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Community online & offline… TALENT University. of Hawaii 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Community online & offline… TALENT University. of Hawaii 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community online & offline… TALENT University. of Hawaii 2005

2 What’s he thinking?

3 unity

4 Community

5 Number 1 complaint of online students: not enough peer interaction… Distance Education at One Alaskan University: A Case Study (Schrum, Ohler, 2003)

6 Comm- unity Where we: Live Learn Work Play Tell stories

7 Comm- unity We feel: Safe Connected Integrated Synergized Normed

8 Comm- unity Theory: solidary neighbor- hoods personal networks Wellman, 1988

9 Comm- unity Theory: solidary neighbor- hoods personal networks embedded- expanded virtual of interest

10 Welcome to Cyburbia - - home of the online experience -

11 We use the new to do the work of the old… before new art & communi- cation forms emerge… McLuhan Seeing technology...

12 New Media Offer new ways of interacting, learning, creating, socializing, being…

13 Orientation to online venue… Expands/limits what we do, who we are…

14 Orientation to online venue… New media tries to regain what’s lost, expand what’s gained… Expands/limits what we do, who we are…

15 Redefines taboo vs. tradition (behaviors, relationships) Orientation to online venue…

16 Interlational communication Redefines taboo vs. tradition (behaviors, relationships) Orientation to online venue…

17 Interlational communication Redefines taboo vs. tradition (behaviors, relationships) Hierarchy adhocracy Orientation to online venue…

18 Lack of meta-info

19 20 indistinguish- able ways to say “coffee” Lack of meta-info Orientation to online venue…

20 20 indistinguish- able ways to say “coffee” Lack of meta-info When we read online text, we read ourselves Orientation to online venue…

21 Community is the product not just the process… Orientation to online venue…

22 Community is the product not just the process… Stories hold communities together, make us who we are… Orientation to online venue…

23 Building Online Community Tips for creating online learning communities And teaching effectively online…

24 - 1 - Teach un- familiar in terms of the familiar; use metaphors

25 Conference metaphor: -cooperative classroom? -quiet seminar (with lake view?) -tavern? hallway?

26 Result: Situates socially … erases mind void… - 1 - Teach un- familiar in terms of the familiar; use metaphors Conference metaphor: -cooperative classroom? -quiet seminar (with lake view)? -tavern? hallway?

27 capture formal & informal com. -Seminar AND hallway - 2 - Use many social setting metaphors -capture formal AND informal -seminar AND hallway

28 -capture formal AND informal -seminar AND hallway -teacher-free zone (hallway) - 2 - Use many social setting metaphors

29 -capture formal AND informal -seminar AND hallway -teacher-free zone (hallway) -office hours? - 2 - Use many social setting metaphors

30 -capture formal AND informal -seminar AND hallway -teacher-free zone (hallway) -office hours? -small groups -encourage 1-to- 1 (email) - 2 - Use many social setting metaphors

31 -make expecta- tions clear -use checkpoints - 3 - Clarify structure, expectations

32 -make expecta- tions clear -use checkpoints -assignments due every week? incompletes ok? -min /max online involvement? - 3 - Clarify structure, expectations

33 -make expecta- tions clear -use checkpoints -assignments due every week? incompletes ok? -min /max online involvement? -authentication required? - 3 - Clarify structure, expectations

34 -assign roles: note taker, discussion coordinator, researcher, etc. - 4 - Delegate roles & responsibility

35 -assign roles: note taker, discussion coordinator, researcher, etc. - 4 - Delegate roles & responsibility -identify external help: advising, registration, getting materials, etc.

36 -use peer review, jigsawing, methods of interdependence - 5 - Require collaboration interaction

37 -use peer review, jigsawing, methods of interdependence -support this technologically (chat, phone conferencing, email… - 5 - Require collaboration interaction

38 -journaling -require reflection on content, process - 6 - Require reflection, evidence

39 -journaling -require reflection on content, process -proof of content “mastery” -use “copy&paste proof” assign- ments - 6 - Require reflection, evidence

40 -coach, cheer- leader, referee - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

41 -coach, cheer- leader, referee -attendance taker, task master - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

42 -coach, cheer- leader, referee -attendance taker, task master -guide on side (sage on stage) - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

43 -coach, cheer- leader, referee -attendance taker, task master -guide on side (sage on stage) -observer, partic- ipant observer - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

44 -coach, cheer- leader, referee -attendance taker, task master -guide on side (sage on stage) -observer, partic- ipant observer -tech, training support - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

45 -coach, cheer- leader, referee -attendance taker, task master -guide on side (sage on stage) -observer, partic- ipant observer -tech, training support -quality control chief/copyright enforcement - 7 - Teacher assumes many roles

46 -students post picts, video/sound clips -you post metaphor pict, video… - 8 - Blend media & personalize space

47 -students post picts, video/sound clips -you post metaphor pict, video… -audio/video con- ference if possible -meet once? at beginning? great! - 8 - Blend media & personalize space

48 -students post picts, video/sound clips -you post metaphor pict, video… -audio/video con- ference if possible -meet once? at beginning? great! -use common meta- reference points (news, web sites) - 8 - Blend media & personalize space

49 -students post picts, video/sound clips -you post metaphor pict, video… -audio/video con- ference if possible -meet once? at beginning? great! -use common meta- reference points (news, web sites) -extend campus electronically (UATV) - 8 - Blend media & personalize space

50 -we forget lectures -we remember stories - 9 - Practice storytelling

51 -we forget lectures -we remember stories -stories in context of content - 9 - Practice storytelling

52 -we forget lectures -we remember stories -stories in context of content -students as heroes of their “learning stories” -transformation as the key to learning - 9 - Practice storytelling

53 Education is now a buyer’s (rather than a seller’s) market.


55 Distance + education + accounting

56 1.Local & e-learning merge; virtual & physical space merge EDUCATION MARKETPLACE Implications

57 1.Local & e-learning merge; virtual & physical space merge 2.Vast, varied market EDUCATION MARKETPLACE Implications

58 1.Local & e-learning merge; virtual & physical space merge 2.Vast, varied market 3.Adding value becomes everything EDUCATION MARKETPLACE Implications

59 1.Local & e-learning merge; virtual & physical space merge 2.Vast, varied market 3.Adding value becomes everything How do you add value?? EDUCATION MARKETPLACE Implications

60 Community online & offline… TALENT University. of Hawaii 2005


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