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Tara Campbell Kelli Sowerbrower. About Annotated Discussion of and Reflection on Program Revised Course Paper Action Plan Updates Reviews Technical Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Tara Campbell Kelli Sowerbrower. About Annotated Discussion of and Reflection on Program Revised Course Paper Action Plan Updates Reviews Technical Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tara Campbell Kelli Sowerbrower

2 About Annotated Discussion of and Reflection on Program Revised Course Paper Action Plan Updates Reviews Technical Support Menu

3 “…metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action” (Lakoff and Johnson, 2003, p. 3). “…human thought processes are largely metaphorical” (p. 6). Aristotle said, “Ordinary words convey only what we know already; it is from the metaphor that we can best get ahold of something fresh” (as qtd. in Lakoff and Johnson, 2003, p. 190). About 3gs – Why a metaphor?

4 As we thought about our own navigation of prequalifying experience, and how we might communicate that to others, we were reminded of the basic features of our favorite apps. Simple Customizable Practical About Prequal 3gs

5 Full time English teachers Wives Mothers of teens/young adults 2 years into the PhD Program Both adore our iPhones About the Creators Kelli and Tara

6 From the handbook: The student will study her or his program of study, and reflect on her or his learning in the program up to this point. The student will take this document and briefly describe each course that was taken, highlight key learning from each course, identify key readings done in the course, and generate questions that arose by studying this topic and/or how this course helped her or him understand or work towards their scholarly interests and goals. The student will annotate and briefly reflect on each of the key readings done in each course in a reference list, APA style. Annotated Discussion and Reflection on the Program

7 Use the Syllabus Consider using Endnote Key readings means key to YOU “Correct” Installation v. Kelli and Tara Installation Examples Annotated Discussion and Reflection on the Program








15 The student takes a paper that was written in one of her or his courses, and rewrites this paper, integrating the instructor’s feedback. Submit the original paper along with the revised version. Revised Course Paper

16 Be practical You want an app you will continue to use Examples Revised Course Paper

17 Based upon the coursework taken so far in the program and the experiences in which she or he has participated (internships, research projects, presentations, etc.), the student develops a plan of action for both the major and cognate areas of her or his program. In this plan of action, the student reflects on her or his strengths and weaknesses as a student and emerging researcher. In regards to the student’s weaknesses, the student identifies a set of actions she or he can take to address these areas of weakness for the remainder of the program. Action Plan

18 Might include Program of Study Program Update Res plan CV Must include Reflections on where you are (strengths and weaknesses) Action you will take Action Plan










28 Keep Syllabi Annotated Bibliography POS Res Plan CV Updates

29 In reflecting upon the Prequal, I can see how it has helped me in my current preparation for comps. Also, at the same time of completing the Prequal packet, I was able to reflect upon my strengths and weaknesses as a doc. student. - Eliza Allen The pre-qual experience was an opportunity to reflect on my challenges and accomplishments as a doctoral student. It was rewarding to recognize the amount of growth and transition from a precocious student to a novice scholar. - Kamania Wynter Reviews

30 Working on my prequals helped me to see where I was in the program and it helped me in seeing what I had already accomplished. It also helped me to set goals for myself of things that I knew that I needed to work on. - Sanjuana Rodriguez The process of writing the prequal document, reaffirmed the wide variety of new ideas and ways of thinking that have been opened up to me since starting the language & literacy program. - Linda James Reviews

31 Your advisor Your professors Other students Questions? Technical Support

32 Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. References

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