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Reasons why you should take Advanced Placement courses: 1. Earn college credit for qualifying scores *5 point scale 2. Stand out in the college admissions.

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4 Reasons why you should take Advanced Placement courses: 1. Earn college credit for qualifying scores *5 point scale 2. Stand out in the college admissions process *maturity *rigorous courses 3. Gain skills that will help you succeed in college *writing skills * problem solving skills *study habits 4. Serves as an academic bridge between high school and college

5 College students who have not taken an AP class have a 33% chance of completing a Bachelor’s Degree; College students who have completed one AP course have a 59% chance of completing a Bachelor’s Degree; and College students who have completed two AP courses have a 76% chance of completing a Bachelor’s Degree. *Colangelo, Nicholas, Assouline, Susan, Gross, Miraca. A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students. Iowa City, Iowa:The University of Iowa, 2004. Print.

6 The #1 predictors for success in college (graduation) is the number of rigorous courses (gifted, honors, AP) completed successfully in high school. For each AP class a student completes, they double their chances of graduating from college. The average graduation rate at college is 52%.

7 Advanced Placement Grading The AP grade scale ranges from 5 to 1: Grade Meaning 5Extremely well qualified 4Well qualified 3Qualified 2Possibly qualified 1No recommendation

8 Advanced Placement Possible Savings to Parents * estimated cost of attendance at UGA tuitions and fees Georgia full time resident Tuition cost GA resident Figure cost per class Multiply cost per class by number of students passing with a 3, 4, 5 on AP exam

9 How much money do you think was saved in Houston County by taking AP Exams last May 2013? $2,142.610

10 Exam Year# Exams w/ 3,4,5 Amt Saved Tuition Costs 2006440$ 428,120 2007584$ 820,812 2008676$1,019,070 2009684$1,287,630 2010819$1,788,696 2011760$1,799,680 2012857$2,109,007 2013834$2,142,610

11 Advanced Placement Website For students, parents, & professionals Course descriptions Exam schedule Updates Credit policy

12 Advanced Placement Credit Policy Q - How do I know if my college of choice will accept AP? A - Do a search: “AP college credit policy”

13 Advanced Placement Houston County Possible Student Considerations: Acceptable GPA Teacher recommendation(s) Subject area grades AP Potential indicator Advisement with student for awareness and “balance”

14 Advanced Placement Exam Coverage Exam Cost for May 2013 $89 Parent Pay For NMSI-qualified subjects, NMSI pays ½ and parents pay ½.

15 Advanced Placement Houston County One main key to success: MOTIVATION

16 8350 North Central Expressway Suite M-2200 Dallas, Texas 75206 Ph. 214.346.1200 Fax 214.346.1299

17 17 Who/What is NMSI? The National Math and Science Initiative is a not for profit organization founded in 2007 to significantly expand and improve STEM education in the United States. NMSI has an immediate impact on students’ lives and is dedicated to getting more American students career and college-ready in order to compete in the global economy of the 21 st century. Currently, Houston County Schools, NMSI, and the Department of Defense Education Activity Fund (DODEA) are engaged in a 3-year $2.9 million AP and Pre-AP Teacher Training Program

18 18 AP MSE Enrollment Increases and Expected Scores Partnership Schools- Year 1 Combined Houston County HS, Northside HS, Perry HS, Veterans HS, Warner Robins HS 87.3% Increase! Source: NMSI and The College Board, Houston County Schools

19 19 Measurement and accountability NMSI’s comprehensive, standardized fiscal and program management systems Financial incentives for students, teachers, and administrators Student, teacher, and school awards based on bonus based on pre-determined AP thresholds in math, science, and English exams. Schools receive $35K in AP math, science, and English for equipment. Funds for teacher training and for Saturday student study sessions. More time on task for students Saturday Study Sessions Extra Tutoring Sessions Practice National Exam with results and customized review plans Expert resources Access to the most current and effective materials Online resources : NMSI Teacher Portal UT Homework System Extra training for teachers AP Teacher Summer Institute (APSI) Training Two-Day Conferences in the fall and spring for AP teachers Training for pre-AP teachers Support of AP teachers Saturday Student Study Sessions Elements of Success We’ve Got a Formula That Works!

20 20 What is STEM? An acronym for the fields of study in the categories of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Used in addressing education policy and curriculum choices in K-12 schools through college to improve economic global competitiveness. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns and immigration policy.


22 Gym Performing Arts Center- Psychology C23 C22 AP Language C21 AP Statistics C20 AP Physics I C19 Microeconomics C18 AP Spanish D28 AP Biology D31 AP US History D24 AP Chemistry D32- AP European History & Humanities/AP Art History D30-AP Gov’t D29-AP Studio Art D27-AP World History D26-Environmental Science F5-AP English Lit Gym Lobby D Hall C Hall Gym Hall F4-AP Calc AB/BC Café

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