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"Extending Green Revolution in Eastern India" Strategic Plan for Chhattisgarh.

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1 "Extending Green Revolution in Eastern India" Strategic Plan for Chhattisgarh

2 Chhattisgarh – Profile Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone Agro Climatic Zones  Falls under eastern plateau and Hills Zone Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones.  Geographical area 137.90 lakh ha. (4.15 % of the country)  Net sown area 47.85 lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area)  Forest cover 63.49 lakh ha. (46 % of its geog. area)  Average rainfall 1351 mm.  Net Irrigated Area 13.39 lakh ha (28%)

3 ParticularUnit National 2007-08 (Est.) CHHATTISGARH 2007-08 Net Sown Area (Percentage to Geographical area) Lakh ha.1403.00 (42.6 %) 47.70 (35 %) Irrigated Area (Percentage to net sown area) Lakh ha. 608.60 (43 %) 13.34 (28 %) Cropping Intensity%138134 Fertilizer Consumptionkg/ ha.117.0773.00 Productivity of Major Crops Rice kg/ ha. 22031560 Arhar824520 Soybean11241204 Agriculture Scenario - State vis-à-vis National

4 Major constraints  Low irrigation potential (28%): Mostly protective in nature. Only 6% of net sown area under assured irrigation.  Small and fragmented land holdings.  57% soil is of light to medium texture.  Cropping intensity 134%, Limited double cropped area.  Low SRR (20%).  Low and imbalanced use of fertilizers.  Inadequate adoption of improved technology.

5 Strategies  Increasing irrigation potential.  Improving soil health through balanced use of fertilizer and soil ameliorants (Lime & gypsum under NFSM).  Improving SRR.  Promote inter-cropping, mixed cropping and Line sowing.  Thrust on diversion of upland Rice with suitable Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds.  Promotion of farm mechanization.  Support to Research for evolving AES specific improved varieties.

6 Strategic Plan & Implementation

7 1. Increasing irrigation potential Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy.Fin. Construction of Micro- Minor Irrigation Tanks 100 % Max. 25.00 lakh 100 Nos. 2000.00 Construction of run-off management structures (Checkdam) 100 % Max. 10.00 lakh 200 Nos. 2000.00 Rainwater harvesting & storage for drought mitigation and increasing crop productivity : (Rs. in lakh.)  The topography of Chhattisgarh being undulating, there is good possibility of construction of Tanks and Checkdams in low lands.  The harvested rain water will be utilized to provide protective irrigation to Rice during dry spells in Kharif Season.

8 Utilization of harvested rain water for increasing cropping intensity through convergence  Harvested rain water will be utilized for cultivation of Rabi and Summer crops.  Linkage with State plan scheme for providing irrigation pumps to utilize stored water.  Training and organization of community in the form of water user associations for efficient management of common pool resource.  Compact demonstrations on improved package of practices under NFSM, ISOPOM, MMS to be organized in the command area.

9 2. Increasing Rice productivity by adoption of improved practices Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy.Fin. Incentive to the farmers to promote line sowing of Paddy crop (Hire charges of Tractors with Seed-cum-fertilizer drill) 75 % Max. Rs. 1000 per ha. 2000 ha. 15.00 Integrated Nutrition Management and Balance fertilizer kits for Rice (05 district) 75 % Max. Rs. 1000 for 0.4 ha. 35000 N os. 262.50  Biasi (Bushining) method of Rice cultivation which is largely followed in the State is highly water dependent and with declining rainfall, it is becoming increasingly risky.  The technology of Rice line sowing doesn't require Biasi operation and suitable for declining rainfall situations.  The productivity in certain districts is very low due to limited use of fertilizers. Balanced fertilizers kits are being provided in these areas.  Training on INM is being provided through other CSPs. (Rs. in lakh.)

10 3. Promotion of HYVs / Hybrids to increase productivity through demonstration ComponentUnit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy. (Nos.)Fin. (Lakh) Demonstration of HYV/Hybrid Rice Max. Rs. 1500 for 0.4 ha. 15000250.00 Demonstration of HYV (OP) / Hybrid Maize Max. Rs. 1500 for 0.4 ha. 15000250.00 Demonstration of Sugarcane tissue culture plants Rs. 7500 for 0.5 ha. 5000375.00  HYVs are being promoted in tribal districts where local varieties are commonly grown.  Hybrids demonstration are planned in districts where farmers have reached to the potential yield of HYVs.  Diversification from upland and summer Rice to Maize.  Use of tissue culture plants to ensure availability of quality and disease free planting material of sugarcane.

11 4. Increasing production of Pulses & Oilseeds  Area under Pulses : 9%, Oilseeds : 7%.  Large area in the form of uplands (30%) is available where Rice is being diversified into Pulses and Oilseeds in Kharif Season.  In rainfed low lands, Pulses and Oilseeds will be promoted on residual moisture after paddy harvest.  About 2% of Rice area is available as bunds where Pulses (Arhar) and Oilseeds (Sesamum & Niger) are being promoted.  Inter-cropping of Arhar with Soybean and Urd/Moong with Maize is being promoted for diversification & risk reduction. Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy.Fin. Distribution of seed minikits of pulses & oilseeds for inter- cropping / bund farming 100 % Actual Cost or Max. Rs. 300/ Kit 90000 Nos. 270.00 (Rs. in lakh.)

12 5. Promotion of organic farming Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy.Fin. Organic Vegetable Production Model in cluster 75 % Max. Rs. 6000 for 0.4 ha. 5000 units 270.00  There is good possibility of organic farming, particularly in tribal regions.  An NGO developed and tested model of organic vegetable cultivation named "Akshya" Model is being replicated.  This has been adopted by large number of farmers in Bilaspur district.  The model ensures round the year availability of compost for organic cultivation in one acre of land.  This scheme is being implemented through PPP mode. (Rs. in lakh.)

13 6. Input & technology support to Traditional Forest dwellers Component Subsidy Pattern Unit Cost Proposal 2010-11 Phy.Fin. Input support to the beneficiaries under Traditional Forest dwellers' Rights Act. 100 % Max. Rs. 1250 for 0.4 ha./ per farmer 80000 Farmers 1000.00 (Rs. in lakh.)  2.5 lakh tribal families have been conferred with land rights (Pattas) under the Traditional Forest dwellers' Rights Act.  Their land has been developed through convergence under NREGA.  Technology support in the form of improved varieties and balance fertilizers is being provided to these families.

14 Implementation status:  Construction of rain water harvesting structures will be done through soil conservation wing of the department for which sites are selected and DPRs are under preparation.  Beneficiaries identified and critical inputs arranged for demonstration of improved practices of targeted crops.  Demonstrations of Maize, Sugarcane and "Akshya" model of organic farming will be done under PPP mode. The selection of private partner is under progress.  District-wise targets allocated and detailed guidelines are issued to field staff.  Critical inputs are being distributed in the form of Minikits, Fertilizers kits.  Sowing of targeted crops in progress.


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