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Welcome to Curriculum Night!! ~ Mrs. Davis~. What do I find important in the classroom? Learning Thinking Remembering Applying Solving Questioning Participating.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night!! ~ Mrs. Davis~. What do I find important in the classroom? Learning Thinking Remembering Applying Solving Questioning Participating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night!! ~ Mrs. Davis~

2 What do I find important in the classroom? Learning Thinking Remembering Applying Solving Questioning Participating Trying Respect Responsibility Students are in charge of their learning: –“Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.” ~Chinese proverb

3 My Expectations: 3 major requirements: –Be prepared for school each and every day –Show responsible behavior throughout the day –Try your best with all learning While I am teaching I expect students to: –Be actively listening, thinking, and participating in our discussion –Not disrupt the learning of others

4 Life as a Fourth Grader

5 Class Schedule 7:45-8:15 Arrival/Breakfast 8:25-9:25 Math 9:25-11:08 Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Word Work) 11:11-11:41 Lunch 11:41-12:05 TDPE 12:05-12:15 Restroom/Water 12:15-1:00 Specials (Math, Art, Science, PE, Music) 1:00-1:55 Science/Social Studies 1:55-2:40 STAR time (CQI) 2:40-3:00 Dismissal

6 Arrival of Students: Meet and Greet: o I believe each day should start off positive. For this reason, I greet each student as they enter the classroom. Give a greeting, get a greeting! o In addition, this is the time that I will be collecting ice- cream money and/or any parent notes. Morning Work/Breakfast: o Students will come into the room quietly, unpack, sharpen pencils, write down homework, and complete morning work. Morning work is to be completed before announcements are over. o Morning work will be a time for students to practice grammar and math skills. If they finish early, they may finish incomplete work or enjoy reading and writing. o This is also the time when students eat their breakfast.

7 Curriculum Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Grammar, Word Work): –Students must be able to respond to a variety of literary genres. –English grammar, spelling, mechanics and usage skills are ongoing AKS. –Comprehension skills are critical. Students must understand that Reading is Thinking. Students will: Read for a purpose Independently select and complete reading of short and long books. Identify main ideas and supporting details in reading selections. Recognize when reading does not make sense. Writing assignments cover the following genres: narrative, persuasive, informational. Writing assessments are graded on ideas, organization, style, and conventions. Math: –Students must be able to apply whole number computation skills (addition/subtraction/ multiplication/division) using basic facts to solve math problems. Identify, read, and write numbers with place values through millions. Add and subtract numbers involving regrouping. –Geometry, data analysis, probability and measurement are studied. –Fractions and decimals are an important instructional area as students learn to compute with fractional parts and mixed numbers.

8 Math A few students will go to Mrs. McKinley for math every day. This is an accelerated math class. Students were chosen based on CRCT and other test scores. They will also receive their math grade from Mrs. McKinley. Lessons will be taught starting with the concrete, using manipulatives and hands on activities, and ending with the abstract. Students must know their basic multiplication facts. Please help them practice!

9 Reading Instruction: We are also doing reader’s workshop – your child will get a lot of time to READ (on their level)! I have a classroom library and we will also go to the media center and check books out weekly. I will meet with guided reading groups that are based on the needs of my students. Reading Logs: 25 min. a night (this will promote good reading habits) o Students must fill the reading log out themselves o Please sign your child’s reading log nightly Read Aloud occurs daily: occasionally quizzes will be given Scholastic Book orders – be on the look out o Book orders will go home monthly o For every online order you make, we get a FREE book to add to our classroom library! The first time you go to the site, you need to register. o ( Our class code: o Scholastic book orders are a great way to get your child excited about reading o Every order includes several $1, $2, and $3 books!!

10 Writing Instruction: Writer’s Workshop: This model incorporates the writing process (Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing) with spelling and grammar skills We will be writing daily Squiggle (creative writing): Students have their schedule in the front of their Squiggle notebook It must be completed independently – please review the Squiggle with your child and encourage good writing, but do not correct their stories for them, please How will your child get their grade? (Picture, Date, Table of Contents, Title, and Complete Story)

11 Word Work: This is a time for us to teach spelling skills, cursive handwriting, and grammar lessons We will be doing word study so they won’t have spelling lists. They will have word study assessments, however.

