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Better Places to Live: Extending the smokefree environment Laura Ridout Smokefree South West UKNSCC 12 th June 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Places to Live: Extending the smokefree environment Laura Ridout Smokefree South West UKNSCC 12 th June 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Places to Live: Extending the smokefree environment Laura Ridout Smokefree South West UKNSCC 12 th June 2014 1

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3  To ascertain the behaviour of smokers when walking, shopping and eating in the High Street.  To ask how smoking behaviour impacts on non smokers  To elicit attitudes of smokers towards non-smokers and vice versa when outdoors in High Street areas.  To establish how smokers would react to a ban (voluntary or enforced) on smoking in their local High Streets.  To investigate the most effective route for delivering the Smoke Free High Street message with smokers and non smokers. Research Objectives 3

4 Sample and Method  Sample of 300 recruited ‘online’ with a good spread of ages from 16 – 65+, gender and social class both within smokers and non smokers  To qualify all respondents had to live or work in the towns and areas that make up the South West region.  Fieldwork was conducted from 24-29 th April 2014 and was based on a 10 minute questionnaire.  Most questions were asked of both Smokers and Non-Smokers though there were a number of unique questions that were only appropriate for either Smokers or Non-Smokers  Smokers were asked the number of cigarettes smoked, what time of day and how they disposed of their cigarette butts 4

5 Smoking habits 5 Q8: When you are out of your home or work environment which of the following best describes where you tend to smoke? When Shopping And When at Work …..

6 Smokers feelings towards non smokers when smoking outdoors 6 Q10a: How would you best describe your feelings towards non-smokers if they are near to you when smoking outdoors?

7 Non smokers feeling towards smokers 7 Q10b: How would you best describe your feelings towards smokers if they are near to you outdoors?

8 Attitudes to smoking - Smokers Nearly a half of the Smokers sample feel smoke on the High Street can be harmful to children. Over a third of Smokers wouldn’t consider smoking when out shopping. Indeed over a third of Smokers feel a Smoke Free High Street would be a better place to shop. 8 Q12: Now please read each of the following statements that some people have made and then for each one please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each.

9 Attitudes to smoking - smokers 9 Q12: Now please read each of the following statements that some people have made and then for each one please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each.

10 Attitudes to smoking - smokers Pavement Cafés Q12: Now please read each of the following statements and then for each one please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each. 10

11 Attitudes to smoking – non smokers 11 Q12: Now please read each of the following statements that some people have made and then for each one please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each.

12 Attitudes to smoking – non smokers 12 Q12: Now please read each of the following statements that some people have made and then for each one please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each.

13 13 Whether perceived as a problem if couldn’t smoke in local high street

14 Attitudes to a smoking ban in the High Street Smokers 14

15 Testing different messages with smokers 15

16 Testing the same messages with non smokers 16

17 Preferred origin of the sign TotalSmokersNon- Smokers Base: All Local Council Local community groups Children NHS Other 317 % 43 10 17 20 10 156 % 44 8 18 21 10 161 % 42 12 17 20 9 17 Q15b: And thinking about the tone of the signs that could be introduced, would they be best originating from?

18 Very acceptable Fairly acceptable Neither acceptable nor unacceptable Fairly unacceptable Very unacceptable A half of Smokers find the concept of a ban in local High Streets fairly or very acceptable. In contrast 84% of Non- Smokers feel a ban is acceptable. Q16: If the council had the objective of stopping smokers smoking in the outdoor High Street/Shopping areas of your local town/city. How acceptable would you find this. Acceptability of plans to ban smoking in local High St areas 18

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21 Any Questions? 21

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