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Introduction to Biology. Goal: to investigate and understand the natural world 1. natural world 2. collect/organize information 3. propose explanations.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Biology. Goal: to investigate and understand the natural world 1. natural world 2. collect/organize information 3. propose explanations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Biology

2 Goal: to investigate and understand the natural world 1. natural world 2. collect/organize information 3. propose explanations to test An organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world, looking for patters and connections Science “Skeptically Interrogating the Universe” “Skeptically Interrogating the Universe”

3 Scientific Method

4 Observation – STEP 1 five sensesEmploying your five senses to perceive objects or events Based on observations; one or more questions are generated

5 Forming a Hypothesis – STEP 2 testableA statement is testable if evidence can be collected that either does or doesn’t support it It can never be proven beyond doubt refined and revised or discardedOften must be refined and revised or discarded

6 Experimenting – STEP 3 Testing a hypothesis controlled conditionsTesting a hypothesis or prediction by gathering data under controlled conditions – conducting a controlled experiment control grouexperimental group –Based on a comparison of a control group with an experimental group

7 independent variable –(independent variable) manipulated variable is changed or changes on its own dependent variable –(dependent variable) responding variable that is observed and changes in response to the manipulated variable –controlled experiment –controlled experiment – testing a hypothesis by changing only 1 variable at a time.

8 –Measuring quantitative data numbersInvolves quantitative data that can be measured in numbers qualitative dataqualitative data information that isn’t numbers –Sampling sample represent the entire populationTechnique of using a sample – a small part – to represent the entire population

9 Organizing Data – STEP 4 Involves placing observations and measurement (data) in order –Graphs, charts, tables, or maps

10 Conclusion – STEP 5 Conclusions are made on the basis of facts, not observations drawn from data –Often drawn from data gathered from a study or experiment support the hypothesis –Should support the hypothesis re-testable –Should be re-testable

11 Sharing of informationSharing of information is essential to scientific process verificationSubject to examination and verification by other scientists Allows scientists to build on the work of others Communication – STEP 6

12 Redi’s Experiment

13 Needham’s Test of Redi’s Experiment

14 Spallanzani’s Test of Redi’s Findings

15 Pastuer’s Test of Spontaneous Generation

16 Theories theoryA theory may be formed after many related hypotheses have been tested and supported with experimental evidence Theories predict considerable evidenceSupported by considerable evidence Ties together related hypotheses

17 Laws Statement of factA Statement of fact that concisely explains an action or group of actions e.g. Law of Gravity Accepted to be trueAccepted to be true UniversalUniversal May be expressed as a math equation e.g. E=mc 2

18 Life arose more than 3.5 billion years ago First organisms (living things) were single celled Organisms changed over time (evolved) Biology “The Study of Life”

19 Cell structure and function Stability and homeostasis Reproduction and inheritance Evolution or change over time Interdependence of organisms Matter, energy, and organization Themes of Biology

20 Cell basic unit of life All organisms are made of and develop from cells Some composed of only a single cell (unicellular) which is usually identical to parent Cell Structure and Function

21 Stability and Homeostasis Organisms must Maintain very stable internal conditions – HOMEOSTASIS Temperature, water content, chemical content, pH, etc. must be maintained

22 Reproduction and Inheritance All organisms produce new organisms like themselves REPRODUCE Organisms transmit hereditary information to their offspring INHERITANCE

23 ability to reproduceAll species have the ability to reproduce –Not essential to survival of individual –Not essential to survival of individual but is essential for continuation of a species Reproduction and Inheritance

24 DNA Genetic Information in all cells Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA contains instructions for traits GENES Make the structures and complex chemicals necessary for life PROTEINS

25 evolutionAbility to adapt to their environment through the process of evolution Favorable characteristicsFavorable characteristics are selected for and passed on to offspring adaptationsCalled adaptations Driven by natural selection or “survival of the fittest”Driven by natural selection or “survival of the fittest” Evolve

26 26 Natural Selection Natural selection is the driving force in evolution Organisms that have certain favorable traits are better able to successfully reproduce than organisms without traits “Survival of the Fittest”

27 Interdependence of Organisms Interaction of organisms with one another and with their environment ECOLOGY Insects depend and flowers DEPEND on each other for food & pollination COEVOLUTION

28 Matter, Energy and Organization Living things are highly organized Require a constant supply of energy to maintain their orderly state

29 Energy ALL energy comes from the SUN (directly or indirectly) Photosynthesis is the process by which some organisms capture the energy from the sun (solar) and transform it into energy (chemical) that can be used by living things

30 metabolismUse energy in a process called metabolism –Sum of all chemical processes Require energy to maintain their molecular and cellular organization, grow and reproduce Energy

31 cell division and cell enlargementGrow occurs as the result of cell division and cell enlargement Cell division preexisting cellCell division is the formation of two cells from a preexisting cell New cells enlarge as they mature surface area isn’t big enough for its volumeWhen a cell grows to a size where its surface area isn’t big enough for its volume, the cell divides Growth

32 process by which an adult organism arise developmentThe process by which an adult organism arise is called development cell differentiation –Repeated cell divisions and cell differentiation Development

33 Respond to stimuliRespond to stimuli in the external environment light, heat, sound and chemical and mechanical contactDetect and respond to changes in light, heat, sound and chemical and mechanical contact Coordinates it’s responses Responsiveness

34 molecular and cellular levelsOrganized at both the molecular and cellular levels Take in substances from the environment and organize them in complex ways (organelles)Specific cell structures (organelles) carry out particular functions Organization

35 multicellular organisms,In multicellular organisms, cells and groups of cells (tissues) are organized by their function –Cells –Cells  tissues –Tissues –Tissues  organs –Organs  systems systems –Systems  –ORGANISM


37 Microscopy and Measurement magnification –Increase in apparent size is called magnification resolution –The ability to show details clearly is called resolution

38 38

39 Compound Light Microscopes Specimen glass slideSpecimen mounted on a glass slide Must be thinly sliced or very small lensesPair of lenses –Ocular –Ocular lens (eye piece) –Objective –Objective lens (nose piece) LIVE specimensCan be used to study LIVE specimens

40 MagnificationMagnification determined by multiplying power of both lenses Eyepiece 10X times Objective power (20X, 40X…) Highest1000XHighest Max magnification is around 1000X Compound Light Microscopes

41 Electron Microscopes Transmission EM (TEM)Transmission EM (TEM) beam of electrons –Uses a beam of electrons to produce an enlarged image of very thinly sliced specimen on screen or photographic plate magnetic lenses –Image focused by magnetic lenses –200,000X magnification –Cannot be used to view living specimens

42 Scanning EM (SEM)Scanning EM (SEM) –3D –3D image not sliced for viewing –Specimens not sliced for viewing –Surface sprayed with fine metal coating –Also uses electron beam and fluorescent screen or photographic plates –100,000X magnification –Cannot be used to view living specimens Electron Microscopes


44 Measurements SI units or metricWe will be using SI units or metric system when possible --- the WHOLE world uses it except us (USA)




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