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History of Information Systems Panel Presentation IFIP Working Group 9.7 History of Computing.

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1 History of Information Systems Panel Presentation IFIP Working Group 9.7 History of Computing

2 Presenters John Impagliazzo (Hofstra) Overview of IFIP’s efforts in the history of computing George Kasper (Richmond) ACM and MIS Joyce Currie Little (Towson) Early experiences and IS curricula Elias Awad (Virginia) The early days of information systems John A.N. Lee (Virginia Tech) Audience Participation

3 What is IFIP? International Federation for Information Processing IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as an aftermath of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. Today, IFIP has several types of members and maintains friendly connections to specialized agencies of the UN system and non-governmental organizations. Technical work, which is the heart of IFIP's activity, is managed by a series of Technical Committees.

4 IFIP Structure Membership 48 full members 3 corresponding members 11 affiliate organizations Technical Committees (12) Working Groups (76) International Conferences (65)

5 Technical Committee 9 (TC9) Relationship between Computers and Society Computers and Work (WG 9.1) Social Accountability (WG 9.2) Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics (WG 9.3) Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (WG 9.4) Applications and Social Implications of Virtual Worlds (WG 9.5) Information Technology: Misuse and The Law (WG 9.6) History of Computing (WG 9.7) Women and Information Technology (WG 9.8)

6 Working Group 9.7 (WG 9.7) History of Computing Founded by JAN Lee in 1992 Chair from 1992 to 2000 Created a spirit of computing history worldwide Sponsored “Pioneer Day” at IFIP World Congress New Chair John, Yours truly Make computing history interesting Sponsor meetings Sponsor conferences Participate in conferences

7 Aims of WG 9.7 Provide a central vehicle for information interchange regarding the methods and techniques of historio-graphy, especially as related to the opportunities for the studies of contemporary history. Provide expertise for the design, implementation and operation of archives and displays related to the history of information processing. Encourage the development of national archives. Develop a program of “Pioneers' Days" which recognize the contribution of pioneers and anniversaries of major events. Identify pioneers worthy of an appreciation and distinction and make "IFIP Pioneer Awards". Develop publication plans for histories of Information Processing. Promote the inclusion of historical modules in appropriate curricula.

8 Scope of WG 9.7 The history of computing and informatics with a view to providing the impetus to preserve the records and artifacts of information processing inventions, practices and activities throughout the world under the auspices of IFIP and its constituent organizations. One special focus is the socio-historical context and consequences of Information Technologies.

9 Events of WG 9.7 Past Pioneer Days at IFIP Computer Congresses World Conference on Computers in Education 2001 July, Copenhagen, Denmark As we speak ISECON 2001 World Computer Conference 2002 (WCC 2002) Montreal, 26-31 August Computing History of the Nordic Countries 2003, Trondheim, Norway Computing History of Russia 2004

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