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Micro-Computer Applications: Introduction Dr. Eng. Amr T. Abdel-Hamid ELECT 707 Fall 2011.

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1 Micro-Computer Applications: Introduction Dr. Eng. Amr T. Abdel-Hamid ELECT 707 Fall 2011

2 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications Course Contents  Number Systems  Introduction, Computer organization and Architecture  80x86 micro-processor  Processor organization  Assembly Language programming  Memory interfacing and DMA’s  Input/output interfacing  80386, 80486, and Beyond  Micro-Controllers are embedded systems  Handheld and mobile Processors.

3 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications Course Grading  Exams  Quizzes3 Quizzes: best 2  Final exam  Midterm  NO Graded Theoretical Assignments  Lecture/Tutorial Quizzes (will set best % later)  Programming Assignments over the emulator.  Project

4 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications Project  Course Project: Building Distributed factory control system using PIC Micro-Controller  Students TA: Abdel-Monsef (Project Leader)  Teaching Assistant: Ahmed Bahaa Mansour  Project starts just after Midterm exams

5 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications In time & It is too LATE Policy  Late presentation of project and assignments is NOT possible.  Honor code  100% penalty for both copier and copy-giver of Any Report/CODE.

6 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications Text Books  The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Comput ers: Assembly Language, Design and Interfacin g, 3 rd Edition, Muhammad Ali Mazidi; Janice Gilli spie Mazidi  The PIC Microcontroller And Embedded Sys tems: Using Assembly And C for PIC18, 1 st Edit ion, Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin McKinlay, Dann y Causey

7 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications Why 80X86?

8 Dr. Amr Talaat ELECT 707 Micro-Computer Applications New view: ClusterOnaChip (CoC)  Use several simple processors on a single chip:  Performance goes up linearly in number of transistors  Simpler processors can run at faster clocks  Less design cost/time, Less time to market risk (reuse)  Inspiration: Google  Search engine for world: 100M/day  Economical, scalable build block: PC cluster today 8000 PCs, 16000 disks  Advantages in fault tolerance, scalability, cost/performance  32-bit MPU as the new “Transistor”  “Cluster on a chip” with 1000s of processors enable amazing MIPS/$, MIPS/watt for cluster applications  MPUs combined with dense memory + system on a chip CAD  30 years ago Intel 4004 used 2300 transistors: when 2300 32-bit processors on a single chip?

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