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Sir John Suckling (1609 – 1642) Richard Lovelace (1618 – 1657)

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Presentation on theme: "Sir John Suckling (1609 – 1642) Richard Lovelace (1618 – 1657)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sir John Suckling (1609 – 1642) Richard Lovelace (1618 – 1657)

2 Civil War (1642 - 1651)  Religious turmoil boiling  Charles I Cracks down on organized religious protest Met with violent protest Tries to rule without Parliament  War breaks out

3 Who would you want fighting for you? RoyalistsProtectorate

4 War. Huh. What is it good for? RoyalistsProtectorate  Fought for monarch  100 member Cavalier army Cavalier – Old French, means groom, holster Wealthy, gentry families Carefree, long-haired, reckless youth Scarlet coats, white doublets, fancy pants  Fought for Parliament  Led by Oliver Cromwell & the “Roundheads” Fierce fighters Believed they fought for God’s vengeance

5 Results  Charles loses, imprisoned, and beheaded.  Protectorate ruled.

6 Two Poets SucklingLovelace

7 Two Poets SucklingLovelace  Member of Charles’ court  Known as a gambler  Tried to rescue royalist army from Tower of London  Fled to Paris, died poor shortly after  Poetry is natural, easy  Wealthy family  Good looking, elegant  Studied at Oxford  Imprisoned in Tower of London  Died poor at 39  Poetry is more serious.  Both poets are witty, charming, graceful

8 John Milton (1608 – 1674)  Considered one of the greats  Staunch Puritan Felt that even the Church of England had too many barriers to God Wrote pamphlets in support of Puritan cause – sided with Protectorate ○ Jailed and nearly executed after the Restoration of the crown  Wrote epic Paradise Lost while blind after release from prison.

9 Paradise Lost  Epic: A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated Classical: Biblical  In Medias Ras: A technique of plunging into the middle of a story and only later using a flashback to tell what has happened previously.  Invocation: A call to a muse, god, or spirit for inspiration at the beginning of an epic.  Masque: An elaborate and spectacular dramatic entertainment popular among the English aristocracy in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Made use of songs, dances, colorful costumes, and stage effects.

10 Assignment today  Your group will be assigned a poem Johnson, Herrick, Suckling, or Lovelace  Before you get in your groups: Read your assigned poem academically ○ Read it straight through ○ Use writing to think ○ Look for any patterns Get into your groups and read it once again together ○ Continue to discuss speaker, form, and function  With your group, grab a piece of butcher paper and make a visual representation of your assigned poem. Your image may focus on: the main idea Theme Imagery mood tone etc.  Label your image with specific references (line number) to the poem. We will present tomorrow

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