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Reading Strategy Spotlight Predicting Make Connections Summarizing /Analyzing.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Strategy Spotlight Predicting Make Connections Summarizing /Analyzing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Strategy Spotlight Predicting Make Connections Summarizing /Analyzing

2 Learning Goals: I can summarize an opinion text. I can question and criticize the ideas presented in an opinion text.

3 What is a Summary? A short version of the original To Summarize: 1.Focus on main ideas – dates, key terms and phrases 2. Highlight and record ideas 3. Break down the larger ideas 4. Combine related points if possible 5. Write down the ideas in sequence from beginning to end

4 Viewing Task Watch the video clip from “Playing to Win: Inside the Video Game Industry”. Try to remember 4 -5 main points from the clip. Be prepared to share your points with the class.

5 Summary of the Clip Points 1 Violence has been around a long time but it is different with video games 2 Video games are the second largest entertainment industry in the world 3 Atari (1976) – changed the rules of gaming when a game called “Death Race” was created that allowed the gamer to harm humans; the game was pulled because of public protest 4 1990’s – graphics allowed for more blood and guts 5 Mortal Combat released and in 1993 the U.S. Government had a hearing on the effects of violence in video games on children 6 As a result, a game rating system was created

6 Summary (continued) Points 7 Doom released; a first person shooting game which critics feared was a “training course in murder” after the Columbine school shootings occurred 8 No consistent evidence that video games are the only cause that push children to commit violent acts 9 2003 – Devon Moore went on a killing spree in Alabama and compared life to a video game; Grand Theft Auto 10 7-10 children report playing M-rated games; 45% have purchased adult rated games 11 2005 – Family Entertainment Protection Act established 12 Some agencies believe that banning violent games is wrong because it censors artistic expression

7 What is Analysis? A critical examination of ideas To Analyze: 1. Pause often while you are reading, listening, or viewing, to think about the text. 2. Ask questions such as, “who wrote the text?” and “what do they want me to think or do?” 3. Explain the key messages in the text and the evidence the author has used to support them. 4. Identify whether you agree with what is being said. 5. Make connections between what the author says about a topic and what you know.

8 Viewing Task Watch the video clip a second time. Select three of the analysis questions on your handout and record a response in the spaces provided. Be prepared to share your responses.

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