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The Society of Women Engineers October Monthly Meeting The Ohio State University October 7 th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Society of Women Engineers October Monthly Meeting The Ohio State University October 7 th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Society of Women Engineers October Monthly Meeting The Ohio State University October 7 th, 2015

2 2 Agenda Hackathon Update Ice Breaker Upcoming Activities Member Recognition Other Reminders October Monthly Meeting


4 4 Ice Breaker – Card Game Suit (Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, Spades) Card Number Odds, Evens, and Faces Card Color (Red, Black) Those remaining get some candy! Everyone should have received a card when they walked in. We will display a category up on the screen and you need to get into a group with everyone who fits in that category as quick as possible. Last group to get completely together is out!

5 FUN FACT: Ada Byron Lovelace, daughter of famous poet Lord Byron, published a paper in 1843 that predicted the development of computer software, artificial intelligence, and computer music. In 1834, Ada heard of Babbage’s ideas for a new calculating engine – the Analytical Engine. Ada suggested to Babbage a plan for calculating Bernoulli numbers with the Analytical Engine. This plan is now regarded as the first “computer program.”


7 Outreach Discover Engineering is starting soon! Volunteers needed –Biweekly on Thursdays starting October 15 th –Must be available 2:30-3:30 (plus travel time) Assistant needed –Must be able to make it to every Discover Engineering event –Lead a group of around 20 middle schoolers with help of volunteers Contact Taylor Yeater.23 with questions, if you have to leave early.

8 Volunteer Opportunities 1)Engineering Homecoming Tailgate Saturday, October 10 th, 2015 Knowlton Plaza 7 am – 12 pm 2) Exploring Major Fair Monday, October 12 th Physics Research Building Shift 1: 11 am - 12:30 pm Shift 2: 12:30 pm – 3 pm 3) BDAA Career Fair Wednesday, October 21 st The Union Cartoon Room 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Please come talk to me after the meeting to sign up to volunteer or email Maher.117 if you have to leave early! Please come talk to me after the meeting to sign up to volunteer or email Maher.117 if you have to leave early!

9 Upcoming Social Events! Flicks for free… Scary movie theme Wednesday, 10/28 Insidious 1 and 2 are showing at 5:30 at the Ohio Union, bring a BuckID! Pumpkin carving Thursday, 10/29 Pumpkin carving, fun fall themed snacks, and… Hocus Pocus! Spa Night Thursday, 11/5 Take a break from studying with nail painting, a movie, and snacks Email Regina Gallagher.175 with questions, if you have to leave early

10 FUN FACT: Otterbein College is currently working on becoming a section of SWE!

11 11 Big-Little Updates! House 4 (The SWEet Team) is leading the race for the House Cup with 100 points Most involved Big/Littles is tied between Jasmine Johnson and her littles and Taylor Yeater and her littles Upcoming Big-Little Events: Apple picking – Sunday October 11 th Big/Little Craft Night – Tuesday November 3 rd WERQ Group Fitness Class – Monday November 9 th Don’t forget to keep signing in and taking pictures when you get together with your Big or Little Email Rachel Dubois.66 with questions if you have to leave early

12 Professional Development Events Dominion Info Session + Mock Interview –October 13 th 6:30 PM –CBEC 110/120 Parker Hannifin and Genentech Information Sessions – Date TBD FaculTea –Looking for one person from each major to help plan it for next semester –See me after! Email Katie Mitchell.1078 with questions

13 2015-2016 Buckeyethon Dance Marathon Team: SWiEsters When: February 5 th -6 th Registration Fee: $25 Minimum Fundraising amount: $250 Registration Deadline: November 6 th Contact Jaclyn Thomason.23 if interested in participating

14 TRIVIA QUESTION: Q: What large animal was buried on West Campus?

15 15 Will be given to company representatives when they reach out to us Submit Resume to Regina Gallagher.175 Include your membership number in your email to Regina if you are a paid member Must be a pdf named lastname_major Resume Book

16 16 We want to recognize our members for their accomplishments! Nominate fellow SWEsters for the great things they do Examples: –Katie studied really hard for her test and got an A –Regina got a research position! –Taylor teaches young girls about Engineering a lot and does a great job at it! –We want to hear all the great things you do! Maybe there will even be a reward for those who are nominated! Find the form at under membership Member Recognition - NEW

17 Other Reminders

18 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: 1 st Wednesday of Every Month: Monthly Meeting 3 rd Wednesday of Every Month: Study Room (Looking for someone to help lead the study room in two weeks-talk to me after if interested)

19 19 Member Points Students with the most points at the end of the semester get gift cards 1 point for social events 1 point for monthly meeting/study room 2 points for professional development 2 points for outreach/fundraising events 1 extra point for bringing a male Make sure you sign in at every event you go to!

20 20 Become a Paid SWE Member! Benefits: Officer position(s) in OSU, regional, societal SWE SWE conference with Ohio State – applications will be coming out in the newsletter soon! SWE membership directory Scholarships (Society and OSU level) Webinars Leadership opportunities No time commitment How to Join: Go to -> membership -> join – choose section “G059”

21 SAVE THE DATE: SWE Regional Conference February 5-7 th, 2016 @ U. of Cincinatti Applications will be coming out in the newsletter soon!

22 22 Other Opportunities SWE GroupMe – contact Erica Brackman.26 to be added If we don’t do an event we can start doing it Follow SWE on social media Facebook: Society of Women Engineers at Ohio State Twitter: @OSUSWE Insta: @OSUSWE Region G: Twitter: @SWE_RegionG Blog: Website: Facebook: Region G – Society of Women Engineers (SWE)


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