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GIT SysML Work Update Representing Executable Physics-based CAD/CAE Models in SysML Presenter

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Presentation on theme: "GIT SysML Work Update Representing Executable Physics-based CAD/CAE Models in SysML Presenter"— Presentation transcript:

1 GIT SysML Work Update Representing Executable Physics-based CAD/CAE Models in SysML Presenter GIT Product & System Lifecycle Management (PSLM) Center Presentation to OMG Systems Engineering Domain-Specific Interest Group (SE DSIG) February 14, 2006 Tampa, Florida Copyright © 1992-2006 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to reproduce and distribute without changes for non-commercial purposes (including internal corporate usage) is hereby granted provided this notice and a proper citation are included. v. 2006-02-14

2 Copyright © 2006 2 Acknowledgements Sponsors: NASA, NIST GIT Team: Manas Bajaj, Injoong Kim, Raphael Kobi, Chris Paredis, Russell Peak, Diego Tamburini, Miyako Wilson Other Collaborators: Roger Burkhart (Deere), Alan Moore et al. (Artisan), Sandy Friedenthal (LMCO)

3 Copyright © 2006 3 Resources GIT SysML resources Main web  Presentations  See Presentations 1.1 and 1.2 (includes webcast video archive)    Related GIT techniques Composable objects  Multi-representation architecture (MRA) for simulation templates and CAD-CAE interoperability  This 2/06 Presentation: Highlights progress / deltas since Burlingame meeting (see Dec 2005 presentation for baseline info)

4 Copyright © 2006 4 GIT SysML Involvement - Overall Purpose Collaborate within SE DSIG: composable object (COB) concepts  SysML (esp. SysML parametrics) Leverage COB-based simulation template work to demonstrate and verify SysML capabilities CAD-CAE interoperability Systems-of-systems (SoS) knowledge representations... For further background and GIT SysML work-to-date: - See SE DSIG minutes/archives - Atlanta - 9/05, 12/05 - -

5 5 Sample Analysis Template Lug Template Applied to an Airframe Analysis Problem Composable object (COB)-based constraint schematic - instance view Solution Tool Interaction Boundary Condition Objects (links to other analyses) CAD-CAE Associativity (idealization usage) Material Models Model-based Documentation Geometry Requirements Legend: Annotations highlight model knowledge capture capabilities. Other notation is COB constraint schematics notation. Classical COB Notation [Peak, 1993; Tamburini, 1999; Wilson, 2000]

6 Copyright © 2006 6 Primary Progress since Burlingame/Dec’05 Updated our main examples to use SysML spec v0.98-SST (in Artisan Studio pre-release) Made instance causality explicit in our meta-solver tool (XaiTools) Provided spec feedback as part of the INCOSE SysML Evaluators team

7 Copyright © 2006 7 SysML-based Examples by GIT Test Cases Introductory tutorials (A) Triangle Spring systems Simulation template tutorials (A, B) Simulation building blocks Mechanical CAD & CAE: flap link Space systems: FireSat satellite Fluid power & system dynamics (C) Electrical/mechanical CAD & CAE Model train (for Mechatronics pilot) Racing bike Tool Interfaces A. Math solvers: 1. Mathematica B. Finite element analysis (FEA) solvers: 1. Ansys C. Dynamics solvers: 1. Modelica/Dymola See SysML diagrams here:

8 Copyright © 2006 8 Composable Objects (COBs) COB Services (constraint graph manager, including COTS solver access) XaiTools Ansys (FEA Solver) Native Tools Models Traditional COTS or in-house solvers SysML-based COB Authoring COB export COB Solving & Browsing COB API SysML-COB Architecture - Prototype v0.2 as of 2006-02-14... Exchange File XaiToolsArtisan Studio Mathematica (Math Solver) spec: SysML v0.98 SST SysML-based math/FEA solving via web services demonstrated during Feb. 14 OMG SE DSIG meeting at Tampa

9 Copyright © 2006 9 Composable Objects (COBs) COB Services (graph mgt, conf. control, meta-solving, persistence, tool access, UI,…) COB Management System (CMS) Tool Native Tools Models Traditional COTS and in-house end-user tools (authoring, viewing, solving,..) Tool Standards-based tool wrappers COB-Enabled End-User Applications COB SDK UI Components SysML UI Control COB API COTS SysML Tools COB API COB Tree Other COB Apps. Domain-specific Simulation tools COB API CMS Management Client Tools COB Authoring COB API COB Configuration Management COB API COB Browsing COB API Envisioned SysML-COB Architecture - 2005-10

10 Copyright © 2006 10 Next Steps Update current examples and tool interfaces Conformance to SysML spec v1.0 ~2006-2Q Draft recommended practices for SysML-based CAD/CAE and general parametrics usage Expand examples: other system levels, constructs, domains, SE tools, CAD tools, CAE solvers,... Demonstrate relations between SysML parametrics and:  State-based behavior  Requirements

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