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CS4402 – Parallel Computing Lecture 1: Classification of Parallel Computers Classification of Parallel Computation Important Laws of Parallel Compuation.

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Presentation on theme: "CS4402 – Parallel Computing Lecture 1: Classification of Parallel Computers Classification of Parallel Computation Important Laws of Parallel Compuation."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS4402 – Parallel Computing Lecture 1: Classification of Parallel Computers Classification of Parallel Computation Important Laws of Parallel Compuation

2 How I used to make breakfast……….

3 How to set family to work...

4 How finally got to the office in time….

5 What is Parallel Computing? In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple computing resources to solve a problem. Parallel computing is the solution for "Grand Challenge Problems“: yweather and climate ybiological, human genome ychemical and nuclear reactions Parallel Computing is a necessity for some commercial applications: yparallel databases, data mining ycomputer-aided diagnosis in medicine Ultimately, parallel computing is an attempt to minimize time.



8 Grand Challenges Problems

9 List of Supercomputers zFind this information at

10 Reason 1: Speedup

11 Reason 2: Economy Resources already available. yTaking advantage of non-local resources yCost savings - using multiple "cheap" computing resources instead of paying for time on a supercomputer. A parallel system is cheaper than a better processor. yTransmission speeds. yLimits to miniaturization. yEconomic limitations.

12 Reason 3: Scalability

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14 14 Types of || Computers Parallel Computers HardwareSoftware Shared memory Distributed memory Hybrid memory SIMDMIMD



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23 The Banking Analogy z Tellers: Parallel Processors z Customers: tasks z Transactions: operations z Accounts: data

24 Vector/Array z Each teller/processor gets a very fine-grained task z Use pipeline parallelism z Good for handling batches when operations can be broken down into fine- grained stages

25 SIMD (Single-Instruction- Multiple-Data) z All processors do the same things or idle z Phase 1: data partitioning and distributed z Phase 2: data-parallel processing z Efficient for big, regular data-sets

26 Systolic Array z Combination of SIMD and Pipeline parallelism z 2-d array of processors with memory at the boundary z Tighter coordination between processors z Achieve very high speeds by circulating data among processors before returning to memory

27 MIMD(Multi-Instruction- Multiple-Data) z Each processor (teller) operates independently z Need synchronization mechanism yby message passing yor mutual exclusion (locks) z Best suited for large- grained problems z Less than data-flow parallelism

28 28 Important Laws of || Computing.

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36 36 Important Consequences z f=0 when no serial part  S(n)=n perfect speedup. z f=1 when everything is serial  S(n)=1 no parallel code.

37 37 Important Consequences z S(n) is increasing when n is increasing zS(n) is decreasing when f is increasing.

38 38 Important Consequences no matter how many processors are being used the speedup cannot increase above Examples: f = 5%  S(n) < 20 f = 10%  S(n) < 10 f = 20%  S(n) < 5.

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42 42 Gustafson’s Law - More

43 43 Gustafson’s Speed-up When s+p=1 Important Consequences: 1)S(n) is increasing when n is increasing 2)S(n) is decreasing when n is increasing 3)There is no upper bound for the speedup.

44 44 To read: 1.John L. Gustafson, Re-evaluating Amdahl's Law, 2.Yuan Shi, Re-evaluating Amdahl's and Gustafson’s Laws, 3.Wilkinson’s book, 1.sections of the laws of parallel computing 2.sections about types of parallel machines and compuation

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