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Student Fees Links to Textbook and School Books. Student Fees RELEASE UPDATES SGH.103 Cash Code Maintenance Added option to mark which cash codes get.

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1 Student Fees Links to Textbook and School Books

2 Student Fees RELEASE UPDATES SGH.103 Cash Code Maintenance Added option to mark which cash codes get posted to school books SGH.520 Student Outstanding Fees Listing Allow exclusion of up to 8 revenue codes. Great if you want to find out students who owe money but exclude grad fees, yearbooks or charges for school trips SGH.905 Fee Course Definitions Report Added option to print whole master schedule not just fee courses to see if any were missed Added course teacher name

3 Fees to School Books ONE TIME REVIEW SGH.103 Cash Code Maintenance With addition of option to exclude payment based on cash codes from school books posting, review your cash code definitions to ensure that any you don’t want to transfer have been marked to exclude

4 Fees to School Books POSTING TO SCHOOL BOOKS SGH.550 Dayend Assessment/Payment Any cash codes marked to be excluded will not post to school books, will not appear on the report and will not be included in the account summary Allows you to track refunds, textbook returns, etc without affecting school books You cannot auto post to school books once the current date is outside the school books financial year, i.e. if your school books close May 31 st then you cannot auto post June payments

5 Fees Fees Questions, Issues?? Any questions concerns about fee process, how other schools handle certain fees? Refund challenges? When to carry forward year end? When to start entering information in new year vs. current year?

6 Textbooks RELEASE UPDATES All issue and return programs updated to disallow same book to be issued out or returned from students on the same date You can issue book X to Jane Doe and return it same date but cannot issue it out again until a later date TXB.520 Textbook Outstanding/Issues Report Added options to email statement to parent(s) and/or students with email addresses

7 Textbooks RELEASE UPDATES TXB.601 Build Outstanding Textbook Assessment Only update closing condition with issuing condition if it is blank Shortened textbook sequence number posted in description to their max length so that potentially all of the sequence number will fit when statements are printed, i.e. any sequence number that is 6 digits or less

8 Textbooks to Fees ASSESSING FEES FOR TEXTBOOKS TXB.535 Audit Textbook Condition/Status Review first for TEXTBOOK STATUS only Ensure books show proper status for history so that books aren’t declared lost but have a status of IN


10 Textbooks to Fees ASSESSING FEES FOR TEXTBOOKS TXB.601 Build Outstanding Textbook Assessment Course related for semester 1 outstanding textbooks. Term specifications EXTREMELY IMPORTANT All outstanding books at end of school year BEFORE CARRYING FORWARD FEES. If you carry forward your fees then build your textbook fees how are they going to carry forward into the new year?? You can’t run the carry forward again as that will double the assessment.

11 Textbooks to Fees ASSESSING FEES FOR TEXTBOOKS TXB.601 Build Outstanding Textbook Assessment

12 Fees Fees Questions, Issues?? Any questions concerns about textbook process? Doing semester 1 outstanding books? Lost vs. outstanding vs. condition? Trying to get outstanding textbooks in … what steps do you use to flog students to get the lost books found? When do you start process? Timing for processes? Do you assess as fees in the summer or fall?

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