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Communicating in the Digital Age Chapter Twelve Copyright © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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1 Communicating in the Digital Age Chapter Twelve Copyright © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 12-2 After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the perceptual process model of communication Describe the process, personal, physical, and semantic barriers to effective communication Contrast the communication styles of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and nonassertiveness Discuss the primary sources of nonverbal communication

3 12-3 After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Review the five dominant listening styles and 10 keys to effective listening Explain the information technology of Internet/intranet/extranet, e-mail, instant messaging, handheld devices, blogs, videoconferencing/telepresence, and group support systems, and explain the related use of teleworking

4 Basic Dimensions of the Communication Process Communication -the exchange of information between a sender and receiver and the inference of meaning between the individuals involved 12-4

5 12-5 A Perceptual Model of Communication Figure 12-1

6 A Perceptual Model of Communication Sender -person wanting to communicate information- the message Receiver -person, group, or organization for whom the message is intended Encoding -translates thoughts into code or language that can be understood by others 12-6

7 12-7 Question? Alexa is informing her subordinates that the expense reimbursement policy for travel has been significantly modified. Alexa would be considered which of these? A.Decoder B.Medium C.Sender D.Noise

8 A Perceptual Model of Communication Selecting a Medium -depends on the nature of the message, its intended purpose, type of audience, proximity to the audience, time horizon for disseminating the message, personal preferences, and the complexity of the problem/situation at hand 12-8

9 12-9 A Perceptual Model of Communication Decoding -occurs when receivers receive a message -process of interpreting and making sense of a message Feedback -receives expresses a reaction to the sender’s message

10 A Perceptual Model of Communication Noise -interference with the transmission and understanding of a message 12-10

11 Barriers to Effective Communication 1.Personal barriers -any individual attribute that hinders communication 2.Physical barriers 3.Semantic barriers 12-11

12 12-12 Personal Barriers 1.Variable skills in communicating effectively 2.Variations in how information is processed and interpreted 3.Variations in personal trust 4.Stereotypes and prejudices 5.Big egos

13 12-13 Personal Barriers (cont.) 6.Poor listening skills 7.Natural tendency to evaluate other’s messages 8.Inability to listen with understanding 9.Nonverbal communication

14 12-14 Physical Barriers 1.Time zone differences 2.Telephone-line static 3.Distance from others 4.Crashed computers 5.Office design

15 Question? Laura works at an office with low-walled cubicles. There is often a lot of background noise and Laura has trouble hearing clients on the phone. This is an example of a ________ barrier. A.Process B.Physical C.Personal D.Semantic 12-15

16 12-16 Barriers to Effective Communication Semantics -study of words Semantic barriers -problems with language in communication -fueled by the growing trend to outsource customer service operations to foreign countries like India -jargon

17 12-17 Interpersonal Communication Communication competence -ability to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context

18 12-18 Communication Competence Affects Upward Mobility Figure 12-2

19 12-19 Assertiveness, Aggressiveness, and Nonassertiveness Assertive style -expressive and self-enhancing, but does not take advantage of others. Aggressive style -expressive and self-enhancing, but takes advantage of others Nonassertive style -timid and self-denying behavior.

20 12-20 Question? Sam has an expressive and self-enhancing communication style, which is based on the notion that it is not right or good to violate our own or others' basic human rights. Sam can be described as having which of these styles? A.Aggressive B.Nonassertive C.Nonverbal D.Assertive

21 12-21 Communication Styles

22 12-22 Sources of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication -messages sent outside of the written and spoken word Sources: -Body movement and gestures -Touch -Facial expression -Eye contact

23 Question? Travis was in a meeting with his supervisor regarding sales analysis. Travis had his arms folded and legs crossed. Travis's nonverbal behavior communicated which of these? A.Semantics B.Defensiveness C.Aggressiveness D.Immediacy 12-23

24 12-24 Active Listening Listening -actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages.

25 12-25 Listening Styles Appreciative -listens for pleasure, entertainment, or inspiration Empathetic -interprets messages by focusing on emotions and body language

26 Question? Dr. Philip interprets messages by focusing on emotions and body language. His listening style can be described as __________. A.Appreciative B.Empathetic C.Discerning D.Evaluative 12-26

27 Listening Styles Comprehensive -organizes specific thoughts and actions and integrates this information by focusing on relationships among ideas 12-27

28 12-28 Listening Styles Discerning -attempt to understand the main message and determine important points Evaluative -listen analytically and continually formulate arguments and challenges to what is being said

29 12-29 The Keys to Effective Listening

30 Women and Men Communicate Differently Women are more likely to share credit for success, ask questions, and tactfully give feedback Men are more likely to boast, to bluntly give feedback, and less likely to admit fault or weakness 12-30

31 Communication in the Computerized Information Age Multicommunicating -the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time 12-31

32 12-32 Internet/Intranet/Extranet Internet -a global network of computer networks. Intranet -an organization’s private internet. Extranet -connects internal employees with selected customers, suppliers, and strategic partners

33 Question? Wal-Mart has established their computer networking system as such that it connects the stores and company individuals with their suppliers and key strategic partners. This can be described as a(n) A.Telecommuting B.Intranet C.Extranet D.Videoconferencing 12-33

34 12-34 Benefits of E-mail 1.Reduced the cost of distributing information 2.Increased teamwork 3.Reduced paper costs 4.Increased flexibility

35 12-35 Drawbacks to E-mail 1.Wasted time and effort 2.Information overload 3.Increased costs to organize, store, and monitor usage 4.Neglect of other media

36 12-36 Videoconferencing/Telepresence Videoconferencing -uses video and audio links along with computers to enable people in different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another

37 Videoconferencing/Telepresence Telepresence -advanced form of teleconferencing -requires specially designed rooms with multiple cameras, sound-damping equipment and high-definition video screens 12-37

38 Benefits of Videoconferencing and Telepresence Systems can reduce an organization’s travel expenses Allow people working across the world to participate in the innovation process on an as needed basis Allow employees to speed up the decision making process 12-38

39 12-39 Group Support Systems Group support systems -using computer software and hardware to help people work better together -have demonstrated increased productivity and cost savings

40 12-40 Teleworking -a work practice in which an employee does part of his job in a remote location using a variety of information technologies -Also called telecommuting

41 Supplemental Slides Slides 42-46 contain extra non-text examples to integrate and enhance instructor lectures -Slide 42: Texting Etiquette -Slide 43: Off-Duty Blogging -Slide 44: Blogs -Slide 45-46: Video discussion slides 12-41

42 12-42 Texting Etiquette When with someone, ask permission to check or send texts Set rules with family and friends Don’t text anything you would not want sent to someone else Follow school or workplace rules for cell phone usage Don’t text about sex Source: Text-Messaging etiquette? 4getit, Arizona Republic, 12/12/06, p. A1, A4

43 12-43 Off-Duty Blogging You have three employees…. -Greg blogs about his company’s employment practices -Sue blogs about sexually fantasies -Diane blogs about her strong political views All three are excellent employees… your CEO says you need to fire each of them. Do you? Can you legally?

44 12-44 Blogs Blog -online journal in which people comment on any topic Read an example of BusinessWeek’s Blog

45 Video: A Week Without Technology: Could You Do It? What business processes are affected by the presence or lack of technology? Is it possible for a company to be competitive today without technology? How is the perceptual model of communication different when technology is used than if it were not? Which types of communication barriers might be different? How are the non-verbal aspects of communication affected by technology? How would you do in Dennis’s situation - could you have lasted the full week? 12-45

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