12 Specials: Day 1: Music Day 2: Math Day 3: Art Day 4: Science Day 5: P.E.

13 Grading Policy: Grading Scale Reading, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Spelling –90-100A (excellent progress) –80-89B (above average progress) –74-79C (average progress) –70-73D (below average progress) –Below 70 U (unsatisfactory progress/failure of acceptable progress) o Specials Grades (Math, Art, P.E., Music, Science Lab) EExcellent SSatisfactory NNeeds to Improve UUnsatisfactory

14 Classroom Management Consequences for unacceptable behaviorWeekly Conduct Grade: –First Reminder: WarningE0 Checks –Second Reminder: Write in STAR cardS1-5 Checks –Third Reminder: Loss of privilege N6-11 Checks –Fourth Reminder: Phone call home U11+ Checks Parent Communication: Graded papers, STAR cards, newsletters, and school notes/information will be sent home in weekly Friday Folders. Please sign and return any reports or completed forms as required. Contact can also be made through the agenda or written notes (i.e., absences, appointments, transportation changes). Attendance: Regular attendance is important to your child’s progress at school. Please send a note for any absences. See Student/Parent Handbook for the complete attendance policy. Awards: Various awards will be given across the grade level. If your child is receiving an award, you will receive an invitation to the event. Award ceremonies are at the end of each quarter. Materials: Replacement of school supplies may be required as the year progresses.

15 Behavior/Incentives Starbucks – We will use Starbucks as the main incentive to encourage good choices! The students will be able to “purchase” various rewards throughout the year with the money they have earned! o A STAR gala will be held at the end of every nine weeks. Scholar Team player Accountable Respectful

16 Behavior Discipline Procedures: S.T.A.R. cards: STAR cards will be used as our school- wide discipline plan. Students are responsible for following classroom and school behaviors listed on the card. Behaviors (positive and negative) will be written on the cards. Any adult in the building may write on the card! Behavior should be a nightly conversation between you and your child, so you are not surprised on Friday with anything – this will be our main communication link. (Did your STAR card get pulled today? Why? What did you learn from your choice?) In more severe situations, a student may be referred to the office and/or given an action plan.

17 Behavior (continued) If class work or homework is not completed, students will be responsible for completing their work during their free time or will stay in for study hall. Finally, each teacher will communicate with parents through phone calls, email, and/or notes home.

18 Early Release Days Early Release Days: Early release days are held twice a year in elementary and middle schools to allow for parent- teacher conferences. School is dismissed 2½ hours early. –Fall early release days: September 24 th and 25 th –Spring early release days: February 25 th and 26 th

19 Miscellaneous Birthdays: o Simple is easy: buy the class ice cream ($1.00 per student) o If not, cup cakes are fine. We don’t have the time to cut and serve cake…. Please drop off any birthday treats in the office in the morning or feel free to bring it at your child’s lunch time (11:11-11:41). o 27 students!! Field Trips We are planning to have one in school and one out of school field trip this year.

20 Communication Parent Communication: Parent communication is vital to the success of our students. Agenda books and STAR cards are great ways to communicate with your child’s teacher. Newsletters will also be sent home monthly to inform you of what is being learned in your child’s classroom as well as important info. Contacting the Teacher: –Email –We are unable to be pulled away from our classrooms in order to take an immediate phone call. Phone calls are generally made to parents at the end of the school day or within 24 hours. Anderson-Livsey Elementary: (678) 344-2082

21 Friday Folders: Students will receive a weekly conduct and work habit grade on their STAR card. This will come home in their Friday Folder. Please sign the STAR card and send it back on Monday. Conduct and work habit grades for the week: E, S+, S, S-, N, or U. Please REVIEW all assignments in the Friday folder with your child. (Encourage correct answers and reinforce incorrect answers by reviewing the correct answer with your child).

22 Friday Folder (continued): Newsletter: –Sent home once a month Parent signature is necessary on items that are on the return to school side Look for important information in your child’s Friday Folder We are a team! –“A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.” ~George Santayana

23 Homework Homework can be expected on a daily basis. Students are responsible for copying their homework assignments into their agendas. Reading logs must be signed nightly Students are required to read at least 25 minutes a night Every night, please review homework with your child to ensure that it has been completed with full effort on their part Students who do not complete homework may stay in for study hall or work on it during part of teacher directed physical education (TDPE).

24 Homework (continued): Note any concerns in the student agenda book. In these cases the student may be given time during school to complete the assignment. The expectation is that homework is done at home!

25 Missing Work/Makeup Work Missing Work Policy: Students missing class work for the week should hand in their assignments by the end of the week on Friday. Make-Up Work: Students who bring excused absence notes will be given the opportunity to make up their missed assignments.

26 Promotional Criteria Promotion Requirements: Gwinnett County Public School District measures student mastery of the curriculum based on: Demonstrating mastery of the AKS determined by classroom grades and district assessments.

27 4 th Grade Website!!! http://adavis4thgrade.weebly. com/

28 In Closing: Please feel free to email or call me anytime. If I do not have your most current email and/or contact information, please give that to me before you leave. Also, let me know of number changes so I can update my files. Thanks for Coming! I am looking forward to an exciting school year and getting to know you and your child!

29 Here we go… "My goal is to translate response into results. Some teachers teach for others to learn. That’s not me. Some teachers teach for others to accomplish. That is me.” ~Anonymous “In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.” ~Ann Landers "Choice, not circumstances, determines your success." ~Anonymous "Confidence is the companion of success." ~Anonymous "Success comes before work only in the dictionary." Anonymous “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” ~Walt Disney

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