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Introduction to Business English Chapter 2 Management ( B )

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1 Introduction to Business English Chapter 2 Management ( B )

2 Chapter 2 (B) Management Skills Managerial Roles Management Levels

3 13 a.1 Pyramid Structure (point-to-point structure) Top level will only give orders to middle level, not directly to first level; First level manager reports to middle level, who reports to top level a.1 Pyramid Structure (point-to-point structure) Top level will only give orders to middle level, not directly to first level; First level manager reports to middle level, who reports to top level Management Levels a. Managerial hierarchy a. Managerial hierarchy A chain of command

4 13 a.2 Circle Structure No strict level, Give order to those Who you think can do the job, Employees can report directly to top level a.2 Circle Structure No strict level, Give order to those Who you think can do the job, Employees can report directly to top level Management Levels a. Managerial hierarchy a. Managerial hierarchy A circular of command Top Middle First Employees

5 13 Management Levels b. Top Level Managers Functions: Setting organizational goals Defining strategies Monitoring & Interpreting external environment Making decisions Coordinate work Delegate power Hiring & Firing Evaluating Leading Functions: Setting organizational goals Defining strategies Monitoring & Interpreting external environment Making decisions Coordinate work Delegate power Hiring & Firing Evaluating Leading Titles : President, chairman, CEO, Vice-president of administration, Group head…

6 13 Management Levels c.Middle Level Managers Functions: Receiving broad overall strategies, mission and objectives; Translating into specific program; Implementing Functions: Receiving broad overall strategies, mission and objectives; Translating into specific program; Implementing Titles : Plant supervisors, college deans, Project directors, regional sales coordinator, General manager, administrator, Deparment manager…

7 13 Management Levels d.First Level Managers Functions: Directing & Controlling Work directly with employees; Motivate employees; Translate overall corporate goals into action plan Link b/t managers and non-managers Functions: Directing & Controlling Work directly with employees; Motivate employees; Translate overall corporate goals into action plan Link b/t managers and non-managers Titles : supervisor, line manager, Section chief, office manager, Function head, like production, Sales, accounting

8 13 Management Levels Questions for thinking: What’s the relations of mangement four funtions and three levels? Questions for thinking: What’s the relations of mangement four funtions and three levels? ---Top level managers spend most of the time on planning and organizing; ---First level managers’ time is allocated on directing and controlling; ---Top level holds the overall management of the organization; ---Middle level implements top level goals; ---Supervisors direct the actual work of the organization at the operating level. ---Top level managers spend most of the time on planning and organizing; ---First level managers’ time is allocated on directing and controlling; ---Top level holds the overall management of the organization; ---Middle level implements top level goals; ---Supervisors direct the actual work of the organization at the operating level.

9 13 Management Levels e.Keystone of the organization Original meaning of keystone: Central top stone of an arch; Take the pressure of both sides Without it, the arch would collapse. Supervisor---keystone of an organization Original meaning of keystone: Central top stone of an arch; Take the pressure of both sides Without it, the arch would collapse. Supervisor---keystone of an organization

10 13 Management Levels e.Keystone of the organization Supervisor---keystone of an organization ---connector: join management and employees; ---communicating ---interpreting goals and policies; ---giving instructions; ---satisfying the needs of employees; ---undertaking pressure Supervisor---keystone of an organization ---connector: join management and employees; ---communicating ---interpreting goals and policies; ---giving instructions; ---satisfying the needs of employees; ---undertaking pressure H Supervisor E

11 13 Management Levels Exercise: Draw a managerial hierarchy figure of our university, including job titles and levels. Exercise: Draw a managerial hierarchy figure of our university, including job titles and levels. Top President /Chancellor (Vice) 校长 Middle President/College dean 学院院长 First Director/Dean/Head of departments 系主任 Employees teachers and other staffs Top President /Chancellor (Vice) 校长 Middle President/College dean 学院院长 First Director/Dean/Head of departments 系主任 Employees teachers and other staffs

12 13 Managerial Roles Entrepreneur Disturbance hander Decisional: Resource allocator Negotiator Entrepreneur Disturbance hander Decisional: Resource allocator Negotiator Figurehead Interpersonal: Leader Liaison Figurehead Interpersonal: Leader Liaison Monitor Informational: Disseminator Spokesperson Monitor Informational: Disseminator Spokesperson

13 a. Conceptual skill 13 ---view the organization as a whole ---especially important for top managers ---thinking, information processing, planning 概念技能 ” 是高级经理人员最迫切需要的技能 ; “ 概念技能 ” 实质上是一种战略思考及执行的能力 ---view the organization as a whole ---especially important for top managers ---thinking, information processing, planning 概念技能 ” 是高级经理人员最迫切需要的技能 ; “ 概念技能 ” 实质上是一种战略思考及执行的能力 Management Skills Exercise

14 b. human skill 13 ---motivate, facilitate, coordinate, lead, communicate ---interpersonal relations are a type of human skills ---need by all management levels ---motivate, facilitate, coordinate, lead, communicate ---interpersonal relations are a type of human skills ---need by all management levels Management Skills ---particularly important at lower organizaitonal levels ---develop verbal skills, writing skills, computer skills ---particularly important at lower organizaitonal levels ---develop verbal skills, writing skills, computer skills c. technical skill

15 Q:What’s the relations b/t management skills and levels? 13 Skills Top management Middle management Supervision Skills Top management Middle management Supervision Management Skills Conceptual skill has to do with ideas; Human skill concerns people; Technical skill deals with things. Conceptual skill has to do with ideas; Human skill concerns people; Technical skill deals with things. Human Technical ConceptualHuman Technical

16 1. Review theory and vocabulary 13 Homework 2. Questions for discussion 3. Exercises 4. Preview chapter 3.

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