair, but it kept bouncing back into curls no matter what.
megalomania (noun) A delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent Synonyms: delusions of grandeur Antonyms: humility, modesty, self-abasement Often movie stars experience megalomania when their fans and the press praise them excessively.
sinecure (noun) A position or job requiring little to no work
Synonyms: A "no-show" job, A cushy job People who think that teaching is a sinecure have obviously never tried it!
surreptitious (adj) stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation
Synonyms: Furtive, covert, concealed The cheating student tried to look at his neighbors paper surreptitiously.
transgress (verb) To go beyond a limit or boundary, to sin, to violate the law Synonyms: Overstep, exceed, trespass Antonyms: Obey When she sassed back at her teacher, all the other students knew that she had transgressed.
transmute (verb) To change from one nature substance or form to another Synonyms: Transform, translate, metamorphose We would all be rich if we could figure out a way to transmute plastic into gold.
vicarious (adj) Performed, suffered, or otherwise experience by one person in place of another Synonyms: surrogate, substitute, imagined Antonyms: real, actual, firsthand Since I am not able to run long distances, I watched the marathon on TV and experienced it vicariously.
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