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NVC Process. When to Use NVC Whenever you witness yourself or others :  Judging  Experiencing unpleasant feelings  Experiencing unpleasant behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "NVC Process. When to Use NVC Whenever you witness yourself or others :  Judging  Experiencing unpleasant feelings  Experiencing unpleasant behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 NVC Process

2 When to Use NVC Whenever you witness yourself or others :  Judging  Experiencing unpleasant feelings  Experiencing unpleasant behaviors

3 How does NVC work? 2 Parts  Expressing  Listening

4 How does NVC work? 4 Components of NVC Process Includes:  Observation  Feelings  Needs  Requests

5 How does NVC work? Expressing with honesty observation feelings needs requests Listening with empathy observation feelings needs requests

6 AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION 1. OBSERVATION  I observe the facts or the trigger: What is the other doing, not doing, saying, not saying that contributes, or not, to my well-being:  Example : When I see your socks on the table….

7 How does NVC work? AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION 2. FEELINGS  I express my feelings in relation to my observation:  Example : When I see your socks on the table, I feel really upset….

8 How does NVC work? AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION 3. NEEDS  I express my needs that I satisfied or not:  Example : When I see your socks on the table, I feel really upset because I need some support and collaboration for maintaining this house clean.

9 How does NVC work? AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION 4. REQUEST  I express a clear request for action or for connection. (What can the other do to make my life more enjoyable?)  Example:  Request for action: Would you be willing to take your socks and put them in the washing machine?  Request for connection: Would you be willing to tell me how you feel about it?

10 How does NVC work? EMPATHIC LISTENING  OBSERVATION  I guess the facts that trigger the other: What I am doing, not doing, saying, not saying that contributes, or not, to your well-being  Ex : When you see my socks on the table….

11 How does NVC work? EMPATHIC LISTENING  FEELINGS  I guess your feelings in relation to my observation:  Ex : When you see my socks on the table, do you feel really upset….

12 How does NVC work? EMPATHIC LISTENING  NEEDS  I guess your needs that are satisfied or not  Ex : When you see my socks on the table, do you feel really upset because you need some support and collaboration for maintaining this house clean.

13 How does NVC work? EMPATHIC LISTENING  REQUEST I guess the other person’s clear request for action or for connection. (What can I do to make your life more enjoyable?)  Request for action: Would you like me to take my socks and put them in the washing machine?  Request for connection: Would you like to know how I feel about it?


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