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Discussion Topics for Church Property for HKCCCU 100918 1. Rights and Controls 2. Common Concerns 3. Q&A Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion Topics for Church Property for HKCCCU 100918 1. Rights and Controls 2. Common Concerns 3. Q&A Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion Topics for Church Property for HKCCCU 100918 1. Rights and Controls 2. Common Concerns 3. Q&A Session

2 1. Rights and Controls  LAW: Cap 123 Buildings Ordinance  Structural safety  Means of Escape (MOE)  Toilet provisions  LAW: Cap 131 Town Planning Ordinance  Land Use (no more Religious use)  Traffic (Victoria Rd)  Height (NPMC)

3 1. Rights and Controls  CONTRACT: Lease Conditions  St John’s Cathedral (only free-hold land in HK)  Premium/Waiver for change in use  Profit Tax (Deerhill)  Social Centre/School cum church  CONTRACT: Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) for Multiple Ownership Buildings

4 2. Common Concerns  LAND: Redevelopment of church property subject to above-mentioned laws and lease  St. Andrew’s Church Kln (listed monument)  St. James’ Settlement Wanchai (height/traffic)  China Congregational Church Causeway Bay  Deerhill  NPMC (EVA/height)  LAND: Purchase of land & Modification  Wing Kwong Church  Yan Fook Church

5 2. Common Concerns  GIC Premises  Multiple Ownership Bldgs- Check DMC  Office Buildings- Church in Admiralty  Residential Buildings- NOT Religious use  Industrial Buildings- NOT Religious use  All former I-land in the whole of Kln has been rezoned to Non-I use BUT I-buildings remains  (I-land remains in Ap Lei Chau, Chai Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Shatin and Fanling Only)

6 3. Q&A  (Church) Property are controlled by Laws and Lease  Every premises has unique set of “limitations”  Each Congregation has particular requirement  Find professional help for case-by-case assessment  Questions please!

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