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Strategies for Alternative Learning How to Employ Gaming and Simulations in the Traditional and Online Classroom Environments Presented by Dr Jonathan.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Alternative Learning How to Employ Gaming and Simulations in the Traditional and Online Classroom Environments Presented by Dr Jonathan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Alternative Learning How to Employ Gaming and Simulations in the Traditional and Online Classroom Environments Presented by Dr Jonathan S. Lockwood Professor of Intelligence Studies American Military University

2 Strategies for Alternative Learning Use of games and simulations in the traditional classroom –Use of “Boardgames” –Use of Roleplaying Simulations –Use of “Computer Assisted” Simulations Use of games and simulations in the Online Environment

3 Strategies for Alternative Learning Boardgames –Commercial games widely available –Many are easily adaptable for classroom use Examples –Victory in the Pacific (WWII air/naval) game –Gettysburg “What If” simulation Above games illustrate impact of limited intelligence on decisionmaking

4 Strategies for Alternative Learning Roleplaying Simulations –Homeland Security Crisis Simulation –The Second Martian Colony War of 2045 Both of these simulations (present and intermediate future) can be adapted to intelligence play Can be used in either classroom or online environment

5 Strategies for Alternative Learning “Computer Assisted” Simulations –Large Scale simulations (Army After Next Winter Wargame, Millennium Challenge –Wide variety of commercially available computer games to choose from –Requires professor to create additional set of rules to govern the online simulation among the students

6 Strategies for Alternative Learning Games and Simulations in the Online Environment –Some online simulations already exist, but are not necessarily tailored to intelligence learning objectives –Roleplaying Scenarios easily transfer from classroom to online environment, and can be adapted to intelligence learning objectives

7 Strategies for Alternative Learning Key questions for Any Roleplaying Game: –1. What are the objectives you wish to achieve? –2. What strategy will you employ to achieve your objectives? –3. What intelligence requirements must you satisfy in order to carry out your strategy? These questions must be asked each time after the introduction of new information in your roleplaying game

8 Strategies for Alternative Learning The Future of Simulations in Learning –Second Life? –Holographic Simulations? What are the advantages and potential pitfalls of the above?


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