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2012 清大電資院學士班 「頂尖企業暑期實習」 經驗分享心得報告 實習企業: 聯發科技 實習學生:電資院學士班 陳建寧.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 清大電資院學士班 「頂尖企業暑期實習」 經驗分享心得報告 實習企業: 聯發科技 實習學生:電資院學士班 陳建寧."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 清大電資院學士班 「頂尖企業暑期實習」 經驗分享心得報告 實習企業: 聯發科技 實習學生:電資院學士班 陳建寧

2 前言 ( 一 ) 實習時間: 民國 101 年 7 月 2 日至 101 年 8 月 31 日,共 61 天 ( 二 ) 實習地點: 聯發科技 - 新竹總部 ( 三 ) 實習導師: 周相攸 Maggy Chou; DT/ DA RD 工程師 ( 四 ) 參與動機: 增廣見聞、學習新知 拓展人脈、認識業界

3 實習單位簡介 About MediaTek.Inc Founded in 1997, headquartered in Hsinchu Science Park Employees: 3200 in HQ / 6950 in worldwide Rank: 1 st place in Taiwan, Top 5 in the world; Fabless IC Design House Wireless Communication, Optical Storage, Digital Home Products… 6 Core Values 山寨教父

4 實習單位簡介 About Summer Internship Program Start from 2003, 30 interns per year. NTU, NTHU, NCTU - top 3 universities in Taiwan Part-time v.s. Full-time Well-organized schedule

5 實習單位簡介 About DT/ DA Design Technology/ Design Automation 10 members in total (1 in Beijing), including 1 direct supervisor, 3 summer interns. Focus on in-house design tools and support other departments. Weekly update/ DA Monthly Review/ DT Monthly Review

6 實習單位簡介 About Working Environment Gym, Kindergarten, Massage, Clinic… Staff Restaurant, 7-11, Dante Coffee ─ A subsidy of 45 dollars per meal. ─ A welfare of 200 dollars per month. ─ Hmm… foods there are much better than in school. In office, two PCs per person ─ Unix – Developments. ─ Windows XP – Google, Outlook… PIM – Proprietary Information Management

7 實習內容 ( 一 ) 實習內容 Get ready Unix Commands - MTK’s RD Portal Laker TCL Reference by Spring Soft Usage of Calibre RVE DRC Report Foramt - ppt by MTK C++/ QT API - Book from Maggy

8 實習內容 ( 一 ) 實習內容 My job – iRVE iRVE – in-house result viewing environment tool Take Calibre RVE as a reference Study and modify Maggy’s code! Keep following Maggy’s instructions… Try to complete the functions and improve the GUI.

9 實習內容 Items Difficulty (1 - 5 ☆ ) Status Development Search Function (keyword highlight, regExp, Case sensitive included) ★★★★ Fix/ Unfix polygons ★★ Waive/ Unwaive / Comment polygons ★★★ Write back DRC file and waived DRC file ★★★★ Status Bar ★ Extend all functions to different sort types ★★★★★ Tabs changed support (Multi-files) ★★★ GUI improvements (menus, labels, icons...) ★★★ Debugs… ★★

10 實習內容


12 ( 二 ) 實習收穫 Developing programs under workstations (Unix commands, VIM…) C++ and Qt’s API Usage of Laker and Calibre RVE Ability of doing research by myself!! Ability of giving speech or report!! Ability of cooperating with others!!

13 實習內容 ( 三 ) 心得感想 English is the basic skill. ─ Papers, documents, e-mails, ppt…are all in ENG!! Use what you've learned!! ─ No one can help you this time… The attitude determines the altitude!! ─ Teamwork is the key!! School v.s. Industry ─ Ideal v.s. Reality ─ C/P always matters…! Stay hungry, stay foolish!!

14 建議事項 Needs more propaganda… Among 26 summer interns… NTU:15 NCTU:7 NTHU:2 Others:4

15 建議事項 Challenge yourself… Actually, I have never learned about C++ and Qt before I went to MTK… Don’t be afraid of asking!! March forward courageously!!!

16 實習後對未來之生涯規劃、期許及目標 What I have learned is useful for my special topic on implementation… for hunting a job after graduation… To recognize my interests more I can have a clear target on my future. To apply the knowledge to my school work

17 附錄 ( 實習照片 )


19 2012 清大電資院學士班 Thank You!! 實習企業: 聯發科技 實習學生:電資院學士班 陳建寧

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